Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 175: Heaven and earth sympathy

The old suzerain's lecture process lasted a whole day.

A day later, he got up and floated into the palace, leaving behind everyone who was still struggling with their eyes closed.

Not long after, Song Ying, who was sitting at the end, was the first to open his eyes and scratched his head, only to feel at a loss. As for that ancient scripture, he felt lonely.

It's not that his comprehension is completely incompetent, and part of the reason is that his current cultivation level is too far away, and it is much more difficult to comprehend than a real person.

Another day later, Su Zhan, Shen Qiuhe and others ended their perception one after another.

Su Zhan sighed slightly, and said, "I have comprehended some fur, but it is of little use at the moment."

Shen Qiuhe smiled slightly, and said, "The method in this scripture, if used properly, seems to be able to enhance perception. Maybe I haven't comprehended the real essence and mystery, but it's a little helpful."

"Really?" Su Zhan was startled.

Shen Qiuhe's tone was obviously deeper than his, which made him envious for a while.

Two days later, Miao Tong also opened his eyes.

A bit of confusion flashed in his eyes, and he blinked twice.

"Junior Sister Miaotong, how is it?" Su Zhan asked immediately.

As a direct disciple, Miao Tong is recognized as the most excellent in terms of comprehension and talent, and has won the recognition of Zizhu Zhenren, and should have learned more from the scriptures than the two of them.

Miaotong shook her head and said, "This method is too mysterious. It seems to have sympathy with the heavens and the earth and enhance my perception. I'm too far behind, and I only grasp the superficial part."

"Heaven, the sympathy between heaven and earth?" Shen Qiuhe was stunned, and the part he had comprehended could not even touch the so-called sympathy between heaven and earth.

On the other hand, Wang Yu also opened his eyes at the right time.

"Junior Brother Wang Yu, how is it?" Su Zhan immediately asked Wang Yu again.

Wang Yu shook his head and said, "The Dharma door in this scripture itself is not tailor-made for us, and it is difficult to fully grasp it."

"How much has Junior Brother mastered?" Shen Qiuhe couldn't help but interject at this moment, looking at Wang Yu.

Miaotong also looked over and asked, "Do you have mastery of the sympathy between heaven and earth?"

"No, I'm afraid I can't even grasp the three points." Wang Yu said truthfully.

Miaotong agreed with it and said, "I feel the same way."

Shen Qiuhe and Su Zhan looked at each other and stopped talking.

They couldn't get in the conversation at all.

After chatting a few more words with Miaotong, they confirmed what they had gained, and then they continued to understand each other and waited for the rest of the people to finish.

Wang Yu opened his own panel interface.

Under the law of the birth and death of all things, there is a new method.

The sense of heaven and man (can be practiced)!

This is what he got after forcibly writing down the ancient scripture said by the old suzerain.

In fact, he obtained this method early, and being able to rank above the natural way is enough to see how valuable this method is.

He's been playing it in his head ever since, trying to get it all in.

It's just that the speed of proficiency growth is not fast, and a few days are not enough for him to master it.

However, as his proficiency increased, his perception did improve slightly, but not much.

Compared with the effect of this method after the real completion, it is completely insignificant.

After the Dharma door is completed, you can obtain the ability of heaven and earth sympathy.

At that time, in addition to the five senses, two additional perceptions will be born.

Heaven and Earth.

The specific role of these two perceptions is not clear to Wang Yu for the time being.

He only knew a general category.

Strengthen mental power, strengthen perception, search for enemies, domains, divination and prediction, etc.

In short, there are many functions, and it belongs to a very powerful heaven-level method!

It can even be said that it is a magical power.

If a real person completely masters this magical power, he can finally use the magical power to break through the last level of cultivation bottleneck!

Thinking of this, Wang Yu couldn't help but look at Master Zizhu.

If this old man can master this magical power before the time limit comes, then there is still a chance to change his life.

Just as he was thinking like this, Master Zizhu finished his enlightenment and sighed.


He only spit out one word, and Miao Tong's original expression also had a faint expectation, and then it dimmed.

"Master, there is still a chance." Miao Tong said softly.

"Hehe, it's okay, fighting with the sky, fighting with fate, the joy is endless."

The real Zizhu smiled lightly and stroked Miaotong's head twice.

