Then Forestry thought for a moment and asked the system again in his mind.

“System, what should I do if I want to level up the skills I have?”

“Ding! It has been detected that the host has a total of witch skills that can be upgraded. ”

“They are: primary weaving technique, primary carpenter technique, exploration technique, primary healing technique, primary animal taming technique.”

“Please select the skill you want to improve.”

“Junior Carpenter Technique”

Forestry heard the system’s prompt sound in his mind, after listening to himself, Forestry quickly chose the junior carpenter technique, and then the system prompt sound sounded again.

“Ding! To upgrade the junior carpenter skill, 50,000 points are required, is the promotion confirmed? ”

Hearing the words of the system, forestry is another flesh ache.

It takes 50,000 points, and if it weren’t for the 100,000 points obtained in the Winged Lady tribe, this wooden house would not have been built.


Although forestry is very painful, it is confirmed that the exchange is confirmed.

The wooden house must be built, and since the points are enough, there is no reason not to redeem it directly.

After confirming the knowledge of carpenters, a large amount of knowledge once again flooded into the forestry industry’s mind.

After sorting out the knowledge in your mind.

Forestry was pleasantly surprised to find that the carpenter’s knowledge this time included a lot of knowledge about the manufacture of mechanical weapons, as well as a lot of equipment making methods for war.

Like bed crossbows, horse stakes, and so on.

But that very huge siege equipment was not found, and it seems that those are the content of advanced carpenter techniques.

After seeing these instruments, Forestry suddenly felt that the 50,000 points were worth it.

Because yesterday in the Winged Man tribe learned that after the pig-headed tribe was destroyed, there was a larger tribe behind that was threatening the tribe of the Beast-Eared Lady.

Forestry is worried about what to do against them, and now these equipment are coming uninvited.

After the intermediate carpenter skill was redeemed, the forestry industry has been waiting.

Forestry also wants to see if the system will come to a package of after-sales and send itself a few tools like last time.

But Forestry waited for a while, and the system tone did not sound.

It seems that intermediate carpenters also do not have any more tools that must be used.

There is no systematic wool, and forestry is a little disappointed.

Then Lin, lying there, remembered the things that Nan Rong’s grandmother and herself said about her natural ability.

But forestry only knows such a thing, and everything else knows nothing.

After thinking for a while, Forestry asked in his mind again.

“System, show me all the goods about innate abilities.”

After Forestry finished speaking, he opened the system store, ready to wait for the system to screen himself.

But I didn’t expect that this time the system’s first answer was not to find the product, but.

“Ding! Exploration can pay 20,000 points to upgrade to Probe Eye. ”

“The Eye of Inquiry can detect other people’s hidden innate abilities.”

“Ding! After screening the products related to innate abilities, please check them by yourself. ”

After listening to the prompt tone of the system, Forestry fell into deep thought.

Exploration is the first commodity exchanged in forestry, just a witchcraft of five hundred points.

I didn’t expect that after the exploration technique was upgraded, it would be so strong.

Then Forestry thought about whether to spend 20,000 points to upgrade the exploration technique.

After upgrading the exploration technique to obtain the Eye of Exploration, Forestry can see what talents the beast-eared ladies in the tribe have.

But Forestry thought that Grandma Nanrong said that in a large tribe of hundreds of people, only a few people can successfully open their talents.

If he spent 20,000 points to upgrade the exploration technique, even if he knew what the talents of the beast-eared ladies were.

But there is still no way to open it, and the 20,000 points are lost.

In the end, Forestry decided to see what commodities the system had screened for itself, and then decided whether to upgrade the detection technique.

Forestry looked at the shelves, on which only three commodities were placed.

Forestry looked at the past one by one.

Both of them are abilities in the classification of extraordinary abilities, but with the word talent in their names.

And the remaining one is powerful.

What remains is a bottle of potion, called [Talent Awakening Potion]

Forestry carefully read the introduction of this [Talent Awakening Elixir] three times.

Sure, this is the potion that can directly open the talent of the beast-eared ladies.

Then Forestry looked at the price, and the price of a bottle of [Talent Awakening Potion] was five thousand points.

Although it cannot be said that it is outrageously expensive.

But it can’t be said that it’s cheap.

