After the pottery bowls in the hands of the beast-eared women were filled.

Holding the clay bowl, he happily walked to the side and began to drink.

Fill all the beast-eared ladies.

Forestry took his own clay bowl and drank it.

Listen to the sounds of the beast-eared ladies because of their deliciousness.

Forestry’s face also had a smile on his face.

After drinking.

The Beast-Eared Maids and the Winged Men Ladies sat on the ground.

There in a daze with a happy expression.

At this time, the sky had also darkened.

Shi, on the other hand, sat next to Forestry, his eyes glowing white.

The steps of forestry are constantly revisited in my mind.

If you don’t understand something, you will ask about forestry.

Forestry also gave her answers one by one.

Looking at the way Shi kept thinking.

Forestry nodded gratifyingly.

After a while, the white fluorescence in the eyes disappeared.

A sweet smile was shown to the forestry.

It seems that he has learned the method of pimple soup.

Night has fallen completely.

The moon is also already hanging in the sky.

After another rest.

After putting out the fire, everyone returned to the wooden house.

Now the temperature at night is not very high.

So when you go to bed at night, you don’t need to put ice cubes in the wooden house.

Lie in bed.

Forestry once again sorted out the ironmaking knowledge and forging techniques exchanged today.

As a result, forestry found that a furnace had to be built for both iron smelting and forging.

And these two required furnaces are still different.

But forestry feels that things are man-made.

In the ironmaking process, there are various furnace construction methods.

After taking a closer look.

Forestry has decided to officially start preparations for iron smelting tomorrow.

After having a plan in mind.

Slowly fell asleep.


The next day.

The forestry industry first took the beast-eared ladies and the winged women to plant the selected wheat seeds again.

Brought everyone together.

Forestry faces all the beast-eared and winged women in the tribe.

Holding an axe and a gravel hammer in his hand.

Shouted loudly at them.

“Everyone knows it’s iron.”

When killing fish and making stone mills before forestry.

Everyone in the tribe has seen the tools of forestry.

Beast-eared ladies have seen forestry chopping trees with axes before.

The other day, I also saw forestry wielding a gravel hammer to smash stones.

So after everyone heard the forestry ask.

All nodded to the forestry.

After seeing everyone nodding, Forestry nodded and continued.

“From today onwards, we will start preparing so that we can make these iron tools!”

“At that time, everyone in our tribe can have iron tools like this!”

Forestry is a simple two sentences.

But like a bomb, it fell on the ears of the beast-eared ladies and the winged ladies.

They have all seen the power of iron in the hands of forestry.

Now I hear that they can also have iron tools.

Everyone’s eyes suddenly lit up with excitement.

“Don’t you want it?”

After Forestry looked at himself and finished speaking, the Beast-eared Maidens and the Winged Lady did not react for a long time.

So he shouted again.


“I want it!”

The Beast-Eared Maiden and the Winged Man Maiden were all stunned there just now.

I heard the voice of forestry once asking.

Several beast-eared maidens and winged people maiden were afraid that forestry would change its mind.

Quickly opened his mouth to answer.

One two openings know.

All the beast-eared ladies and winged ladies opened their mouths to indicate that they all wanted it.

Forestry nodded in satisfaction.

He continued.

“To make iron, we need to find iron ore first, and after melting iron ore, we can make iron.”

After Forestry finished speaking this time, the Beast-Eared Maiden and the Winged Lady were all puzzled.

Shi asked with a wink at Forestry.

“Karma! What does iron ore look like? Where should we look? ”

Hearing Shi’s question, the other beast-eared ladies also looked at Forestry, waiting for Forestry’s answer.

But Forestry shook his head at the Beast-Eared Maidens and the Winged Lady.

The beast-eared ladies and the winged ladies immediately became nervous when they saw Forestry shaking their heads.

Thought that forestry shaking its head was some bad news.

But Forestry shook his head and said to the beast-eared ladies and the winged ladies.