In Wang Yu's heart, he thought that after the proficiency level is full in the future, he will fully grasp the sense of heaven and man, and he can teach Zizhu Zhenren all the money, and he will have no chance.

After a long time, all the real people present ended their enlightenment one after another, and everyone got something.

Some of the invitees from the real world have even more admiration for the old Sect Master who has left.

The exchange will then continue.

A real person dressed as an old man flew and landed on the cloud platform in the center.

Wang Yu recognized that this was the real Tiangu from Tiangu Peak.

He is the most eclectic senior among all the real people, with long loose hair covering most of his face.

The exposed part was covered by a thick black beard, so he couldn't see his complete appearance, let alone whether he was walking in a beggar gang style or a savage style.

"Master, the old man has made a good start, and the old man has also made a fool of himself today, so he passed on a battle method suitable for all ages.

If a disciple of the innate realm learns it, it is the innate battle technique, and if a real person learns it, it is the real battle technique. There is no spiritual root requirement, and it all depends on the individual's understanding.

This method is called Tengu Chasing the Sun..."

Lao Dao shook his head and said, with a seal in his hand and a wave of his sleeve.


Suddenly, a big dog jumped out of Lao Dao's sleeve and quickly grew to a length of more than ten meters, looking fiercer than a liger.

When the claws fell, there was a violent shock in the space.

Only in terms of power, it is really good, and the tactics are extremely flexible, and it is as good as having an additional battle pet that agrees with one another.

After showing his hand, Lao Dao began to formally teach the Fa with satisfaction.

Wang Yu listened carefully, no matter how good or bad he was, he would record it on the panel first.

In any case, this is a real-life teaching method, and the opportunity is rare. It is impossible for him to miss such an excellent opportunity to cut wool.

The Tengu Laodao passed the one-day method, and then left the stage as if he had completed the task.

Then the second real person took the seat, referring to the real Tiangu, and also passed on a battle method.

Repeatedly, almost every real person of Wu Feng will appear once.

All the disciples present were attentive and listened carefully.

The way the old sect master had taught before was too advanced and difficult for them to understand.

These real people are the most suitable for them to learn and master.

Even if some teachings are not suitable or cannot be learned, if they continue to be patient, there will always be one suitable for them to master.

The real person's teaching session lasted for about a month.

That is, they are a group of congenital or real people, they can endure such long-term sitting and study hard, absorb the energy between heaven and earth, and can maintain consumption.

Don't worry about starvation or hemorrhoids...

"I never imagined that Master Feiyu would pass on the Piaoling Jue this time, and I have long wanted to learn this flying technique.

It is said that Feiyu Peak is full of handsome men and beauties, the most immortal, and in my opinion, this Piao Ling Jue has played a big role..."

"I have loved to sing since I was a child, and Xuanyinfeng's vocal skills are just right for me..."

"I didn't expect that Dan Feng would not teach people alchemy this time, but changed his teaching to cooking..." One person whispered, fearing that he would be heard, and he would inevitably learn a lesson.

The person on the side just thought it was funny, "This is the art of fighting fire, why do you cook."


After the preaching was over, the atmosphere on the cloud platform became more relaxed, and we exchanged experiences with each other, and the highly concentrated mind became relieved.

Wang Yu looked at the more than 30 items on the interface, or tactics or secret techniques.

I am in a good mood, as long as it appears on this panel, it is what he can learn and master, and he only needs to invest enough time and energy.

I am afraid that no one present, including all real people, has gained as much as him.

For a long time in the future, he probably will not lack cultivation techniques.

And it would be even more remarkable if they could have the opportunity to integrate these tactics and secret techniques that started at the innate level, as before.

The high platform in the center was vacant for a while, and suddenly one person flew out.

"Zhao Yi, a direct disciple of Jindingfeng, asks Senior Brother Baihao from Xuri Peak for advice."

"This is the beginning." Su Zhan murmured.

Wang Yu looked at it, although he participated in the exchange meeting of this sect for the first time, he also understood the general process of the exchange meeting.

After each teaching, there is a competition among the disciples of each peak. Usually, the disciples who pass on the Fa will come forward.

It seems to be a competition between two disciples, but on this occasion, it also represents the level of the disciples of their respective Wufeng lines to a large extent.

The winner will naturally become a new generation of influential figures in the inner sect, and the loser, represented by Wu Feng, will also have a faceless face.

