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Chapter 147: Not a knife, just a knife (2 in 1)

"Then I'll go." Wang Yu said, turning around and leaving the rooftop silently.

Looking back, the old man Bai He had already taken off into the air. The moment he just met the general envoy, blue light flashed around the two, accompanied by a strange space distortion.

The next moment, both of them disappeared.

Seeing this, Wang Yu calmed down a little, and quickly swept to the capital city of Simosance.

At this time, several groups of troops were quickly mobilized, and they took the airship to suppress the satellite island No. 3.

Wang Yu, who had no sense of existence, had already sneaked into the city without any danger at this time, waiting for a good opportunity.

At this time, there was not much commotion in the capital city. Even if a large number of troops were sent, there were still a large number of remaining city guards in the city to maintain order.

Until a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, one person held a corpse in his hand, looked down at the city below, and shouted loudly.

"Yucheng is dead, who wants to avenge him!"

The sound was thunderous and arrogant.

The countless people below were stunned for a moment, and they did not react for a while, looking up at the sky.

The next moment, more than ten powerful figures flew out from all directions of the capital city.

"Crazy, Hugh is talking nonsense here!" An old man raised his eyebrows and shouted loudly.

Although he is old, his strength is huge, turning into two atmospheric pythons.

The rest of the people who appeared were also the strong Simsangs who stayed behind in the capital city. The same Qi python coiled around his body, breathing out his energy towards the madman.

Feeling that all the powerful Qi machines were locked on him, Thunder Sword Madge didn't look nervous at all, on the contrary, he laughed wildly.

"I'm talking nonsense, you can see it!" Mad Ge threw the corpse in his hand.

A group of West Messance powerhouses stared intently, and their eyelids jumped.

The corpse was indeed wearing the suit of the general envoy of Huafu, and the figure was the same as that of Yucheng who went to suppress the riot.

It's just that the decapitated head was full of blood, and it could only be seen that it was somewhat similar, and it could not be determined in detail.

Just when someone was going to pick up the corpse, Mad Ge waved his hand, and the big sword with the mad thunder energy immediately fell. Everyone didn't have time to react, and the corpse was chopped into pieces by the mad thunder sword energy in the air.

"How courageous!" A strong man from Simeons was furious, and he took the gas python and went straight to Kuangge.

No matter how strong Mad Song is, it is not the opponent of so many strong Sims in front of him.

He laughed wildly all the way, fighting and retreating...

In the city below, because of the sudden arrival of Mad Song, there was finally a greater chaos.

In particular, the news of Yucheng's death made people who didn't know the truth feel flustered.

A low mountain in the capital city is in a state of blockade all the year round, and it is guarded by heavy troops at all times.

Today, we also welcomed a guest here.

A figure descended from the sky, slamming into the low mountain like a meteorite.

Immediately, all the soldiers and generals on the mountain were overturned.

The next moment, a loud shout came from the mountain.

"Since you're here, let's all stay!"

One after another, the gas pythons collided, causing the entire low mountain to shake. This was a fierce battle between the top powerhouses.

The soldiers will not be able to intervene, and can only retreat to the side to protect themselves.

The next moment, a figure swept out of the low mountain, it was Qinggang.

With a calm face, he stared at the two powerful figures that walked out of the low mountain.

One of them threw a crimson signal smoke and was about to rise into the air.

However, a flame appeared out of thin air, like a fierce sun falling from the sky, burning out the signal smoke that had just risen.

The fireball fell into the top of the mountain and exploded, and in the flames, there was a graceful and beautiful figure.

It was also a familiar person to Wang Yu, the senior sister Yaoling from the cave residence.

He was holding a fire sword in his hand, and the red light shone brightly on the whole person, like a female fire goddess.

The two strongmen of the Simersans who guarded the mountain swept away the flames and swords with energy, and a sense of crisis appeared in their hearts.

"The magnetic door is in a hurry, come and help!!"

Soon, several roads in the city roared and responded.

"Who dares to be so presumptuous!" shouted a Zhongzheng voice.

"Trouble me to clean up, you must go and have no return!" A manic voice came out immediately.

There are several other figures rising into the sky, all of them are the top powerhouses of the Simerons Empire.

On weekdays, he basically retreats and cultivates in this capital city.

Only when there is a major turmoil in the city will they break through the barrier and show up to carry out repression.

At the same time, at the bottom of the low mountain, there was a deep and long circuitous tunnel, all the way up.

