President’s Contract Wife

Chapter 193 Qiu Wanqing's Concern

Qiu Wanqing checked Muzixi's body after the meal, because she has been in poor health since Muzixi fell into the water, and Qiu Wanqing often came to check her body, anyway, she came to cook today, so naturally To routine physical examination.

After Qiu Wanqing took Muzixi's pulse, he had a worried look on his face. It seemed that Muzixi's health was not good recently. Yes, he came to deliver meals to Muzixi several times a week, but that was only Limited to the meal at noon.

"What did you have for morning and dinner?" Qiu Wanqing asked with a frown.

Although he didn't know what Qiu Wanqing meant, Muzixi answered honestly: "In the morning, I usually eat soy milk fritters outside, but for dinner, I eat stir-fried vegetables in restaurants."

In fact, what she answered was yesterday's meal, and she usually eats like this.

After hearing Muzixi's answer, Qiu Wanqing's brows became even tighter.

It turned out that he finally knew why she was so weak and malnourished. She didn't take good care of herself at all, but ate something casually. How could she be healthy like this?

It seems that he should remind her to pay attention to her body and stop being so indifferent.

"Muzixi, do you often feel dizzy?" Qiu Wanqing asked, he let go of the hand that was holding the pulse, and then retracted his hand before asking.

Her pulse was gone, and he thought he already knew the reason for her poor health. She was too careless, to treat her body like this, of course it would not be good.

Qiu Wanqing knew that one of the obvious characteristics of people who are weak is that they often feel dizzy, and they still feel dizzy. That is anemia, which is caused by malnutrition. He just asked to see how far Muzixi's weakness has reached. That's all.

"Well, yes." Muzixi nodded, and she immediately asked, "How do you know?"

In her opinion, small problems like dizziness are not a big deal, and she doesn't take it seriously.

Qiu Wanqing was a little speechless. He didn't know why Muzixi didn't eat well, why she took such poor care of her body, and now, she didn't worry about her physical condition at all, she really didn't cherish herself.

"I got the pulse out. Your health is not good, and you often eat out. In the long run, malnutrition will cause you to feel uncomfortable, and then cause dizziness and other problems. You should pay more attention to your diet, and Treat it as a very important matter." Qiu Wanqing said solemnly, because he was afraid that Muzixi would not care, so he was so solemn.

If Muzixi was the kind of obedient person, he wouldn't have to be so serious, and if she was obedient, she shouldn't take such poor care of her body. He has told her many times to eat well .

But Muzixi took his words as deaf ears.

"What I eat is very nutritious!" Muzixi defended helplessly: "Soymilk fried dough sticks are very nutritious, aren't they? Eating in a restaurant is also very nutritious!"

Qiu Wanqing was speechless, he looked like he hated iron but steel, why didn't she know how to read books on health preservation, and dared to question him as a great doctor?

What he said were all principles of health preservation, and they were all true things, but everything she said was fallacious.

However, when Muzixi said this, she also regarded him as one of her own. If not, how could she show the most natural side, like bickering with him, liking to argue with reason, instead of facing other people Sometimes, that kind of smiling response, neither objecting nor agreeing.

Now she regards him as the closest person. Only in front of your closest relatives can you be so casual.

Qiu Wanqing stopped being angry, and reasoned with her.

His suggestions have always been imperial edicts, and no one dares to disobey them. If anyone disobeys, they think their life is too long, and hope to report to Lord Yama as soon as possible.

Qiu Wanqing knows that it is basically impossible to eat nutritious food outside, but only at home, the food made by oneself is the healthiest and most nutritious.

"It's okay to eat at home, but..." Muzixi struggled, "I cook at home in the morning, and I have to accompany the client at night. If I don't accompany the client, then I will try my best to eat at home. At noon I’m alone, and I don’t know what to eat.”

Muzixi didn't enjoy Qiu Wanqing's meals with peace of mind. She knew that Qiu Wanqing only cared about her, so he brought her meals, and he didn't need to come to deliver them every day. won't come to take care of her.

"Don't worry, if I stay in City C, I will cook or deliver meals for you." Qiu Wanqing glanced at Muzixi, his eyes were extremely firm.

He must take good care of her body and prevent her from becoming weak any longer. He wants her body to return to its previous state, and then she can live a healthy life.

Muzixi had a shy expression on her face after hearing what he said, and she said gratefully to Qiu Wanqing: "Then thank you, thank you for taking care of me like this."

While the two were talking, suddenly, the mobile phone rang. Muzixi glanced at the incoming call reminder on the mobile phone. It was Cheng Haotian's call. She was a little confused. Why is he calling her at this time? What's the matter? ?