No one wants to lose in this situation, so basically, there is no such thing as letting the water go. The disciples are all competing, and the competition is extraordinarily exciting.

"Master, the disciple is gone." Bai Hao stood up and bowed to the real Han Yang.

"Go." Real Han Yang nodded with a light smile.

"Brother, come on!"

"My brother is invincible in the world!"


The disciples of the Xuri Peak lineage sitting in the back squeezed their fists to encourage Bai Hao, who was about to end.

Bai Hao nodded, and immediately fell into the center high platform with his sword.

Wang Yu's eyes fell on the field, Bai Hao was already a veteran of the inner door a hundred years ago.

This Jin Dingfeng's Zhao Yi dared to challenge Bai Hao directly by name, and he can only say that his courage is commendable.

Win or lose, no one will make fun of him.



The two of them didn't talk nonsense and started fighting directly.

This is a duel between two Innate Realm powerhouses. If it is placed on the broken star, it is simply a peak duel, and even a battle that affects the national fortune.

But on top of this cloud, this kind of battle becomes a sparring between disciples.

Under the raging innate energy, the place surrounded by clouds and smoke also surging.

Fortunately, this gimbal is the handwriting of the old sect master. It is sturdy enough, and it is very stable no matter how tossed it.

The battle between the two was fierce. This Zhao Yi was also a personal identity, and his strength was indeed profound enough to show his due style.

But in the end, he was defeated and was knocked out of the gimbal by Bai Hao.

"Acceptance." Bai Hao held a long sword like a golden sun in his hand, and his whole body was writhing with imposing manner.

"Senior Brother Baihao's Way of the Three Suns has reached the realm, and he has learned it." Zhao Yi's face was pale, and he was slightly injured.

Bai Hao also returned to the Rising Sun lineage.

"Master, fortunately not humiliated."

"Haha, I have a good rest." Real Han Yang was extremely satisfied with this proud disciple, and he was even more in a good mood now that he had won the match against Jin Ding.

On weekdays, these real peak masters would not easily take action, and if they had to compare, they would be disciples of Bibi.

"Master, this disciple is ashamed." Zhao Yi said in frustration.

"It's okay, it's just to make Han Yang proud." Jin Dingzhen said with a wave of his hand.

Thinking about how to get this place back in the future.

At this moment, another disciple fell into Taichung, with a graceful figure, a beautiful face, and a fairy spirit.

is a female disciple.

Wang Yu had the impression that he had seen this woman when he was a mining star, and she seemed to be the leading eldest sister of Fei Yufeng at that time.

Just as he was recalling, this senior sister suddenly faced his direction.

"Shouldn't it be..." Wang Yu was stunned, the senior sister had already spoken.

"Zhang Ruo, a direct disciple of Feiyu Peak, seeks advice from Junior Sister Miaotong of Zizhufeng."

Wang Yu secretly said that it was indeed the case. Judging from the posture just now, it came from their Zizhu lineage.

"Hey, I didn't expect Junior Sister Miaotong to be so sought-after, and she was taken first by others." Gu Jingtong couldn't help but be surprised when he heard about Xuanyin's lineage.

He originally wanted to challenge this junior sister, but others came first.

It's fun to think about.

Among the inner sects today, Miaotong has risen rapidly since she learned the way of nature.

Although the cultivation time among the disciples is not long, the strength should not be underestimated.

After several exchanges, she became even more famous and became a new generation of man of the year.

Even among the female disciples in recent years, they have often compared her with the elder sister Zhang Ruo of Feiyufeng.

Zhang Ruo was even older, almost the same generation as Bai Hao, and a role model among female disciples.

Speaking of which, Miao Tong is proud of being able to be challenged by Zhang Ruo's name.

"Master, I'm going." Miao Tong stood up and said, and then entered the arena without neglecting.

"Master, how big is the chance for Senior Sister Miaotong to win?" Wang Yu asked.

The real Zizhu stroked his beard and said with a light smile: "If Miaotong was really not his opponent two years ago, it would be good to have a 20% chance of winning.

But last time, she was seriously injured by the emperor-level earth beast, and her luck and misfortune depended on each other. After returning, her cultivation level quickly broke through the bottleneck. "

"After the heavy damage, the strength will break through. The more desperate the situation, the more potential the potential will explode. This kind of thing will happen to serious geniuses." Wang Yu sighed in his heart.

