President’s Contract Wife

Chapter 153 Did he have pneumonia?

Qiu Wanqing diagnoses Cheng Haotian, and Cheng Haotian's eyes are always on Muzixi's body, and Muzixi's eyes are always on Qiu Wanqing's body. The three of them formed such a vicious circle, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Qiu Wanqing pretended to diagnose for a long time, and then let Cheng Haotian put it away.

Finally, he said with a solemn expression: "The situation is not good, he may have pneumonia."

These words were like a bomb, and Muzixi, who was already worried, was shocked beyond measure.

What? He actually got pneumonia?

Isn't it just a cold? How could you get pneumonia?

It was all her fault. If she hadn't infected him, he wouldn't have pneumonia. And she didn't even come to visit him. He just took care of the child in his stomach, but neglected to take care of him.

After Qiu Wanqing finished speaking, a smile flashed in his eyes. He was exaggerating on purpose. It's just that he had a severe cold, and he didn't really get pneumonia. indefinite.

Cheng Haotian was very calm about this answer, without any panic. He felt that if a man is afraid of pneumonia, it's just pneumonia, so what's the big deal.

So, he doesn't care.

Plus, he didn't believe he'd get pneumonia at all.

Pneumonia is not so easy to get, he still knows about his own body.

"Doctor Qiu, what should we do then?" Muzixi was nervous, she looked at Qiu Wanqing with a cry for help, hoping that he would give him a panacea, which would make Cheng Haotian recover immediately.

However, she also knew that she was delusional.

Pneumonia is not so easy to treat. It takes a long time. It is definitely not a day or two. But why did he get it?

"Take medicine for treatment, but it will take half a year to a year, don't be too tired during the period." Qiu Wanqing said decently, he thought maybe this way, Cheng Haotian can let go of his grudges and go back home!

What he did was only good for the two of them, and there would be no harm.

"It's okay to drink medicine, but it can't delay my working time. There are many things in the company, so I can't be left out." Cheng Haotian expressed his position. He didn't believe the diagnosis result, and it would delay his working time. No way.

Besides, there were so many things that had piled up that he couldn't help but deal with them. If he doesn't deal with it, things will pile up. At that time, the workload will be much larger.

After hearing what Cheng Haotian said, Qiu Wanqing didn't express his opinion. His words were originally intended for muzixi's ears. As long as muzixi knew his goal, he would have achieved his goal. Now, it depends on Muzixi's attitude.

After hearing Cheng Haotian's words, Muzixi really became anxious. He was already so seriously ill, and he still missed the company. I'm not in good health, how can I still work? The idiot!

At first, I thought he was very smart, but I didn't expect him to be confused sometimes. How can you talk about work when you don't even have a body? Cheng Haotian, sometimes he is really stubborn and unreasonable. And she must take coercive measures.

"No, I won't allow you to work anymore. Come back with me now and take good care of your body." Muzixi said domineeringly. This time, she can no longer let him not take care of her body.

He is already so serious that he has to go home to take care of himself.

Cheng Haotian frowned, he already had so many things backlogged, how could he have time to go back and recuperate his body? It is not a matter of a day or two to recuperate the body, and his work is so much. If he leaves, who will deal with it? So, he can't leave.

"I can't go back. I have so much backlog. If I don't deal with it, it will affect the company's efficiency." Cheng Haotian insisted on his own opinion and did not intend to compromise.

After hearing what he said, Muzixi knew that he didn't plan to go back, and was very worried, but she couldn't force him to leave. I have to find a way to make him go back willingly, but what method should I use?

She thought, if he really cared about himself so much, then he must be worried about his body. Why don't you just let yourself pretend and he'll be hooked.

Thinking of this, she suddenly squatted down clutching her stomach with a pained expression.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing that Muzixi's expression was wrong, Cheng Haotian noticed it immediately, got up from his seat in a hurry, and then ran to her side.

She was fine just now, why did she suddenly become like this?

"My stomach hurts. It was fine just now, but suddenly it hurts very much." Muzixi gritted his teeth and said, with a painful expression on his face. It's just that there was a smile in her eyes.

Oye! She guessed right, he cared about her. Seeing her suffering, he immediately showed concern. It seemed that her plan was about to succeed.

Cheng Haotian had already reached the side of Muzixi while he was talking, and while supporting Muzixi, he said to Qiu Wanqing: "Come and show Muzixi!"

He was nervous and worried, and he didn't want muzixi to have any problems. Stomach pain is a big deal, who knows if it will abort his baby again?

Qiu Wanqing had actually seen through Muzixi's tricks, and he knew what happened when she yelled just now. If Cheng Haotian wasn't so nervous about Muzixi, maybe he could see some flaws, but unfortunately, Cheng Haotian's concern is chaotic.