The tunnel is only spacious for one person, and the front and rear are blocked, the air is thin, and it is difficult for ordinary people to climb.

However, Wang Yu continued to ascend in this tunnel like a snake.

He did not use energy to assist him, and he knew that once the fluctuation of energy appeared, even if he was underground, he would be detected by some keenly perceptive powerhouses.

Fortunately, he was able to mobilize the airflow to travel in the air, and it was not difficult to climb this upward tunnel.

This tunnel was also dug out by the old man Baihe, who had been looking for people to find opportunities for the past two years.

To be able to dig a tunnel so heavily in an enemy country is bound to be extremely difficult.

It is really amazing that the old man Baihe can do this.

But even so, Wang Yu only had a few minutes to act.

After all, this is an away game, Qinggang, Thunder Blade Madge and the others, no matter how strong they are, they can't stand the crowd, and the strong are like clouds.

Wang Yu snorted under his feet and further accelerated to fly by.

Soon he faintly sensed the violent fluctuations in the battle outside, and the entire mountain was shaking.

He knew it was almost there.

In a blink of an eye, a layer of thick soil rock was seen on the top.

This last section of the road was not dug in order to prevent detection.

Wang Yu directly steered the gasification cone and forcibly broke the road.

The sky was shattering outside, and Wang Yu's little movement here was not noticed by the group of top bigwigs outside.

Inside the cave, the Magnetic Gate of Simsance is located in it.

At this time, there are still four tall and burly generals who are not leaving, guarding the magnetic door.

Even if it was like this outside, they still didn't move.

"What sound?" A person suddenly said, and he faintly heard a faint sound coming from the hole.

It seems to come from the ground!


When he looked, a floor tile not far away suddenly cracked.


The four of them are people with keen perception, and they immediately sensed the increasingly clear movement underground.

Before the four of them could make the next move, Wang Yu had already broken through the bricks and rocks and rushed out.

Mud was scattered all over the place.

With a glance, the situation in the cave was clearly seen.

"There are still four mid-Qi powerhouses?" Wang Yu thought secretly.

The four did not hold back their breath, and with his current perception, he could see the true cultivation of the four at a glance.

The information of the old man Baihe only confirmed that there are two ancestor-level late-stage qi-activating powerhouses who retreated in this cave.

But they didn't find out about the other four.

"Kill!" The four of them were also decisive, and without asking who Wang Yu was, they all swarmed up with energy.

They couldn't see through the details of Wang Yu, and they didn't dare to be careless at all.

If you can catch it alive, you can catch it alive, if you can't catch it alive, you can kill it directly.

It must be ensured that the magnetic separation door is foolproof and that no one can approach it.

Seeing this, Wang Yu immediately retreated to another place.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, he released a few bursts of energy.


The four of them drew their swords and slashed out, and in the process of breathing out the sword qi, they easily cut off a few of Wang Yu's strong qi.

"But in the early stage of Qi cultivation!"

The four of them relaxed a little, but fortunately, the cultivation base in front of them was not too strong.

Just when they were about to take it down by means of thunder, a ghostly figure suddenly and silently swept out of the broken hole, while the dust was haunting.

No energy fluctuations, no sound, not even a little wind noise when moving.

The sense of existence was so low that even the four of them were unaware for a while.

"Death!" The four were chasing and blocking, and Wang Yu was unable to advance or retreat in an instant.

The sword in one hand slashed out again, and the refined and domineering blade slashed into Wang Yu's body.

"Huh? Something's wrong!" The man immediately felt that something was wrong.

In front of him, Wang Yu's body immediately became distorted under the impact of the sword qi, and finally turned into a mass of pure blood and scattered.


Before the four could react, the magnetic door behind them fluctuated abnormally at the same moment.

The steady flow of energy begins to atrophy.

"Not good!" Their expressions changed greatly, and they looked back.

Wang Yu was standing beside the magnetic door, opened one hand, recovered the scattered blood, and at the same time was waiting for the magnetic door to be restored to the magnetic astrolabe.

As he had done in the capital city of Nancy, he already had experience.

It takes about 20 to 30 seconds to clear the magnetic ion gate and restore it to the magnetic ion disk.

"Stop!" The four of them shouted, and rushed towards Wang Yu in a hurry.

"Are you looking for death?" While waiting, Wang Yu warned the four.

The four of them didn't care, they only knew that once the magnetic door was lost, not only would they be blamed for their death.

