Under the grateful gaze of the winged lady, Forestry came to the side of the three winged lady and crouched.

A brief check on their condition.

The foaming and convulsions in the mouth are gone.

The high fever has also subsided.

The three winged women have not woken up yet, probably because the previous fever was too serious.

It has been too long, and the vitality of the body has been greatly damaged.

Although forestry healed their injuries, their bodies had been tortured and very tired, so it took a while to cultivate.

Seeing the three people in Forestry inspecting the ground, the other winged women and beast-eared women all looked at this side expectantly.

After the forestry inspection, I slowly stood up with my hands on my knees, and suddenly felt a burst of dizziness.

Forestry shook his head, and after the slight dizziness disappeared, Forestry looked at the winged women who were looking at him expectantly, and said to them with a smile.

“They should be fine, just wait until they wake up.”

After Lin’s words, the winged ladies all showed heartfelt smiles.

Then the winged lady who had just stood up knelt down again and thanked the forestry forest with a thousand thanks.

“Great, karma, great, thank you.”

“Karma, thank you, thank you for saving the three of them.”

“Karma, you saved the three of them, from now on you need the Winged Terrans to help you do anything.”

Forestry saw these winged women kneeling on the ground, quickly waved their hands, and said at the same time.

“You don’t have to do this, get up from the ground.”

At this time, Grandma Nanrong on the side walked to the side of the forestry, took the arm that was swinging up and the forestry, and said to the forestry.

“They are showing their gratitude and respect for you.”

“We Winged Terrans feel that after Winged Humans die, they will return to the embrace of the sky, soar freely in the endless sky, and look down below.”

“At the same time, we also feel that the lower we put our bodies, the more we respect each other.”

“In our Winged Terrans, kneeling is the highest etiquette, and the Winged Man will only have his whole body on the ground on the night with his lover.”

“So don’t refuse them, you deserve it.”

After Nan Rong finished speaking, she took two steps back and bowed deeply to the forestry.

Forestry hurriedly helped Grandma Nanrong up.

The winged ladies kneeling in front of her already made Forestry very uncomfortable.

Now an old man of such an age, bowing to himself, the education that forestry received since childhood, will not allow forestry to accept it with peace of mind, even in this primitive society.

After lifting Grandma Nan Rong’s body up, Grandma Nan Rong patted Lin’s arm with her hand.

Forestry turned his head to look at the winged women kneeling on the ground, and shook his head helplessly.

Then I heard Grandma Nan Rong say to herself.

“Karma, what kind of witchcraft did you just use?”

Hearing Nan Rong’s grandmother’s question, Forestry pondered for two seconds and thought a little.

Then simply said to Grandma Nan Rong:

“This witchcraft should be called healing.”

After listening to Lin’s answer, Nan Rong’s grandmother first gasped deeply, with such an expression on her face, and then said in a daze.

“It’s really healing, I can even see this long-lost witchcraft before I die.”

Hearing Nan Rong’s grandmother’s muttering, Forestry suddenly became puzzled, and then asked Grandma Nan Rong with a frown.

“Lost witchcraft? Has the treatment been lost? Aren’t the witches of some tribes also using this kind of witchcraft to heal injuries? ”

Grandma Nan Rong listened to the forestry question, shook her head with a smile, and then looked at the forestry and said.

“I know that kind of witchcraft can indeed heal injuries, but that witchcraft cannot be called healing, that witchcraft only speeds up the healing of wounds by burning life force.”

“Moreover, the price paid is not proportional to the wound healed, I have heard that as long as the injury is slightly worse, there is a danger that the injury has not been healed and the life force burns out first.”

“Moreover, when that witchcraft is cast, it emits a black light that absorbs life force, while the healing you cast is a green light full of rich vitality, and it also absorbs the energy of heaven and earth to heal others.”

“This kind of witchcraft, I only heard it mentioned by very old witches when I was young.”

Forestry nodded again and again as he listened.

Forestry also did not expect that the primary healing technique that the system rewarded himself was so powerful.

This is only beginner, is there still intermediate and advanced in the back.

Then wouldn’t this Nan Rong grandma also kneel down for herself after seeing it.

But forestry thought about it again.

In fact, in addition to the primary treatment given by the system.

The witchcraft of this world is also too rubbish.

The slightest use of witchcraft is very expensive.

While Forestry was still thinking about all this.

At this time, Grandma Nan Rong, who was beside Forestry, spoke again.

“You must not perform this healing technique in front of others in the future, otherwise those tribes will probably send people to arrest you and return to their people to treat.”

“I once heard a person say that there was once a very powerful witch, and the witchcraft mastered was restorative witchcraft, although the side effects were also obvious, that is, the person he treated, the pain he suffered would be experienced again.”

“In the end, he was tricked into a tribe and tortured into a puppet who lost his mind and only knew how to treat others.”

“Although in the end he regained his sanity and took revenge on that tribe, his whole person has been consumed by hatred, and after killing all of that tribe, he himself lost his mind again, and finally he disappeared and did not know where to go.”

After listening to it, forestry also felt a chill in his heart, and forestry also knew that Pifu was not guilty and cherished the truth of guilt.

Forestry first nodded solemnly to Grandma Nan Rong.

Then Forestry smiled and said to Grandma Nan Rong.

“In fact, don’t worry so much, I myself am actually very strong, and it is not so easy for those tribes to arrest me.”

But after Nan Rong’s grandmother listened, she was first stunned, and then shook her head at the forestry and said.

“It’s not as simple as you think, there are many orcs in those tribes who have awakened their innate abilities, and all kinds of abilities emerge one after another, relying on you alone, I’m afraid it will be difficult to resist the people in those tribes.”

After Nan Rong’s grandmother said this, Forestry was directly stunned.

With wide eyes, he looked at Grandma Nan Rong and asked suspiciously.

“Gifted ability? What is that stuff and how have I never heard of it? ”

Nan Rong’s grandmother knew that forestry would ask like this, and after forestry asked, she immediately began to explain to forestry slowly.

“Innate ability is like a natural witchcraft, first not everyone has potential, and then there is potential is just difficult to convert into talent.”

“A large tribe of several hundred people may only have a few people who can successfully convert potential into talent, and even when the potential of many people is converted into talent, it is already in its twilight years.”

“Just like the Pig-headed Man Tribe, the entire Pig-Head Man Tribe only their chief has turned on the innate ability.”

“We Wing Terrans are an exception, our talent is called racial talent, because our wings are already a gift from heaven, so we Wing People have no way to awaken their talent, but flying can be counted as the unique talent of our Wing Terrans.”

“Of course, natural abilities are also divided into strong and weak, some natural abilities can only make their eyes look farther, but some natural abilities can make an ordinary orc become a very powerful warrior.”

“The bear people I know have a group of black and white bears, they are outliers of the bear race, although they also eat meat, but more often they still eat plants, and they did not join that tribe, but built a tribe of their own.”

“Those black and white bear people are also like us, they have a racial talent, and they have the great power brought by the bear tribe, their speed and agility are also very high, which makes their combat effectiveness very terrifying, because of this racial talent, the black and white bear race in that land is also a tribe that no one dares to provoke, and it is also one of the hegemonic tribes.”

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