Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 100: end of civil unrest

"You are the most outstanding child of this generation in the family. The family's requirements for you are not only in terms of personal cultivation, but also in cultivating your ability to control and plan. This is why I want to bring you home this time."

The elder added to the appointed youth.

The young man's face was still as calm as water, he nodded and said, "I understand, I won't let the family down."

"Yeah." The elder nodded.

"As for the leaders of the rebel army, I will be personally responsible for more than 30 years of retreat. I want to see if those old faces are still at fault!"

Having said that, the elder folded his hands and left alone.

After half an hour.

Wang Yu and Liu Bingwei walked out of the guarding courtyard together.

Liu Bingwei's face was obviously not very good-looking.

Being taken away from the command by the youth, even her personal army had to accept the other party's orders and could not act without authorization.

If it were any officer, he would be very angry.

"What is the origin of those people, and why do they have such great power, they can dispatch and appoint matters here at will."

Wang Yu just held back for a long time, and now he came out and asked immediately.

Liu Bingwei is obviously someone who knows.

Liu Bingwei took a deep breath, calmed down, and said coldly, "That one does have the power to do so, do you know what his name is?"


He shook his head, asking if he didn't know anything.

Liu Bingwei didn't expect him to answer, and then said condensedly, "His surname is Dongfang, his name is Yuanhua!"

"Dongfang? That's the emperor's family!" Wang Yu said in surprise.

Liu Bingwei nodded.

Wang Yu knew that the upper classes of the entire Nancy Empire were the military and military families.

They established the country with military force, and Nancy was originally the country jointly created by the ancestors of these military and military families.

Such a feat of founding the country also allows these families to hold a lot of real power in the empire, as well as the lifelines of various resources.

The foundation is so deep that no one can shake it.

Among them, the major families respected the Dongfang clan and recognized his leadership.

Therefore, the Eastern family is called the imperial family of Nancy. It has been more than 300 years since Nancy's founding.

"This Dongfang Yuanhua, who is more than two hundred years old, can be said to be a witness to the rise of the empire. He has a detached position in the military, and his power is no lower than that of any army commander.

He appeared now, which also means that the above has given him full responsibility for the civil strife here. "

Liu Bingwei said as she walked.

Wang Yu smacked his tongue secretly when he heard it, and he did not expect that the other party was an old monster who lived for about two hundred years.

He had previously heard that the pioneer's legion commander had been in the army for more than 150 years, and this one was even more remarkable.

Looking at the human race here from the perspective of the previous life, I really can't adapt.

Not to mention two hundred years old, there are many people in those military and martial arts families who lived three or four hundred years old.

It is because of the accumulation of generations of these strong men that these families have grown so prosperously.

God knows how many unborn old demons are hidden in every family.

"As for that Dongfang Ye, I also recognize that the leader of the Dongfang family's generation is also one of the top talents cultivated by the imperial family. At only twenty-two years old, his cultivation base has already reached the sixth stage of burning blood.

Now that two years have passed, I am afraid that it is hoped that the blood will turn again, and it will hit the late stage of burning blood. "Liu Bingwei shook her head.

Compared with this proud son of heaven, she is much inferior.

But this one beside...

Liu Bingwei thought of this and looked at Wang Yu beside her.

According to the military information, Wang Yu is still a few months away from reaching the age of 20, but his cultivation base is already comparable to her, and his blood is turning four.

At this level of cultivation speed, it is expected to catch up with that Dongfang Ye.

And Wang Yucai is just an ordinary imperial citizen, and the other party is a genius born in the imperial family.

The cultivation resources that the two of them received from childhood are absolutely worlds apart.

That's what made Wang Yu's cultivation talent even more obvious, and even attracted Dongfang Yuanhua's question.

"Can you tell me more about this senior Dongfang's past deeds?" Wang Yu suddenly asked.

He has scruples about this old guy, and wants to know more and be prepared.

Liu Bingwei did not refuse, but because the other party was a person with a long history, what she knew was not so comprehensive and detailed.

On the same day, Wang Yu left the island town of 732 on the grounds of returning to the army and returned to the island town of 725, where Chen Wenlin was located.

The reason for this was that he did not want to interact too much with those people from the imperial capital.

Maybe some people who are swaying with power, wish they could get closer, after all, this is the son of the emperor's family.

If he can get the appreciation of Dongfang Yuanhua, I am afraid that his career in the empire will take off in the future.

But Wang Yu was not interested in these, and his intuition told him that these were troublesome people.

Stay away from them and stay away from trouble.

In order to be able to cultivate safely, he naturally had to stay far away.


In 725 Island Town, the secret deer gang members here have almost been wiped out for the time being.

As long as there is a slight sign of resurgence, the strong man of the Silver Army will bring people to arrive at the first time and take action to suppress it.

Therefore, it is now much more peaceful and stable than 732 Island.

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Chen Wenlin led the troops and only needed to patrol the island every day. Even when he was idle, he would be arranged to assist in moving bricks, rebuilding the island town, and restoring many important facilities, so as to facilitate the transportation of war resources in the future.

