Proficiency Panel Right At The Beginning

Chapter 845: restricted area

Lu Ren's eyes were deep, and he didn't have any fear at all. When he first came to the Shrouding World, because of his weak cultivation realm, he lived submissively. .

Now that he has reached the Immortal Extreme Realm, apart from Xuanxian, he has collected a large number of skill points and fate points to deduce the promotion, skipping Xuanxian directly, and obtaining the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit, so that he will be immortal and eternal.

Lu Ren's fists and feet matched each other, and Zhou Tian's body and divine fists circulated, and his qi and blood rushed straight through the ages, traversing the universe, like a dragon diving out of an abyss, where there is the aura of enlightenment, and a powerful aura is incompatible with today's mainstream cultivation methods that shroud the sky, tearing the world apart However, he gathered the heavens and the earth by virtue of his unbelievably tyrannical power, which was shockingly domineering.

His body is full of blood, like the true spirit of an immortal sage, but the slightest breath exuded is enough to crush the vast stars, as if he has reached the peak state, where is the newly born chick.

Who the **** did this jump out of the horned Gada, the way of cultivation is completely different from this world, the whole body is filled with immortal light, it seems to be close to immortal, which makes people feel shocked.

The three top supreme beings fought fiercely in an instant, and the winner was almost divided in just a dozen breaths. The supremely sublimated nameless supreme was smashed to pieces by Lu Ren's 300 times Zhou Tian Shenshen punch, and the celestial platform was torn apart. The supreme primordial spirit was completely annihilated by the power of extinction.

The other Zijin Holy Spirit was under Lu Rensheng's violent attack and killed him, allowing him to unleash countless magical and secret techniques. Lu Ren still punched out all the precious techniques that came towards him.

Then, under the desperate gaze of the other party, Lu Ren punched out coldly, completely shattering the other party's Zijin Holy Spirit, and his body flew around. Lu Ren grabbed it with one hand and collected all the shattered Zijin.

The god-marked purple gold is born to connect the avenue, engraved with the imprint of ten thousand ways, it is definitely the perfect carrier for refining magic weapons.

The two extremely sublime perfect supreme beings were hammered to death by Lu Ren on the spot. This scene made all the supreme beings in the restricted area lose their voices. Suddenly, there was no sound from the nine restricted areas.

Even the mythical Tianzun who was hiding in the restricted area remained silent, and just looked at Lu Ren with a bit of indifference.

Looking at the two killing information and the acquired skill points prompted by the system in his mind, Lu Ren was really happy, and he became more pleasing to the eyes of the Mythical God.

Ma De, look at me like this, I will kill you in three days!

Lu Ren cursed secretly in his heart, he didn't feel the slightest bit of fatigue from fighting the two perfect emperors just now, instead he was in high spirits, but he was able to fight in the restricted area again, and his blood soared into the sky.

The invincible aura accumulated by Lu Ren, who was still unsatisfied, with the continuous beheading of several supreme beings, was like a banished fairy descending from the nine heavens, patrolling the nine restricted areas, and passing through one life restricted area after another. No matter how to cover it up, even with the chaotic air tumbling, there is still no way to avoid Lu Ren's gaze, and he can see through the inside.

Lu Ren is picking soft persimmons. In the ancient times, there were at least a dozen or twenty people in each of the nine restricted areas. He needs to divide them and figure them out slowly.

One or two of these supreme beings are very selfish. If he singles out the supreme beings in other restricted areas, the supreme beings sitting in the remaining restricted areas will definitely look at them coldly. Will do it without hesitation.

After all, to reach the realm of the emperor, there is no one who is not confident, and the heart of seeking Tao is as firm as a rock. Everything is for the immortality that will be opened at the right time and the right place a million years later. road.

This kind of road to immortality, in Lu Ren's view, looks very much like the road to success in the present world. He thought it was a road to heaven, but he didn't realize that it was the escape route dug by Jinxian.

According to the battle between the Zijin Holy Spirit and the Nameless Supreme just now, he also has a clear understanding of his own strength. Three or five perfect emperors who have been sublimated to the extreme can still deal with or even counter-kill. It is difficult but not impossible to deal with. Seven or eight people can definitely do it by exchanging injuries for their lives. If ten or nine people, then they have to think carefully.

If it is too rampant, it may not be certain that you will trap yourself. After all, in the big universe that covers the sky, the art of fighting and killing is the best. Killing, talking about combat power.

The cultivation system in the Zhetian universe is definitely the most cutting-edge. Perhaps only sword immortals who walk the path of extreme destruction in the immortal world, proficient in magic and magical attacks, experienced practitioners, or become saints with strength Only those who are the best on the road can be qualified to break their wrists.

While thinking in his heart, Lu Ren inspected the nine restricted areas, passing by one after another, which is called the restricted area of ​​life by the outside world, feeling the pervasive celestial energy, taking a look at Juyue Shenshan, and picking some that seem to be of good quality The elixir of immortality, dig out the surviving immortal gold ingredients.

However, this action was usually regarded as a teasing operation by the supreme beings in these restricted areas. Now that Lu Ren is doing it, everyone is dumb. It seems that they have not seen Lu Ren's action at all. As long as the other party does not approach them No matter how wild he was in the sleeping area, he still pretended not to see it.

The supreme being in the forbidden area of ​​this life has already seen clearly that this belongs to the era of this enlightened person who ran out of nowhere. Perhaps only the ancient Tianzun can compare with it.

All the supreme beings are unwilling to be born at this moment to deal with the current emperor. The supreme being without that restricted area would have such a noble sentiment, sublimating himself to fight against a living perfect emperor in order to make other restricted areas feel at ease.

What's more, the Supremes who died one after another made the hearts of the Supremes tremble. This is definitely a peerless fierce man. A Supreme is born, even if he sublimates, he may not be able to cause harm to the other party.

The Extreme Sovereign who was killed just now was extremely sublimated, Xiantai greeted Wuque Daoguo, and transformed himself into the perfect ancient emperor Tianzun to charge and kill him. What happened was that he was beaten to death by the opponent with three punches and two feet. trace.

This kind of combat power is no longer as simple as killing the Supreme and suppressing the restricted area of ​​the world, but it can really calm down the restricted area, so that there will be no more self-defeating Supreme to hide in the world.

The Nine Great Restricted Areas had also secretly calculated that with the combat power shown by Lu Ren just now, if he wanted to suppress and kill the opponent, at least one of the Supremes in the restricted area would be required to come out in full force. For the sake of the ancient emperor, spare no effort to attack and kill them, only then can they all die together.

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