The beast-eared lady was also attracted by the sight outside the door.

Some stood in the doorway, others lying on the windows, all watching the pouring rain mixed with hail falling outside.

The sound of “knock knock” was constantly heard from the roof.

Susu just stood up and also looked out the door.

Those hailstones the size of pigeon eggs hit the ground and even smashed small pits.

Sakura watched the hail fall outside and pointed outside and shouted loudly.

“Look, it’s rocking outside again!”

“Great, in the wooden house built by Ye, it will not be stoned!”

The other beast-eared ladies all had worried looks in their eyes, looking at the hail that kept falling outside.


With another thunder in the sky.

The already rapid raindrops became heavier.

Even the water on the ground did not have time to flow, and a small puddle gradually formed outside the wooden house.

Hail falling on it will cause a cloud of splashes.

The beast-eared ladies are worried and look outside, such a heavy rain, even the cave will be poured with water.

Then the beast-eared ladies looked up at the wooden house that had just been built.

I couldn’t help but worry that the roof that had just been built encountered such heavy rain and hail.

I don’t know if the roof can withstand it.

The rain on the ground is already as high as the feet.

The cave must already be full of water.

If the hut leaks rain again, they won’t even have a place to sleep tonight.

But soon the beast-eared ladies found out that no matter how much it rained outside.

Not a single drop of water leaked in the wooden house.

Except for sometimes, a little rain blows in from windows and doorways.

There was not a single leak in the whole wooden house.

The beast-eared ladies suddenly felt that in this wooden house of the forestry everyone, they were full of security.

Forestry, on the other hand, was looking out with a frown.

Shi carefully noticed that Forestry was worried about something, so he walked over and asked in a low voice.

“Karma, what’s wrong, you seem to be very worried, this wooden house won’t survive this heavy rain, right?”

Shi Xiao had already whispered.

But it was still heard by the other beast-eared girls on the side.

Suddenly turned his head and asked worriedly to the forestry

“Yes, can’t this wooden house survive this heavy rain?”

At this moment, all the beast-eared ladies heard it, and suddenly all of them became worried.

In the past, when this kind of weather happened, the ground in the cave was full of water, and everyone could only snuggle together and wait for the rain to stop.

Moreover, such a big hailstorm smashes everyone’s nose and blue face every time.

Now I heard someone say that this wooden house would not be able to hold up, and everyone was suddenly worried.

Although this place is very close to the cave, but such a heavy rain and hail, running into the cave this distance, will definitely be soaked by the rain, and will be hit by hail very badly.

Seeing that the beast-eared ladies were worried about the sturdiness of the wooden house, Forestry smiled at the beast-eared ladies and spoke.

“When I built this wooden house, it was to prevent tornadoes, but it will be fine if it rains and hails, so everyone can rest assured that the rain will stop inside.”

When the beast-eared ladies heard Forestry say this, they all relaxed their hearts and smiled on their faces.

At this time, Shi asked the forestry suspiciously.

“Karma, then what are you worried about?”

After Shi asked, the beast-eared ladies who had just smiled looked at the forest again.


Forestry looked at the beast-eared ladies, sighed softly, and looked at the heavy rain and hail outside and said.

“I’m worried about the potatoes you just planted, and those peppers and peppercorns.”

As soon as the words of forestry came out, the beast-eared ladies were first stunned, and then they all looked in the direction of the vegetable garden worriedly.

The potatoes that the beast-eared ladies had just planted, and now it rained so heavily, they might be washed out directly.

But potato forestry is not very worried, even if all the potatoes planted this time are destroyed, it is a big deal to wait for the potatoes to germinate again and plant them once.

The biggest concern for forestry is the hundred peppers and the peppercorn tree.

Because those peppers and peppercorns are picked once and will soon bear fruit again.

So forestry has not left seeds.

So the forestry industry fears that if those pepper trees are destroyed by heavy rain and hail, there will be no peppers to eat in the future.

A hailstorm the size of a pigeon’s egg and hitting a pepper tree is a devastating injury.

But now there is nothing to do, so I can only wait for the rain to stop and hurry to the vegetable garden to rescue it.

The beast-eared ladies looked at the direction of the vegetable garden, and their brows were tangled.

The potatoes could be harvested in a few more days, but they encountered such heavy rain.

Forestry saw that the beast-eared ladies’ mood was low, and he couldn’t help shaking his head, and then opened his mouth to say to the beast-eared ladies.

“It’s okay, there are still so many potatoes in the cave, even if the potatoes planted are destroyed, it’s a big deal to wait for the potatoes to sprout again, everyone will plant it again.”

Hearing Lin’s words, the eyes of the beast-eared ladies lit up, and a happy smile was just about to appear on their faces.

But soon he frowned again.

Gan Yu looked at the forestry with a frown and asked softly.

“What about chili peppers and peppercorns?”

After Gan Yu asked, the other beast-eared ladies also looked at Lin, their faces full of worry.

Forestry looked at the beast-eared ladies comfortingly, smiled at them, and then spoke.

“A small tree with peppercorn stone, as long as it is not washed out of the soil by the rain, it will be fine.”

“We have so many peppers, as long as we can have one left, we can get seeds, and then we can rush out more pepper trees.”

After hearing Forestry say this, the expressions of the beast-eared ladies eased a little.

But there was still a feeling of worry between the eyebrows, which never dissipated.

Forestry saw that the beast-eared ladies looked like this, so he thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and then pointed at Sakura and continued.

“And we have Sakura, I saw Sakura’s natural ability this morning.”

“Sakura can speed up the growth rate of plants, as long as Sakura’s natural ability awakens, we plant seeds, with Sakura present, we can receive the goods soon.”

After Forestry pointed at Sakura, the other beast-eared girls all looked at Sakura in shock.

And Sakura heard Hayashi talking about her innate ability, and stood there with her head raised at the waist and a proud look on her face.

A cat-eared lady with orange black and white who was slightly older than Sakura, ran over excitedly, grabbed Sakura’s shoulders, and said to Sakura while jumping in place excitedly.

“Sakura, your talent is amazing.”

Forestry saw the cat-eared little loli who was one size older than Sakura, and frowned and thought for a moment before remembering her name.

This orange, black and white cat-eared lady is called: Diona.

Her pink hair bounced with her, flipping up and down.

The turquoise eyes shone like gemstones like stars.

Sakura was originally in that concave shape, but after being caught by Diona, the tail behind her involuntarily began to swing from side to side.

In the end, the whole person directly broke the work, and Diona jumped in place holding hands.

The two cat-eared little loli let out a silver bell-like laugh there, and Forestry couldn’t help but show a gentle smile when he looked at the two.

Sakura’s appearance is more like the kind of cat-eared little loli who earns blood for three years and dies.

And although Diona looks like she wants to go a little taller than Sakura, judging from her face, it should be directly executed.

Diona should be an adult, but she has a baby face.

The personality is also a little innocent and cute, so the two little loli have always been very good friends.

Forestry remembers her name one because she and Sakura play together at every turn.

Another reason is because when forestry taught them archery.

She and Gan Yu and a few others were the fastest to practice, and when the others were still practicing at fifty meters, several of them were already practicing at a distance of one hundred meters.

When shooting moving targets, it is also the fastest to find the trick.

At that time, forestry wrote down the names and appearances of these beast-eared ladies with archery talents.

When the other beast-eared ladies learned about Sakura’s innate ability, they were first shocked, and then they all had happy smiles on their faces.

At this moment, the emotions that the beast-eared ladies were worried about just now also disappeared at once.

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