“You don’t need to look for iron ore, I have found it.”

After Forestry finished speaking, the beast-eared ladies and winged ladies who were still nervous just now immediately smiled.

Asked excitedly to Forestry.

“Ye, where is the iron ore?”

“Yes, what does iron ore look like?”

The beast-eared ladies and the winged ladies poked their heads out, their eyes scanning everywhere.

But there is not even a stone around forestry.

At this time, Shi asked tentatively.

“Karma, the stones that we brought back from the market?”

That said, the beast-eared ladies remembered.

When I first moved things down from the carriage.

Just moved a lot of stones from the carriage.

But Forestry still shook his head, looking at the beast-eared ladies and the winged ladies who didn’t know why they were struggling with this problem.

Forestry spoke to them.

“The iron ore is in the underground of the place where the former Winged Man tribe was, and you can see all the iron ore when you dig up the soil.”

After Forestry finished speaking, the beast-eared ladies all widened their eyes in amazement.

But the winged ladies were stunned.

“Karma, you said that where we stayed before, there is iron ore below?”

Mingyun asked Forestry with a confused look.

This time Forestry nodded.

Immediately after that, came the voice of Yuki.

“So what are you waiting for? Let’s go dig up the iron ore! ”

After Xing’s words, he immediately set off for the former site of the Winged Man tribe.

The other beast-eared ladies and winged ladies also set off with Xing.

Seeing this, Forestry quickly opened his mouth to stop them.

“Don’t worry! Wait until I’m done! ”

Hear the sounds of forestry.

The Beast-Eared Maiden and the Winged Lady all stopped stirring.

Looked at forestry.

Seeing that the Beast-Eared Maiden and the Winged Lady had stopped, Forestry spoke up and continued.

“It’s useless to dig the iron ore back now, we don’t have a way to melt them yet!”

“So we have to build a furnace that can melt iron ore first!”

Forestry these words are over.

The beast-eared ladies and the winged women were stunned in place.

“Karma, how do you build that furnace?”

Shi stood there, looking left and right at the others, all stunned.

After blinking, he tilted his head and asked Forestry.

Hearing Shi’s question, the other beast-eared ladies and winged people came back to their senses.

Then they all opened their mouths and asked about the forestry.

“Yes, karma, how do you build a furnace?”

“Karma, tell us quickly, let’s get started!”

“Yes! That’s right! ……”


Forestry listened to the beast-eared ladies and the winged ladies chattering, all asking themselves how the furnace was built.

Standing there shook his head helplessly.

Then he stretched out his hand and pressed down.

The voices of the beast-eared ladies and the winged ladies gradually quieted down.

Only then did Forestry speak to them.

“Next we’re going to burn the bricks, we’re going to dig up the clay that burns the pottery.”

“The more you dig, the better, I saw where the clay was dug before, there was a lot of clay there, enough to build a furnace.”

“Burning bricks is similar to firing clay, just add something to it, and I’ll hand it over to you then!”

“Then everyone goes to get the tools, and we start digging clay right away!”

The beast-eared ladies listened to the words of forestry.

They all understand what their next job is.

So they all nodded excitedly to the forestry.

Then they all ran to the cave to get their tools.

Grandma Nan Rong looked at the Winged Lady and the Beast-Eared Lady rushing towards the cave.

A kind smile appeared on his face.

Forestry, on the other hand, went to where the crossbow was previously studied.

Picked up a lot of planks from the ground that the crossbow couldn’t use.

Then with an axe and a saw.

Make them into rectangular frames.

These are the molds for making bricks.

The bricks made with molds can ensure that the size of each piece is the same.

The beast-eared ladies and winged women all held tools made of various animal bones and horns.

Enthusiastically, he walked towards the clay pit.

After the forestry has made the mold.

The rabbit pushed the cart, carried several barrels, and walked in the direction of the salt pan before.

After walking two steps, the forestry came to a place where there was no grass.

The ground in this place is covered with white crystals.

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