After Wang Yu came back, he spent several days moving bricks, cutting down trees, and doing some infrastructure work together.

Practice daily exercises in your spare time.

Previously, he stayed in the island town of 735 for a few days, and together with Liu Bingwei, he either beheaded or captured the secret deer gang members, and he was very busy.

Let him get a lot of merit points as he wishes.

In the next few days, the treasures and meat he needed for his cultivation were already available.

Directly take the obtained merit points to exchange such training materials with the military.

He has also figured it out now. Cultivation is always the most important thing. In the case of no money, these merit points can be used as soon as they are used, and there is no need to think about waste.

During war, there are many more opportunities to obtain merit points than in peacetime.

A week later, most of the infrastructure tasks of 725 Island Town were completed.

With the assistance of a large number of military warriors, many tasks will become much easier.

Many much-needed buildings have been erected from the rubble. Displaced people have a temporary place to live. Order is gradually being restored. The island town has also resumed operations, which is enough to support the transportation of war resources from the rear.

At the same time, news spreads like a bomb detonated in a nearby island town.

The island town of No. 740 was completely occupied and completely controlled by the Secret Deer Gang. The local 350,000 people were imprisoned. The guards and other troops were slaughtered and sacrificed.

Including a few troops that supported the past, they all went back and forth!

The seriousness of the situation is astounding.

Soon, Dongfang Ye from the main star imperial capital, in the name of the chief in charge, passed orders to all the troops in the nearby island town.

Immediately, form a strong army, retake 740 Island Town, and wipe out all the elk gangs that appear!

It could be seen that the young chief was quite angry.

This mission order came suddenly, and did not give everyone much time to arrange.

Chen Wenlin responded to the call and decided to bring half of the detachment there.

The remaining half remained in the town and continued to guard.

The other corps in the island town also had similar arrangements.

Everyone took the airship to gather in the nearby 737 island town, and took the ship to launch a general attack here.

The scale of this assembled army is not small, the number adds up to more than 5,000 people, and most of them are elite warriors, and their combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

On the boat, Wang Yu sat beside Chen Wenlin, his eyes fell on the bow.

Dongfang Ye stood there, his expression still indifferent.

Another young man also walked with him, with a lighter face, as if he was not very concerned about the complete fall of 740 Island Town.

Wang Yu had inquired about this young man, Xu Mingzhi, a handsome young man of the Xu family in the empire.

At present, he is thirty-one years old, and his cultivation base is rank five.

It is worth mentioning that his third battalion battalion commander is also from this family.

On the boat, Wang Yu did not see that Dongfang Yuanhua.

It is said that it may have gone to 740 Island Town in advance.

"Information shows that this 740 island town is most likely the headquarters of the Secret Deer Gang, which has been secretly operating here for several years.

In the early days of the outbreak of civil unrest, this place was the most stable. Unexpectedly, the sudden attack would make people so caught off guard. "Chen Wenlin sighed.

Wang Yu nodded.

However, in his opinion, the fall of 740 Island Town is probably the last madness before the civil unrest in the archipelago is settled.

All the tentacles involved in the island town that the Secret Deer Gang has run for many years have been cut off.

With the power of a gang, it is almost the limit to be able to achieve this level under the siege and suppression of the imperial army.

And Canaan wanted the contribution made by the secret deer to help this chess piece, and it was nothing more than that.

Make this area as chaotic as possible, and for as long as possible, to cause trouble for the main force of the Nancy Front.

The ship quickly approached the island town of 740. No accident, a thick iron spear shot from the island quickly.

"It's Canaan's ship-breaking crossbow!"

Everyone stood up suddenly, with solemn expressions.

During this period of time, many of them had suffered from this ship-breaking crossbow, and naturally knew how powerful it was.

"Speed ​​up the ship, go to the island at any cost!" Dongfang Ye said calmly, his expression unchanged.

These battleships are made of the strongest materials, even if it is Canaan's ship-breaking crossbow, it is not so easy to sink it.

In the power furnace, a large amount of excellent quality coal is stuffed into it to create the maximum hull power.

The sound of the breaking waves below quickly intensified, and the huge ship felt like it was driving out of a speedboat.

However, although the hull is, many soldiers on the ship were unfortunately shot, and the huge penetrating force on the iron spear can kill these elite soldiers in an instant.

Only the warriors above the sixth level of body forging can hide.

Wang Yu stretched out his hand to probe, grabbed the iron spear and shot it.

The huge penetrating force was useless to him, and the big hand firmly clamped it.

That Dongfang Ye was also quite capable, standing alone at the bow of the boat, neither dodging nor evading, he also blocked many iron spears with just his fists and feet.

Although the ship was damaged, it quickly drove to the island.

The next moment, everyone jumped to the island one after another.

They were greeted by a group of hooded Secret Deer Gang, and the battle broke out in the most intense way.

A round of arrows volleyed, covering the battlefield.

From time to time, there are explosions produced by gas blasting rocks, and the sound of killing is earth-shattering.

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