Princess Consort Is No Pushover

Volume 1_Chapter 191 Find a Witness

Fortunately, she had been prepared to put everything on her cousin, Dan'er, and Nanny Zhang, but even if it was found out that she had nothing to do with her, the prince would lose trust in her.

If something happens to Dan'er, the prince will definitely suspect that it has something to do with her.

No, she can't sit still, she has to go out of the house, to say hello to those shopkeepers, and to make a good confession.

"Princess, you can't restrict our personal freedom. It's against the law. I'm going out now. I don't want to stay here. Tell them to get out of the way." Nangong Rou pointed at the guards and said in a deep voice.

Yun Ruoyue sneered, "Sorry, no one can go out until the account book is checked."

"You are under house arrest, imprisoning our personal freedom. What if I am fine if it is found out?" Nangong Rou said angrily.

"You are fine, but it does not mean that your cousin is fine. If it is found that he is fine, I will apologize to you. If it is found that there is a problem with him, then he has to be handed over to the government. He should be imprisoned and killed. Head." Yun Ruoyue said.

"You, you're going too far." Nangong Rou squeezed her fingers sinisterly, wishing she could kill Yun Ruoyue.

In her gentle eyes, a ruthless killing intent flashed, Yun Ruoyue forced her to this point, she had no choice but to think about fighting back.


Soon, the first group of guards who checked the account came back. When they came back, they brought a few shop owners with them.

As soon as those bosses saw Princess Li's posture, and they didn't dare to lie to the royal family, they pointed at Madam Zhang as soon as they came in.

Among them, the owner of Yuxiangzhai said, "My lord, Xiaomin's rice is actually sold for one tael of silver per bag. These ten bags should be ten taels of silver. If she quotes a high price, she will give Xiaomin a 20% kickback."

The owner of this store didn't want to tell the truth, but the guards of the palace who went there just now were very dignified and threatened that if they dared to tell lies, they would raid their store and confiscate their property.

Of course they were afraid of this, so they were so frightened that they hurriedly told the truth.

Who dares to offend people from the palace.

Anyway, Nanny Zhang is not one of them, and everyone would definitely like to say that they can save their own store.

Another butcher seller also said, "My meat was originally sold at 20 cents a catty, but Madam Zhang insisted that I write her a receipt for five taels per catty, but she didn't give me a kickback. She said, if I If I don’t write it like this, she will never come to my meat stall again. She is a big customer of my family, and I dare not offend her, so I have to write a receipt to her.”

Seeing being betrayed by these bosses, Zhang Momo gritted her silver teeth angrily, "You are talking nonsense, how could I ask you to quote high prices and force you to falsely report the amount? This is all framed, framed, and the princess. "

Speaking of this, she quickly looked at Nangongrou and pinned her hopes on her, "Madam, send someone to find the prince, and ask the prince to come back and make decisions for us, otherwise we will all be bullied to death."

Yun Ruoyue said coldly, "When the prince comes back, you will die faster and worse."

With Chu Xuanchen's temper, if he knew that these people dared to covet his money and do such a greedy thing, how could he spare them lightly?

They really thought that because Chu Xuanchen doted on Nangongrou, he would tolerate such a disaster?

No matter how much Chu Xuanchen spoiled her, he was still a man with a brain.

What can be tolerated and what cannot be tolerated, he knows better than anyone else.

Nangong Rou bit her lip angrily, but couldn't think of a good way.

The guards were guarding the door, so she couldn't get out, so she had to find another way.

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