The hunting team plus forestry consisted of six people.

Fortunately, stone, forestry, plus twin raccoon maiden, and a fox-eared maiden.

Forestry followed them through the half-human-tall weeds.

Fortunately, he opened the way in front of him, and kept whipping the weeds in front of him with a bone knife to make a sound.

This can scare away the poisons hidden in the grass in advance.

Forestry keeps moving forward in the ranks.

After learning the trap technique, he discovered that there were many paths among the weeds.

That’s the path that small beasts often pass by.

However, Forestry only looked at it curiously.

This trail is generally left over when rodents are active.

This little animal is not worth stopping and looking for them.

“These weeds are full of vicious insects, and after being bitten, you must immediately cut the wound to suck the poison out, otherwise you will die.”

“Also beware of the ferocious beasts that live in the woods, once when we were out hunting, we came across a particularly large grizzly bear near here, and a few of us climbed into the trees and hid for a whole day before he left here.”

On the way, Yuki opened the way and also told some common sense of hunting to the forestry.

In Yuki’s eyes, forestry is an absolute novice in hunting.

Forestry followed them for more than an hour, and the weeds around them gradually became thinner.

Forestry looked up into the distance.

There is a clearing with a wide view ahead.

There is a group of unknown animals grazing leisurely in the clearing.

“It’s a flat-horned donkey!”

After seeing the prey, Shi whispered, and then looked at Yuki.

“Luckily, hunting or not?”

Forestry also looked at a herd of flathorned donkeys in the clearing.

Those flat-horned donkeys look almost exactly like the donkeys on Earth.

It’s more than twice as big.

And between the two ears on the top of the head, a rectangular unicorn also grows.

When Forestry saw the unicorn, the first thought that came to his mind was.

“Isn’t this a hoe?”

There are also 100 pepper seeds in the forestry storage space.

If one of these flathorns can be caught, forestry can use the flat horns on its head as hoes to turn the ground.

Thinking of this, Forestry also looked at Yuki, who was observing.

Yuki’s eyes scanned back and forth on each flat-horned donkey.

Finally, he stopped at an older-looking flathorned donkey.

Every time I go out to hunt, I give priority to those who are old, weak, sick and disabled.

They do not kill young and strong, nor do they kill those who are pregnant or nursing their young.

First, because the old, weak, sick and disabled prey is less dangerous to hunt.

It is also because they understand the principle that they cannot exhaust their resources and fish.

If you hunt the young and young in the herd, the beasts will soon disappear because they cannot reproduce.

Moreover, when they are threatened with death, they will desperately resist.

Although the flat-horned donkey is a relatively gentle herbivore.

But once he launched a madness, he was hit by the unicorn on his head, and a few bones were broken lightly, and the serious ones would be directly killed by it on the spot.

“There is only one to hunt, and on the right, the old one.”

Yuki pointed at the old flathorned donkey on the edge of the beast group with the bone knife in his hand.

Everyone confirmed their glances with each other, and then began to move from the woods next to the clearing towards the side of the beasts.

After coming to the side closest to the flathorn donkey.

Everyone dispersed, hunched over, lay on the ground and began to move slowly towards the flat-horned donkey from all directions.

Forestry did not follow them.

After all, he had never come out to hunt.

Forestry watched as the beast-eared ladies surrounded the flathorned donkey from all directions.

And the flat-horned donkey did not know that the danger was slowly approaching.

He was still leisurely looking down and nibbling on the tender grass on the ground.

When the beast-eared ladies moved less than twenty meters away from the flathorned donkey.

Suddenly, at the same time, he burst out from the ground, raised the weapon in his hand, and rushed towards the unicorn donkey.

The two raccoon girls moved their positions as soon as they stood up.

Completely separate the donkey from the herd.

The moment the beast-eared ladies burst out, all the flathorned donkeys were frightened and began to flee in one direction together.

The flat-horned donkey surrounded by the beast-eared maiden bar also wanted to escape with the beasts.

But he was stopped by two raccoon women armed with wooden spears.

He was also severely stabbed with two spears on his body.

The injured and painful donkey began to panic even more.

Panicked began to run around.

But every time I didn’t run two steps, I was poked by a wooden spear and stopped.

After a while, the flathorn donkey was already covered in blood.

But because of its huge size, none of these injuries were fatal to him.

But as the encirclement of the five beast-eared maidens slowly shrank.

The wounds on the donkey are also increasing.

However, just when the flathorn donkey ran madly towards the fox-eared lady again.

The wooden spear in the fox’s hand suddenly broke on the flat-horned donkey.

Losing the blocking of the wooden spear, the flat-horned donkey rushed towards the fox-eared lady without slowing down.

At this moment, the lucky eye on the side quickly reached out and pulled the fox ear girl away.

The flat-horned donkey whistled past the fox-eared lady with its head bowed, and the fox-eared lady will be hit by the flat-horned donkey a little later.

But the flat-horned donkey, which broke out of the encirclement, began to run wildly desperately.

The reddened eyes could no longer see what was ahead.

Coincidentally, the direction that the flat-horned donkey rushed to was exactly where the forestry was located.

“Karma, flash away!”

Xing saw the flat-horned donkey rushing straight towards the forestry, and quickly shouted for forestry.

Forestry also saw the flat-horned donkey rushing towards him.

But he didn’t choose to dodge it.

It took so much effort to hunt this flat-horned donkey, but he couldn’t just let him escape.

Watch the flathorn donkey get closer and closer to him.

Forestry took a deep breath, steadied his horse, stretched out his hands and put on a posture, just waiting for the flat-horned donkey to crash into him.

The flat-horned donkey was stimulated by the sharp pain from the wound on his body, lowered his head and turned the flat-horned forward, and ran wildly with red eyes.

Forestry watched as the flathorn donkey got closer and closer to him.

Just when it was about to hit itself.

Forestry held his breath and reached out and grabbed the unicorn on the head of the flathorn donkey to block it.

The powerful momentum pushed the forestry backwards, and his feet plowed two shallow ravines on the ground.


Forestry snorted, and then with both arms again, forced the mad flathorn donkey to stop.

The hooves of the flathorned donkey are constantly rubbing on the ground.

But you just can’t move even a centimeter forward.

Forestry held the unicorn of the flathorn donkey with both hands and began to push the flathorn donkey back step by step.

The flat-horned donkey was pushed back by the forestry, and suddenly its hooves slipped and it fell to its knees.

After the donkey fell, he struggled to get up.

Forestry will certainly not give him that opportunity.

Forestry took the opportunity to move his hand to the neck of the flat-horned donkey and wrapped around it.

“Give it to me!”

After an angry shout, Forestry picked him up by the neck of the flat-horned donkey, and then fell heavily on the ground.

The flat-horned donkey landed on its back, and was thrown to pieces for a while, and its four hooves were also straight and stiff there.

At this time, Shi ran over with the raccoon lady.

They raised the wooden spears in their hands and stabbed them fiercely at the soft belly of the flat-horned donkey.

The wooden spear pierced directly through the skin of the flat-horned donkey and penetrated deeply into its body.

The flathorn donkey, which received such a serious injury, also announced that his life had come to an end.

Accompanied by a cry of grief and a few violent convulsions.

The flathorn donkey completely lost its life and collapsed to the ground.


Ask for all support! Kneeling and begging!!!


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