She was going to pick it up to answer, but when she saw Qiu Wanqing next to her, she lightly pressed the red button and refused to answer. She remembered Qiu Wanqing's angry look when he heard that she was with Cheng Haotian that day, so she didn't want him to be angry again.

This time, she's going to press it secretly, instead of answering Cheng Haotian's call in front of Qiu Wanqing.

Cheng Haotian called Muzixi there. What he wanted to say was that tomorrow they will discuss cooperation and let Muzixi prepare the contract, and then he plans to sign the contract directly.

Originally, he just wanted to have a good chat with her, but when he found that she was a little angry, he thought it was time to sign her a contract. Playing with Muzixi again and again, so that the rabbit will bite people when it is cornered.

And if he signed the contract at the right time tomorrow, he might leave a very good impression on Muzixi!

It's just that what he didn't expect was that she actually hung up on his phone. What was she doing? Why couldn't she answer his call?

Cheng Haotian is a little irritable, and he is thinking about some messy pictures in his mind. He is a little irrational, and he is going to meet Muzixi!

"Whose call, why didn't you answer it?" Qiu Wanqing looked at the phone suspiciously, then looked at Muzixi and asked.

Generally speaking, even if it is a stranger's number, Muzixi will not refuse to answer it! Today's number is quite strange!

When Qiu Wanqing asked, Muzixi became a little flustered. She said a little flustered, "It's an insurance salesman. I've already rejected it, but I still called, so I just didn't answer it."

However, she couldn't help but lie. If Qiu Wanqing knew that this person was Cheng Haotian, he would be very angry, that's why she lied to him.

Forgive me, I didn't mean to. Muzixi said to Qiu Wanqing in his heart that he could only try to maintain his composure on his face. It seems that only in this way can Qiu Wanqing believe her words.

Qiu Wanqing glanced at Muzixi, and didn't ask any more questions. It was just a phone call, so he naturally didn't care.

Qiu Wanqing felt that it was time for him to leave, he couldn't stay here for too long, and he still had his own affairs to deal with, so he got up and left. Of course, his departure is only temporary, and he will come back tomorrow.

"Muzixi, I'm leaving. See you tomorrow. Remember to eat well." Qiu Wanqing got up and left Muzixi's house.

After Muzixi stood at the door and watched Qiu Wanqing leave, he picked up his mobile phone to check the caller ID.

There were already five missed calls, and after she refused to answer the call for the first time, she set the phone's ringtone to vibrate, so Qiu Wanqing didn't know, otherwise, he would definitely be suspicious.

What is this Cheng Haotian, why does he have to call her cell phone? Isn't it time to meet tomorrow, can't we talk about it tomorrow?

Muzixi turned on the phone and called back directly.

"Hey, what is President Cheng looking for?" Muzixi's tone was polite, but also cold. This tone was polite and indifferent. It was really the best way to fight against his phone call invisible. .

Cheng Haotian would call Muzixi, but he was hung up all the time, so he was worried, thinking that something happened to Muzixi, so he rushed to Muzixi's house while calling. Of course, he sent someone to secretly investigate Muzixi's home address. If it wasn't an emergency, he didn't want to come.

He didn't know what happened to Muzixi and why he couldn't even answer the phone. The more he thought about it, the more worried he became, so he simply came here. Only after seeing Muzixi can he really feel at ease.

He inquired about the company's assistant and knew that Muzixi was not in the company. He guessed that she must be at home. It seems that Muzixi is usually at home when not in the company. Of course, there is also a restaurant, but she should be at home at noon. .

Now that he received a call from Muzixi and heard her words, he was so happy that he forgot all the unhappiness. He forgot how worried he was about her, and how she hung up on him on purpose.

As long as muzixi is safe, he can rest assured.

"Well, I have something to ask you, can you meet with me? You kept hanging up the phone just now, I thought something happened to you!" Cheng Haotian couldn't hide his concern for her. Come on, it's time for him to take the initiative, instead of always reacting passively.

Don't girls like boys who take care of them, so he should be a caring and considerate boyfriend. With his tenderness, let Muzixi come back to him again.

After hearing his last sentence, Muzixi immediately stopped being angry. She even blamed herself a little. Cheng Haotian cared about her, but in order not to make Qiu Wanqing angry, she refused to answer his calls so many times.

She knew that Cheng Haotian was the president of Tangtang Zhetian Group and would not stay too long for a woman, but she was still so moved after hearing the words of concern.

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