Forestry forcefully broke the connection of these logs.

Just now, because forestry used an interference match, it was directly smashed into it with an axe.

Now unless the logs are broken from the train, these logs will definitely not fall apart.

After determining that the connection of these logs is very strong.

Forestry put down his tools again and went into the woods again.

This time forestry came to a perennially humid place.

The stones and ground here are covered with large patches of moss.

Forestry comes for these mosses.

Because the logs and logs are stacked layer by layer.

There will definitely be some small gaps in the middle.

If it rains, or in winter, these gaps will leak rain or wind.

The role of these moss is to fill the middle of each log to play a role in waterproof and insulation.

Forestry peels down the moss from the stones, one by one.

These grow in pieces and are very convenient to collect.

It didn’t take long for forestry to collect a very large pile.

Holding the moss, Forestry returned to the wooden house.

After returning, Forestry found that the beast-eared ladies were all gathered around the wall that had just been made, curiously observing.

The beast-eared ladies observed very seriously, and did not even notice that the forestry had come to the side.

Until Forestry threw the moss he was holding on his hand to the ground and made a sound.

The beast-eared ladies heard the sound and looked over, and only then discovered forestry.

Sakura took the lead, ran to Forestry’s side, and asked curiously.

“Karma, what is this, how come these pieces of wood are all connected, how can you drag them open.”

The other beast-eared ladies also looked at Forestry and nodded.

Shi Ye came over, his face full of doubts, looked at Forestry and asked.

“Karma, how did you do it, and why can these pieces of wood be joined together like this?”

Forestry looked at the puzzled look of the beast-eared ladies, and couldn’t help but smile at them.

Don’t say it’s them.

In the past, when forestry first saw a big man using only a wooden mortise and tenon structure to build a model of a house on Earth, forestry was also stunned.

Lin still remembers that the whole network used to say that the big guy was deceiving people, and finally the big guy directly released dozens of hours of construction videos, without cutting it.

But now the situation has changed, forestry has learned the mortise and tenon structure, and it is certainly more comprehensive than the big guy I saw before.

And it is normal for the beast-eared ladies to see this ingenious technique for the first time, and it is normal to be shocked.

After smiling, Forestry said to the beast-eared ladies.

“These woods are connected by me with a mortise and tenon structure, which is a very powerful skill.”

“Mortise and tenon structure?”

Hearing Lin’s words, all the beast-eared maidens made a puzzled sound.

At this time, Shi reacted, and said to the forestry with longing in his eyes.

“Karma, can we learn then?”

After Shi finished speaking, the beast-eared ladies also looked at the forestry with anticipation.

But this time Forestry shook his head and said to the beast-eared ladies.

“I can’t teach you this, it takes years of study and practice to learn this.”

The complexity of the mortise and tenon structure is terrifying.

If forestry is not systematic, I dare not say that I will be able to learn it.

After hearing what Forestry said, the beast-eared ladies all lowered their heads in disappointment.

Forestry looked at the beast-eared ladies like this, thinking of finding something to divert the attention of the beast-eared ladies.

After thinking for a moment, Forestry saw the few logs left.

These logs are certainly not enough to build all four walls of the entire wooden house.

So Forestry walked to the most suitable log of about thirty centimeters, and opened his mouth to the beast-eared ladies.

“You can’t learn, but you can help me.”

After saying this, Forestry looked at the beast-eared ladies.

Sure enough, when the beast-eared ladies heard Forestry say this, they all smiled and raised their heads to look at Forestry.

Forestry gently breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, these beast-eared women are so simple, Forestry is really reluctant to make them unhappy.

At this time, Sakura asked loudly to Forestry with wide eyes and black cat tail swinging happily behind stretching out.

“Karma, what do you want us to help you?”

The other beast-eared ladies also pricked up their ears and listened.

“We all look at this wood, and then we all go to find a big tree that is about the same thickness as this one, and there are not enough of these here.”

Forestry stepped on the log with one foot, and then pointed at it and said to the beast-eared ladies.

Then the beast-eared ladies all gathered around and carefully looked at the thickness of the log.

Forestry was squeezed aside by them, and simply went directly to the back to look at them.

Looking at the beast tails of the same color and shape, Forestry couldn’t help but smile.

But forestry watched, everyone had a tail, but luck and luck did not see the tail.

Gan Yu, who is also a lamb’s horn girl, although the tail is not large, but there is also a small tail behind him.

And luck and luck just don’t look at all.

This also makes forestry more curious.

After seeing it, the beast-eared ladies found a hemp rope, and then took the rolling wood they made last time, and all set out towards the woods.

After the beast-eared lady left, Forestry moved her body and began to continue to build a wooden house.

Forestry first took an axe and a chisel, and carved a long groove from end to end on the side of the log facing up.

Then I took moss and mixed with a few mugwort and put it in.

Forestry is constantly busy here.

The beast-eared ladies also brought over the new big trees one by one.

So he kept busy until the sun set, and the forestry department also made the walls of the second floor.

When forestry made the mortise and tenon structure, the beast-eared ladies also gathered around to take a look.

But after looking at it for a while, I found that I couldn’t understand anything, so I went back to continue transporting wood.

After the sun goes down, the beast-eared ladies are all living in the clearing, preparing barbecues and boiling potatoes.

Forestry has also put all the tools into the storage space and temporarily closed its work.

When Forestry put the tools in the storage space, he thought about it for a while.

Part of the reason why the various props sold in the system store are more expensive than the knowledge goods is because these props can be exchanged and put directly into the system space.

Forestry thought about it for a moment and thought that there might be such a reason.

But I didn’t think much about it, since the system is so stipulated, there is no way for forestry.

After eating roasted meat and potatoes in the clearing, they went to sleep in the cave.

In this way, forestry builds a wooden house every day, and at night, he finishes work and eats, and sleeps with Sakura.

Susu sometimes ran to the forestry industry together, and in the end, Susu even liked the feeling.

But Forestry’s shoulder also bit out a deep tooth mark.

The unicorn now seems to have found something fun every day, and every day when he wakes up, he runs out to play, and he runs back to report when he knows that it is almost dark, and then eats with the beast-eared ladies.

After three days, the forestry industry piled up the four walls of the wooden house to a height of three meters.

In the end, the wooden house was built higher and higher, and the forestry industry also made a ladder.

The beast-eared ladies saw forestry climbing ladders for the first time, and they were all curious to experience it themselves.

In the end, the ladder of the forest at every turn will be moved away by the beast-eared lady to pick the fruit that grows in the high place.

In the end, the forestry had no choice but to make a ladder for the beast-eared ladies.

When the walls of the wooden house are high enough.

Forestry ends up with the final finishing of the walls.

Because this wall is actually a rectangular pile one by one, and each layer is separated from each other.

It is better for forestry to make another thing that connects the walls of each layer together to form a whole.

Forestry has long figured out how to do it.

In the four corners of the wooden house, two small holes were cut out with chisels in each layer of logs.

Then Forestry made several things out of wood that looked like large staples.

And then at the top, I also made the wedge that I used to make the wheel.

Then Forestry took these specially shaped woods and began to aim at the small holes that had been cut out before, and nailed them one by one with axes.

After nailing in this way, the top wedge will retract and reverse into the large staple.

In this way, the top of the large staple will be propped open by a wedge, and it will be nailed dead inside these small holes.

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