The forestry and beast-eared ladies slowly came to the tent of the Winged Terran tribe.

Just as a few people approached, a brown-winged winged woman in the tribe saw Mingyun and ran over crying.

“Mingyun, you are finally back, Xiaoya… Xiaoya, the three of them fainted, we don’t know what to do, you guys go and see. ”

This winged lady said while crying, and did not see the forestry and beast-eared lady behind at all.

After Ming Yun and her several winged women listened, their faces all changed drastically, and then they ran towards a tent with the winged lady.

The forestry and beast-eared maiden also heard the words of the winged lady.

After Ming Yun and them ran out, the beast-eared lady looked at each other a few times, and then all looked at the forestry.

Forestry also frowned, just came to this Winged People tribe encountered this kind of thing.

It sounded like a few winged women were about to die, so Forestry thought for a moment and said to the beast-eared ladies.

“Let’s follow along and see what happens.”

The beast-eared ladies also had nervous expressions on their faces, and after hearing Lin’s words, they immediately nodded.

Then he also ran out in the direction where the winged lady went.

When I came to the fire, I saw that three unconscious winged women were being carried out of the tent by others.

Forestry looked at the three winged women with several wounds on their bodies.

And the three winged women, although they were already unconscious, their brows were tangled, and their faces also had painful expressions.

A few people in the tribe who had never seen forestry and beast-eared maiden, and their winged lady were all stunned when they saw a few people from forestry.

As soon as she wanted to ask who they were, Ling’er ran over and introduced them to everyone.

“This is luck and luck, do you remember? We used to play together a lot. ”

“The others are all members of the same tribe as Yuki and Yun.”

The people here are all about the same age Winged Lady, who played together when they were children.

After Ling’er’s reminder, the winged ladies all remembered.

Then the winged ladies welcomed the forestry people with forced smiles.

When the winged lady saw the forestry standing behind, her eyes lit up.

Although forestry stands at the end of the most inconspicuous, in the eyes of the winged women, forestry is like a beacon, standing there and the eyes will be unconsciously attracted to the past.

But because the Winged Lady is now in a sad mood, three clansmen are now unconscious.

They only glanced at the forestry two more times, and then carried the unconscious Winged Lady to the open space on the side with a heavy heart.

Xing quickly stepped forward, saw the wounds on the body of the winged lady, and his face also showed an unbearable expression, and then Xing asked several winged women.

“What’s wrong with them, why did you carry them all out?”

After putting all three unconscious Winged Lady on the ground, Winged Lady replied.

“Grandma Nanrong said that they have been hot on their bodies, let’s carry them outside.”

“Grandma Nan Rong? Is Grandma Nan Rong still alive? Where is she? ”

Yuki’s eyes widened and he said in surprise.

“Luckily, I’m here.”

At this time, another voice came from the tent just now.

Then he saw that Mingyun helped an old winged man out.

Yuki heard the voice, turned his head and looked over, and the moment he saw the old wing man, Yuki’s eyes were directly filled with tears.

Then Yuki cried and ran towards the old man, and Yun also ran directly in tears and ran over.

Kokazuyun knelt on the ground, lying on his stomach and crying in the arms of the old winged man.

Xingheyun is more than two meters, and the other is also one meter nine, lying in the arms of an old winged man with a body and less than one meter six.

But luck and luck just feel that in the arms of this old winged man, the two of them are still children, and tears can’t stop flowing.

Forestry also saw it, and watched the old winged man lovingly pat the back of Yuki and Yun with both hands, and his eyes were already moist.

This old winged man has a wrinkled face, loose skin, and there are few feathers on the wings behind his back, moreover, the wings have shrunk and cannot fly at all.

Forestry looked at the luck and luck of venting his emotions like this for the first time, and his nose couldn’t help but feel a little sour.


Forestry sighed vigorously and hid his emotions.

After Yuki and Yun cried for a while, the crying slowly became smaller, but the two still hugged this old winged man tightly.