Forestry can only get one hundred points every day by checking in, and if you want to redeem a bottle of [Talent Awakening Potion] just by signing in, it will take a full fifty days.

Thinking of this, Forestry found that he had not checked in today.

So I quickly completed today’s check-in and received today’s 100 points.

Forestry has forgotten how many days of points were given in a row.

It seems that since the system store opened, only one check-in is rewarded not points.

Forestry thought for a moment and asked the system again.

“System, is there a function of regular automatic check-in, don’t let me check in manually every day, sign in and out of the points do not need to prompt me, the drawn points are not notifying me, is there such a thing?”

“Ding! The system function detects that the host makes a reasonable request, and the system enables automatic updates. ”

“Ding! After the update is completed, do you consume 100 points to download the new feature? ”

After hearing the system prompt saying that the system was updated again, Forestry couldn’t help but pout.

The last time the system said this, after the update, directly asked yourself for a thousand points.

But this time when the forestry heard it, it was finally found that the system actually said that only one hundred points were needed.

Forestry thought about it for a while, a hundred points, buy a peace of mind, and make a steady profit.

So forestry immediately chosen: “Renewal!” ”

After all, if you forget to check in one day, it is equivalent to losing a hundred points, but if this hundred points are spent, you don’t have to worry about this happening again.

After the forestry selection is updated, the system prompts the forestry in an instant.

“Ding! New system feature: automatic check-in daily. The update is complete. ”

Then forestry began to struggle.

Now with [Talent Awakening Potion]

So whether this probing technique should be upgraded or not.

In the end, Forestry thought about it and chose to upgrade.

Points can be obtained continuously, and the beast-eared women in the tribe and forestry can all open their talents sooner or later.

But now it faces the threat of a powerful tribe.

Forestry now has limited points, even if it is to give the beast-eared lady awakening talent.

There is also a priority issue.

It must be to awaken those talents that help the tribe a lot, or help the battle a lot.

Like the talent of luck, after awakening, one luck can be used as three luck, and the five thousand points are very cost-effective.

Thinking of this, Forestry directly upgraded the exploration technique, and then exchanged a bottle of [Talent Awakening Potion]

Directly spent another 25,000 points.

The 100,000 points I got this morning are now 15,000 left.

The upgrade of probing techniques is very different from the carpenter technique.

Forestry felt two lines of cold energy begin to flow down his brain towards his eyes.

Stimulated by the cold energy, Forestry involuntarily closed his eyes.

Then soon the cold energy quickly receded.

I also have more information about the use of the Probe Eye and related knowledge.

Forestry carefully combed through it again and found that the probing eye can not only probe the surrounding environment and check the innate abilities of others, but also has the function of perspective.

Forestry has found that probing a kilometre of the surrounding area is already within sight, but it can also only be used once a day.

And perspective is used in conjunction with the exploration of the environment, otherwise forestry will not see the underground and blocked things, perspective and environmental exploration, is the same as environmental exploration, can only be used once a day.

But forestry feels that these two functions should not be as simple as it seems, because the range description is as far as the eye can see, then forestry standing at a high place to overlook, isn’t it all in a radius of tens of kilometers?

Finally, there is the extra talent exploration, this ability is very direct can see the talent ability of others, whether it is turned on or not.

However, what Forestry did not expect was that after using it once, it would wait a week to use it again, and it could only look at the natural ability of one person at a time.

After understanding the probing eye, forestry opened up storage space.


After opening the storage space, Forestry gasped and then slapped his head on the door.

“How did I forget this thing, didn’t I suffer such crimes in vain?”

After Forestry opened the storage space, in addition to several carpenter tools and the newly exchanged [Talent Awakening Potion], there were also four bottles of Primary Physical Recovery Potion lying there quietly.

After Forestry patted his head in annoyance, he directly took out a bottle and drank it directly.

A bottle of primary physical strength recovery medicine was instantly swept away.

Even more spiritual!

But then there was a problem in forestry.

Although the exhaustion caused by the use of the treatment technique disappeared.

But Forestry could feel that the energy in his mind that was used to perform healing techniques had not been directly restored.

It’s still the same as before, recovering little by little at a very slow pace.

It seems that even if the physical strength is restored, you can’t directly use the healing technique again, and you have to wait for the magic to recover, which is really like playing a game, the amount of health is restored, but there is no blue!

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