Even the family behind them, their wives and children, will suffer!

Knife Technique · Grain Heart Burnt Blade!

Knife Technique·Blasting Knife!

Swordsmanship · One Pole Gathering Yuan!

Knife Technique · Breaking the First Seal of Blood!

The four people's eyes were red, and they burst out the strongest killing move, trying to kill Wang Yu instantly.

Wang Yu stood where he was, silently watching these people wielding swords and swords.

In the eyes of outsiders, these four move as fast as thunder and as fast as the wind.

The mighty swordsmanship caused the energy in the surrounding space to be entangled and chaotic, and it was extremely powerful.

But in Wang Yu's eyes, the movements of the four of them seemed to be slowing down, and the flaws in their suits did not pose any threat to him at all!

Wang Yu stepped sideways, holding the handle of the knife in his hand and suddenly pulled out the knife.

There is no strength to huff and breathe, and the knife gas is vertical and horizontal.

It's just an ordinary knife, but it caused the blade to buzz, accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder.

The four people's swordsmanship and swordsmanship have not yet been fully used, and they suddenly realize that the sword in their hands has been shattered, and the sword qi and sword qi that they cut out also vanished with the seemingly simple and unpretentious sword of the other party.

With a muffled groan, one of the generals who rushed forward, a layer of blood burst out from his chest, flowing down continuously.

Looking closely, it was a stab wound. Not only was his knife cut off, but also the armor and flesh on his chest, his sternum, and even his heart were split into two.

His face turned pale with the naked eye, and his breath disappeared.

He stared, and murmured, "What kind of swordsmanship is this?!"

"It's not a sword technique, it's just a knife." Wang Yu replied.

The man closed his eyes and died, and the remaining three people were shocked, and the souls of the dead were all gone. They were only half a step away from death just now.

"Most of the enemies are enemies in the mid-stage Qi realm." Wang Yu secretly said in his heart.

He did not use any techniques just now, just a normal knife.

He can have such power only because his power is boundless, and his knife speed is so fast.

Now his physical body is so powerful that no matter how simple and unpretentious a knife is, it has the power to kill these imperial powerhouses in seconds.

The remaining three hurriedly retreated, and Wang Yu did not chase.

The magnetic separation gate on the side is about to be restored to the original magnetic separation astrolabe.

"Damn things!"

At this moment, a loud shout came from the entrance of the cave, and a white-haired ancestor of West Messance rushed back and saw the restored magnetic door beside Wang Yu, his eyes were splitting.

He was one of the two elders of Tonghe who guarded this magnetic door, Yunhe.

The Simersans Empire is not a noble family, but the real imperial power.

This second elder Tonghe is a member of the Presbyterian Church.

According to the old man Baihe, the average age of the members of the Presbytery is probably close to three hundred years old. In Simosance, all of them are old monsters who have not been born and become elites, and their strength and status are not trivial.

Although he wanted to try the strength of this ancestor, Wang Yu didn't care about it.

The qi of the primordial water in the body is poured into it to activate it.

Immediately, a layer of light blue mask opened and expanded, and even pushed the old ancestor out.

"Wu Zong's Refiner!"

Tong He's face was extremely ugly. He could see that the enemy who came this time was not small, and he was well prepared.

Two qi pythons burst out all over the body, carrying monstrous energy on the mask.

The mask shook for a while, but was not broken.

Tong He continued to blast several times, and the device in Wang Yu's hand cracked.

But at this time, the magnetic door on the side was finally restored to the magnetic astrolabe, and Wang Yu grabbed it in his hand.

"You dare!" Tong He was shocked and furious.

Wang Yu ignored him, left the device behind, and jumped directly into the tunnel where he came and disappeared.

After a while, Tonghe finally defeated the mask and dodged to the hole that was dug out.

The tunnel below has already been filled by Wang Yu.

Qing Gang and Yao Ling, who were also in the mask outside, received news of their success from Wang Yu at the same time.

The two immediately fled into the sky without warning.

The same is true for the Thunder Sabre Mad Song, who is fighting and retreating in the distance, with thunder light on his body, and he runs faster than anyone else.

"Chase, be sure to grab the magnetic door for me!!"

The entire capital city shook up and down.

At this time, Wang Yu had already drilled out from the entrance of the cave.

It is a remote corner of a forest in the city.

When he came out, the city was already in chaos, and the pursuers had not yet found him.

