After the two cat-eared little loli ran away, Forestry touched the face that had just been kissed, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Two little loli together, it’s not just double the happiness!

It’s a tenfold crit!

Just when the two cat-eared little loli left for a while, two figures suddenly flew in the sky.

Forestry saw two figures in the sky from a long distance, although it was not clear who it was.

But Forestry saw the iconic white wings, and another figure with cyan wings.

This is the wings of Mingyun and Ling’er, and after seeing it, Linji stood up directly from the ground and said to the three beast-eared girls of Xing, Yun and Shi who were sitting next to the pottery pot.

“Mingyun and Ling’er are here.”

Hearing Forestry’s words, the three beast-eared ladies all looked up at the sky.

After Forestry finished speaking, he raised his legs and walked towards the two flying figures.

Mingyun and Ling’er flew quickly, and as soon as Forestry took two steps, two figures flew over the tribe.

After seeing the beast-eared maiden below, the two winged maids began to slowly spiral and descend in the sky, and finally fell to the ground.

The beast-eared ladies also saw the figure hovering in the sky.

I saw Mingyun and Ling’er with beautiful wings gliding lightly in the sky.

The beast-eared ladies all made sounds of amazement and envy.

“That’s the winged Terrans that Yuki said before, their wings are so beautiful.”

“Wow, they’re really flying, that’s awesome.”

Several beast-eared ladies of the hunting team had already known Mingyun and Ling’er.

After seeing the two figures in the sky, Susu and Rou’er both wanted to wave their hands towards the sky, and happily shouted to the two winged women.

“Ming Yun! Ling’er! Over here! ”

After a while, the two winged women landed on the ground.

Susu, Rou’er, and the twins all smiled and greeted them after seeing the two landing.

Mingyun and Ling’er also greeted them with a smile.

The other beast-eared ladies all stood back and looked enviously at the wings of the two winged women.

At this time, Forestry also walked over, and Mingyun saw Forestry’s figure again, and ran to Forestry with a bright smile on her face.

Mingyun stood in front of Forestry, winked at Forestry, and looked at Forestry with a smile.

“Mingyun, why did you come over suddenly?”

Forestry originally thought that Mingyun and their sudden arrival was because someone from their tribe was injured by hail and heavy rain last night.

But after approaching, seeing that Mingyun and Ling’er had bright smiles on their faces, Forestry also relaxed his heart.

But then Forestry began to wonder what Mingyun and Ling’er were here for, so Forestry asked Mingyun.

After Ming Yun heard Forestry ask this, she remembered that they were here for business, so she opened her mouth and said to Forestry.

“Oh, oh, by the way, Grandma Nan Rong asked us to inform you that in forty days, the market market will open, and Grandma Nan Rong let us tell you that it has been a long time since the market has this time, and it is a place where everyone exchanges things with each other.”

“Grandma Nan Rong said that you must not miss this opportunity, let you prepare some extra things in the tribe that you can’t use, and you can exchange them for a lot of useful things when you get there.”

“Also, also, because the place where the market is located is very far from here, Grandma Nanrong asked me to tell you that I will leave in thirty days, and let you go to the Winged Man tribe and set off together.”

Mingyun twisted her fingers and said to Lin, Nan Rong’s grandmother explained.

After speaking, Mingyun tilted her head and thought for a while, making sure that there was no omission, and then said to the forestry again.

“It’s gone, that’s all.”

But at this time, Ling’er came up, bumped Mingyun with her butt, and then spoke.

“Ye, there is one more thing, Grandma Nan Rong said, when the time comes, we will go back to help you cross the river, but you don’t bring too heavy things, otherwise we won’t be able to fly.”

Hearing Ling’er’s words, Mingyun suddenly grew her mouth in shock.

Unexpectedly, she had already broken her fingers and counted, but she still missed one thing.

And after listening to Ming Yun and Ling’er’s words, Forestry fell into deep thought.

At this time, Shi Heyun helped Xing, who had recovered a little strength, to come over.