For a fake genius like him, the proficiency of the exercises that are hammered to the dead panel will not be instantly full. Naturally, there is no such thing as misfortune and fortune.

Therefore, he has to stay behind and do his best to put himself in danger.

On the other side, Miao Tong was already fighting with that Senior Sister Zhang Ruo.

Miaotong's way of nature has been built into the four bridges of water, fire, thunder and earth, and the power of the four elements of warfare is infinite, and people are dazzled.

"Is this the natural way of Zizhu's lineage! It looks really scary..."

"She can do the tactics you know, but you can't, she still knows how to play..."

"It's no wonder that this little junior sister has been so popular in recent years. I think that even if senior sister Zhang Ruo is asking for advice today, it is difficult to overwhelm her."

"That's not necessarily true. After all, Senior Sister Zhang Ruo has the qualifications, and she will become a real person in the future!"

"Could it be that Junior Sister Miaotong will not step into the realm of real people in the future?"

There was a lot of discussion among the disciples, some were optimistic about the senior sister, and some were optimistic about the junior sister, and they belonged to the two factions.

Zhang Ruoxiu is higher, inheriting the line of Feiyu, coming and going like the wind, floating like a fairy.

Miaotong is like a splendid meteor, and almost the entire cloud platform of the four-element eruption is her attack range.

Just looking at it this way, Zizhu Zhenren's judgment is accurate, and the senior sister and the junior sister are indeed on equal footing, and it is difficult to distinguish between them.

After fighting for nearly half an hour, the two stopped tacitly.

It is clear to each other that in this situation, the outcome is indeed hard to tell.

Only by fighting for life and death, using the ultimate move, and pressing the powerful secret technique at the bottom of the box, can there be a result.

But it certainly cannot reach this level. After all, this is just to learn from the same stage, not to fight to the death.

"The rumors are true, the junior sister is really good, and I look forward to learning from each other next time."

Zhang Ruo said with a faint smile on her fair face.

"Okay!" Miaotong nodded, seemingly unsure.

Afterwards, the two of them retreated each other, and emptied the central gimbal again.

"Yes, disciple, when she becomes a real person in the future, she will definitely not be your opponent." Zizhu real person said.

He is already very satisfied that Miao Tong can be like this.

"If I can build a wind bridge, the situation will be different." Miao Tong suddenly said when he saw Wang Yu's view.

Wang Yu smiled, "I think so too."

The two have practiced the Way of Nature together, and they have a common language in this regard.

In Wang Yu's view, Miaotong suffered from the loss of speed and movement.

Fei Yufeng dominates the inner sect with his erratic and mysterious movement. Ordinary disciples can't even touch the sleeves and trousers of others when they face the disciples of Fei Yufeng.

Although Miao Tong has built a Thunder Bridge, he is not weak in speed bursts, but far less agile than the other party.

Coupled with the experience of the other party, the initiative has always been firmly held in the hands of the other party.

Miao Tong simply couldn't hold the other party.

After that, there were several more rounds of battles, and the disciples from all the peaks did not hide their tucks, and the battles became enthusiastic.

Some have arrogant personalities, and they even become the champions, winning consecutive battles.

At the time of the meeting, disciples continued to emerge, becoming new inner sect powerhouses.

There are also former influential figures who have been defeated and replaced by dark exits, which makes people feel The inner door is a small world, and those outstanding powerhouses are the stars in the sky, dazzling and winning.

"Junior Brother Wang Yu, do you want to go up and show your hand?" Su Zhan suddenly instigated softly at this moment. After being glanced at by the real person Zizhu, he immediately shrank back and did not dare to continue speaking.

Wang Yu has indeed considered this issue.

If it is his original character, he has no interest at all in such a show that has no real benefits.

But he is now a direct disciple of Zizhu's lineage after all. If all the direct descendants of each peak have appeared on the stage, but he is the only one who can't move forward, it is somewhat unreasonable.

Since he has inherited the many benefits of being a disciple, he should do something for the Zizhu lineage.

Just when he was thinking of finding an opportunity to pick an opponent to come to the stage to ask for advice, the cloud platform that had just been vacant suddenly flew down, facing Zizhu's lineage, and said loudly.

"Tiangou Peak, the new Jin personally passed Zabu, and asks Junior Brother Wang Yu from Zizhu Peak for advice!"

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