When they were children, they ran into trouble together, and when their father and mother wanted to punish them, it was Nan Rong’s grandmother in front of them who helped them stop them.

Moreover, Grandma Nan Rong is still the witch of the Winged Man tribe, and what she says, even Mingyun’s chief father must obey, so when Xing Heyun sees Grandma Nan Rong, he will be so gaffe.

Grandma Nan Rong caressed the backs of the two lamb horn ladies and said gently.

“How did you get here, and how did you two not hear from you for so many years?”

Xing sobbed twice, then raised his head and replied to Grandma Nan Rong.

“We have gathered into a tribe with many other races and have been living not far from the other river.”

“When we found the traces of the pig-headed people, we also found Mingyun’s feathers, and later we learned from the mouth of the pig-headed people that the winged people tribe was invaded by them as soon as they entered, but some of Mingyun’s people fled to the river.”

“Then when we were transporting by the river, we saw winged men flying in the sky, so we crossed the river to look for you.”

Listening to Xing’s answer, when Xing said the pig-headed man, Nan Rong’s face also changed greatly, and after Xing finished speaking, Nan Rong’s grandmother asked again with a worried look.

“You guys met the pig-headed man too? The pig-headed man didn’t do with you, did you? ”

At this time, Mingyun on the side remembered that when he was by the river just now, he had told himself that the pig-headed tribe had been killed by the forestry with them.

Remembering Mingyun, his eyes began to search for forestry figures in the clearing.

Finally, I saw Forestry squatting on the side of the three unconscious winged women, not knowing what he was doing.

Seeing this Mingyun’s eyes light up, she remembered that Xing Ye said that forestry is still a witch who can do witchcraft, and it is possible that forestry has a way to deal with those three winged women.

Fortunately, when she heard Nan Rong’s worried voice, her face broke into a smile, and then said to her.

“Karma, with us we have killed all the pig-headed people, even the witches of the pig-headed tribe have been killed by us.”

“Karma made us bows and arrows, and then taught us to practice archery, look at this is it.”

“Swoosh ——!”

While speaking, Yuki took out the bow and arrow he was hanging on, pulled it full, and shot an arrow at a tree.

Grandma Nan Rong and Ming Yun were both lucky to shoot arrows, and they were all startled.

The two of them saw this thing for the first time, and when they heard the sound of breaking the air in that instant, they both looked at the bow and arrow in Yuki’s hand in shock.

After shooting an arrow, he continued to speak.

“Karma taught all of us to shoot arrows, and those pig-headed men were shot to death by us with bows and arrows before they touched us.”

Yun on the side also nodded and said together.

“Yes, yes, karma is powerful, he killed the chief of the pig-headed tribe by himself, and he killed more pig-headed people alone than all of us.”

“Karma made a lot of traps in the woods, and when we went to clean up the corpses, we found that more than half of the pig-headed people died in the traps set up by the forestry, all of them were killed with one hit.”


Grandma Nan Rong heard the words of the two lamb horn girls, and suddenly gasped, and the two pupils also shrunk sharply into two dots, although I don’t know what the trap is, but when she heard that one person killed more than half of the pig-headed people, Grandma Nan Rong and Mingyun were all shocked beyond words.

After Mingyun reacted, her eyes looked at Forestry again, and her eyes were full of surprise.

Originally, Ming Yun was just a little good because he was handsome in forestry.

But now I have listened to what Kokazuyoshi said about forestry.

Ming Yun is now full of curiosity about forestry.

And Grandma Nan Rong was shocked for a long time before she eased up, and then opened her mouth to ask Xiang Xing and luck again, and her voice trembled a little.

“Fortunately, is what you said true? Is it true that the pig-headed tribe has all been killed? ”

Xing Heyun smiled and nodded vigorously at Grandma Nan Rong, and then said.

“It’s true, not one left, all killed.”

After listening to what Xing and Yun said, two lines of tears also flowed from Nan Rong’s eyes, and her hands trembled with excitement.

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