There was no one around, and Wang Yu was shocked, shaking off the little mud that remained on his body.

He was carrying a small black box in his hand, which contained the magnetic astrolabe that he had obtained.

This black box is also a treasure that the white crane old man has prepared for a long time. When the magnetic astrolabe is placed in it, there is no energy leaking out of it. From the outside, such a small box can't be ordinary.

The reason why this black box is prepared is also to prepare for the ability of Simusans to track the magnetic ionized astrolabe.

Just as the people of the Nancy Imperial Family were able to track the location of the magnetic astrolabe.

This can also be regarded as learning the lessons from the past and improving this action plan.

At this time, Wang Yu took advantage of the chaos in the city and quickly turned over the high wall without stopping.

An ordinary patrolling soldier, even if he passed in front of the other side, might not be able to notice him.

The powerhouses in the sky are flying all over the sky, and the manpower arranged by Baihe, such as Qinggang Yaoling, attracts the powerhouses of Simersance to pursue.

Wang Yu, on the other hand, sneaked in a low-key manner without any sense of existence, and left in the opposite direction.

After a while, the entire capital island was suddenly shrouded in a huge light curtain, people inside could not get out, and people outside could not get in.

This is to completely block the magnetic astrolabe and prevent Wang Yu from escaping the island with it.

However, in the Chifeng Sea outside the island.

Wang Yu stuck half of his head out of the water and looked at the light curtain covering the island.

He had already got out of the island one step ahead of schedule.

Even if he can't fly with air, his speed on the ground is equally astonishing.

This action started from the appearance of Thunder Sabre Mad Song, to Wang Yu's escape with the magnetic astrolabe.

The whole process, the old man Baihe planned for two years, or even longer, but it didn't take more than fifteen minutes from the beginning to the end.

This is the time set for them by the old man Baihe.

For no other reason, the charging time required for the giant screen on this island to open and release is a quarter of an hour.

The old man Baihe had already anticipated the possible reaction measures the other party would make, so he repeatedly warned them to move quickly, calculating the time to evacuate.

If you can't come out after a quarter of an hour and are blocked by the giant screen, then it will be extremely difficult to escape.

"Mr. Yucheng is really dead?" an official from Simersance said uneasy.

The corpse that Thunder Blade Madge brought up before was indeed very real.

"No, it's not possible, the general's strength is sky-high, and he already has the name of God of War, how could he be killed, it must be fake..." Another officer said, but his tone was not quite sure.

"Then why the Master has not shown his face yet?" Another person asked weakly.

Now people are panicking, including officials like them.

The war with Nancy is about to begin. If Yucheng, as the general envoy, is suddenly killed by someone at this time, it will definitely be a huge bad news for Simersance.

They will fall into a brief period of leaderless dragons.

At this moment, a person suddenly came from outside the island, and it was Yucheng.

He stared at the giant screen covering the entire capital city island, and instantly knew that something big had happened in the city.

"Okay, Baihe! Nancy! What a tug of war!"

Yucheng clenched his fists tightly, his eyes extremely gloomy.

At this time, he didn't know that the magnetic door in the city was gone, otherwise his mood would only be a hundred times worse.

Half a day later, Wang Yu found a cargo ship at sea according to the predetermined position.

"Junior Brother Xiaoyu, you've worked hard."

A familiar face in a sailor's suit appeared on the deck, and it was the law in the cave.

In this operation, he has no role to play, that is, he is here as a liaison and support role.

"Is everything going well?" Wang Yu asked.

Lawful nodded with a smile, "It's going well, the senior brothers are also following the plan. I believe that they will soon be able to get rid of the pursuit of the strong men of Simusans, and there is no need for us to worry about the teacher."

Wang Yu nodded.

The camouflaged cargo ship turned around and headed towards the border of West Messance, towards the sea of ​​​​storms.

Just when Lawful asked something Wang Yu's complexion changed slightly, and he grabbed Lawful and rushed out of the cargo ship.

A group of scorching hot air fell from the sky, and the entire cargo ship was blown to pieces.

Wang Yu and the two were suspended in mid-air, staring at the person walking out of the fire.

"I knew the teacher would make arrangements. This is really his style."

Hearing this low voice of laughter, Lawful's face instantly tense.

Wang Yu's expression also became a little dignified, and he never thought that he would see the person in front of him again at this time.

It was the slaughtering **** who killed the Simerons mission and attacked the capital city!

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