When Mingyun saw that Xing was helped over, the whole person was stunned, and then quickly walked up and asked with concern.

“Luckily, what’s wrong with you? Are you sick? ”

Fortunately, now I have no strength in my body, and I do look like I am sick.

But Yuki shook his head at Mingyun and said.

“I’m fine, I’m just too tired, just take a break.”

“Mingyun, Ling’er, why are you here, it rained so much yesterday, is your tribe okay?”

Fortunately, now after such a long rest, his speech is no longer weak, and Mingyun is relieved to see that Xing is really okay.

Then said to Yuki with a smile.

“Thanks to the hides you sent, we built a particularly thick tent and hid in it overnight, and the heavy rain and the stones falling from the sky were blocked by the thick tent.”

“We’re here to inform you that the market is about to open, and by the way, you’ve been with you before, right?”

Fortunately, he was relieved to hear that the people of the Winged People tribe were all fine, and when he heard Mingyun say that the matter of the market market, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Market Market? You said the market is opening again? I went with my clan once when I was a child, but I didn’t expect to open it again. ”

Yuki raised his head and said to Mingyun in surprise, but after speaking, he seemed to remember something again, and continued to ask.

“Which tribe convened this time, is it safe? I heard that once it was a monkey race, and there were werewolves who snatched other people’s things in the market, but the monkey race did not dare to make a move, and finally many people’s things were robbed in that market. ”

Ming Yun naturally knew what Yuki was talking about, and replied to Yuki with a smile.

“Don’t worry, this time the minotaurs are convened, their combat effectiveness is very powerful, and they will not take the initiative to rob other people’s things.”

Hearing Mingyun say that it was a minotaur, the originally nervous look on Xing’s face fell with relief.

At this time, Yun on the side said to the two.

“We just happened to be stewing potatoes, you two come and eat together~”

“Yay! Potato! ”

As soon as Yun said this, the stone next to him suddenly exclaimed, and then suddenly let go of Yuki and ran away with the idle clay pot.

Both Koki and Yun were startled by Shi, but both laughed when they saw Shi running to the clay pot in a hurry.

Then turning his head, Yukiya said to Mingyun and Ling’er.

“Let’s eat some together, it looks like it’s already cooked, it just so happens that Yun and I have made two new clay bowls, you can use it.”

Mingyun and Ling’er asked after hearing Kohoyo’s invitation and swallowed a mouthful of spit.

“Stewed potatoes? What is that thing? ”

At this time, the forest that came to his senses came over and spoke.

“Eat some together and taste it.”

“I have eaten all the potatoes and chili salt that I brought last time, and I will bring a little more when I go back, and if the potatoes can’t be moved, I will bring more salt and peppers.”

When Mingyun heard Lin’s words, a smile of surprise suddenly bloomed on her face.

Ling’er also happily grabbed Mingyun’s hand and said.

“Great, you can eat delicious barbecue again, and Grandma Nanrong can continue to eat potatoes!”

It’s been a few days since I last went to the Winged People tribe.

Because potatoes are heavy, I don’t bring much.

The Winged Terrans left all the potatoes to Grandma Nanrong.

But that’s it, these days have passed, and the potatoes have already been eaten.

Now when I heard that Forestry was going to give them some more potatoes, salt and peppers, I jumped up with joy.

At this time, the shouting of the stone also came from the clay pot.

“The potatoes are stewed ~~~ Let’s all come and eat with the bowl~~~~”

After hearing the sound, the beast-eared ladies all took the pottery bowl and walked happily towards the clay pot.

Yun also gave the luck to Mingyun and Ling’er to support, and then ran to the cave to get the pottery bowl.

Fortunately, she is now much better and can barely stand, just gently support her.

Coming to the clay pot and sitting down, Shi was holding a large spoon to beat potato stew into the bowl of each beast-eared lady.

Forestry also took the pottery bowl that Gan Yu had made for her, and after beating a bowl, she went to the side to continue to eat and think about the market market.

From time to time, there was the sound of Ming Yun and Ling’er admiring the deliciousness of potato stew.

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