Qiu Wanqing walked to the side of Muzixi, felt her pulse and said: "Maybe she didn't digest well, so her stomach is suffering from indigestion, which caused stomach pain, just go home and have a good rest. "

He didn't expose her, and he even helped her out, which is quite interesting!

Qiu Wanqing gave Muzixi a smug look, and Muzixi knew what he meant, but Cheng Haotian's attention was all on her, so it was hard for her to reply her grateful look.

"Qiu Wanqing, hurry up and send her back home. Be sure to send her home safely." After hearing Qiu Wanqing's words, Cheng Haotian immediately made a decision.

She just needs to rest well. There is no suitable place to rest here, so let her go back quickly. Anyway, with Qiu Wanqing around, I'm not afraid of anything.

However, Muzixi did not obediently agree. She won't leave so easily. If he doesn't follow him home, she won't leave.

She originally wanted him to go back with him, but now that she was asked to go back alone, she would not agree.

"No, if you don't go home, I won't go home either." Muzixi said willfully, covering her stomach and pursing her mouth.

She doesn't like acting like a baby, but it doesn't mean she can't act like a baby. Now, if Cheng Haotian doesn't go home, how can she go back with peace of mind? In short, if he doesn't go back, she won't go back either. She just let him go home with her, which is good for his health.

He was not afraid of her catching a cold, so how could she be afraid of his pneumonia?

Big deal, both of them got the same disease and recovered.

Now, Cheng Haotian is a little at a loss. He never thought that Muzixi would have a day of acting like a rascal. However, she looks so cute in this way. He knew that she was doing it for his own good and didn't want him to be tired.

However, I can't let go of work!

On the other hand, Qiu Wanqing could hardly hold back his laughter. This Muzixi is really weird. He thought of threatening Cheng Haotian like this. Seeing Cheng Haotian's helpless face, he really couldn't help being happy. Cheng Haotian has never been threatened by a woman like this before, ha ha, it's so fun!

It seems that these two people will not be alone in the days to come.

"Muzixi, don't be willful, you can go back with Qiu Wanqing! If there is anything, he can take care of you." Cheng Haotian said helplessly.

Maybe in this way, Muzixi can be persuaded.

He turned his eyes to Qiu Wanqing for help, but Qiu Wanqing didn't even look at him. Qiu Wanqing was very good at winking, and naturally knew that he would not take over this hot potato.

Cheng Haotian, your woman can only be coaxed by yourself, I dare not. At that time, you will look jealous again, why should I make trouble for myself!

Qiu Wanqing stood beside him calmly, not intending to interfere in their affairs.

But Muzixi said with a blank face: "No, I don't want him to take care of me, I want you to take care of me. No matter what, if you don't go back, I won't go back either. Just let me suffer alone! "

While speaking, her face became even uglier, as if her stomach hurt even more.

And Cheng Haotian immediately compromised.

He couldn't look at Muzixi in such pain, he wanted to send her home quickly. At home, with good care, Muzixi will be fine.

"Okay! I'll go back with you." Cheng Haotian compromised, then took Muzixi's hand, and strode downstairs.

With a happy smile on Muzixi's face, she knew that Cheng Haotian cared about her. If she wasn't smart and pretended to have a stomachache, he would not have left the company. She's also doing it for his own good, so I hope he won't be mad at her.

The two walked in front so romantically, Qiu Wanqing was so embarrassed to be a light bulb. But he is a doctor, and he has no choice but to leave the Zhetian Group together with those two people.

The three got into the car together, Qiu Wanqing drove, and the two sat in the back seat of the car.

Muzixi felt very sweet in her heart. He was so close, which made her feel at ease. And she also likes the smell of him. It seems to be a taste that I will never hate in my life, it is a faint smell of tobacco.

"Muzixi, are you better?" Seeing that Muzixi was silent, Cheng Haotian broke the silence and said.

He didn't know what was going on with Muzixi's stomach, so he couldn't help but ask.

And Muzixi's heart is very sweet, she knows how happy it is to have such a considerate person by her side!

"I feel much better." Muzixi leaned on his chest and said softly.

She felt so happy to lean on him.

Cheng Haotian hugged Muzixi tightly to make her warmer. His expression relaxed a little, and he coughed a few more times from the corner of his mouth. His body needs to be recuperated.

"Are you okay?" Muzixi moved a little, as if to see what's wrong with him.

Cheng Haotian hurriedly replied: "It's okay, don't worry."

Don't let her worry, he can rest assured. Besides, it's not a serious illness. Even if it's pneumonia, it won't be a big problem.

Cheng Haotian's answer made Muzixi quiet down. She knew that Cheng Haotian was holding on, and when they got home, she must take good care of him and not make him tired.

Suddenly, Muzixi seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly sat up from Cheng Haotian's arms, which surprised Cheng Haotian.

She found something and held it in her hand. Cheng Haotian saw clearly that it was a lunch box. It seems that she just took the lunch box to find him. But later, because of his illness, this lunch box was also forgotten by them.

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