President’s Contract Wife

Chapter 118 Preconception Examination

The corner of Qiu Wanqing's mouth couldn't help evoking a handsome and smug smile. The more Cheng Haotian hides, the more he wants to see that woman!

Thinking about turning the car around abruptly, he drove to Cheng Haotian's villa.

Twenty minutes later, I finally arrived at the gate of Cheng Haotian's villa.

"Tsk tsk, I've been walking for more than a year, and this place hasn't changed at all." Qiu Wanqing got out of the car gracefully, closed the door neatly, and murmured while looking at Cheng Haotian's big villa.

While speaking, he had already walked up the steps to the door and rang the doorbell. After pressing for a long time, I heard a gentle female voice: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

Hearing this voice, Qiu Wanqing's heart was shocked immediately, tsk tsk, it seems that Cheng Haotian really attaches great importance to this woman, otherwise, this guy with serious mental cleanliness never brings any women to his house... Now this A woman actually lives in his house?

In his heart, he couldn't help being even more curious, wanting to meet Cheng Haotian's future wife...

"I'm looking for Muzixi. My name is Qiu Wanqing, and I'm the personal doctor of the chairman of Zhetian Group." Qiu Wanqing looked at the video electronic doorbell, but couldn't see the face of the person inside.

Muzixi looked at this man whom he had never seen before, and couldn't help feeling a little wary in his heart.

"Oh? The chairman is not here. He went to the company. If you go to the company to look for him, you will definitely find him."

"He's sick. I want to pick you up to see him." Qiu Wanqing saw that Muzixi didn't open the door very much, and couldn't help but want to confirm if she was the woman the secretary called, so he opened his mouth to ask the question the secretary had asked.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to get pregnant, so I can't go." Muzixi gave the same answer, and Qiu Wanqing immediately confirmed her identity.

"Preparing for pregnancy?" Qiu Wanqing heard her say the word again, and suddenly remembered what Cheng Haotian asked him to examine her. A thought flashed across her, preparing for pregnancy? Could it be that this Cheng Haotian actually wanted a child?

This is simply too incredible! That's why you hid this woman here? No wonder, he was asked to come to his house to examine her.

Qiu Wanqing laughed: "It turns out that's the case. No wonder Haotian asked me to come to his house to check someone's body. It must be you. Can I help you check up? You don't need to be on guard against me at all, Haotian I'll be back soon. Don't worry, I want to help you make plans in advance regarding pregnancy preparation." Qiu Wanqing smiled politely at the camera on the doorbell, hoping that Muzixi would know that he was not a bad person .

However, suddenly there was no sound, and just when Qiu Wanqing thought he was completely useless, the door opened! A petite and exquisite woman stood at the door, wearing a white T-shirt, a pair of jeans, her hair was casually tied behind her head, and a lot of broken hair fell around her neck.

The last ray of sunlight in the setting sun reflected on her face, making her skin like white jade a little rosy.

She is indeed a very attractive woman, but she looks thinner and smaller than Yingying Yanyan who was by Cheng Haotian's side in the past...

He's really curious, Cheng Haotian, has this always been his taste?

"Hello..." Muzixi looked Qiu Wanqing up and down. It seemed that he was really well-dressed, not like an ordinary family doctor, so he couldn't help but smile warmly.

Suddenly, a trace of inexplicable familiarity flashed across Qiu Wanqing's heart. At this moment, he suddenly understood one thing.

This woman, different from those other alluring women, is somewhat similar to a certain girl he had seen...

However, she is different from that girl... That is, her smile can make people very warm. No wonder Cheng Haotian can call out her name in his dreams, because Cheng Haotian is a Someone who needs warmth...

Although he is usually as cold as a mountain and strong and domineering, the Cheng family didn't give him much warmth since he was a child...

"Hello, I'm Qiu Wanqing." Qiu Wanqing greeted him politely, and introduced himself politely.

Standing at the door, Muzixi saw a man who was about the same height as Cheng Haotian, but completely different from Cheng Haotian, standing in front of him.

"Can I go in?" Qiu Wanqing looked at the woman in front of him who had been sizing him up. He thought that when she opened the door, he agreed to go in.

"No, I'm the only one at home now, you can't come in." Muzixi hurriedly blocked Qiu Wanqing's way.

She was worried that the multi-hearted Cheng Haotian would make trouble for her. It's just that this man just said that Cheng Haotian asked him to come... She suddenly felt that it was impolite to drive him away.

"It's okay, Miss Mu. I won't pose any threats. I guarantee you that Haotian and I grew up together. He won't guard against me if he guards against anyone. I'm here, really Haotian asked me to come, and I want to get to know you, and I heard that you are preparing for pregnancy, I want to help you take a look."

When Muzixi heard Qiu Wanqing say that he and Cheng Haotian were good friends, and seeing his serious and sincere expression, Muzixi couldn't help lowering his head to think for a while, then made room for Qiu Wanqing to enter the house.

After all, she is not the owner of this house, how can she let the owner's friend stand outside...

Qiu Wanqing entered the door with satisfaction, and looked at the whole house, it was still so magnificent, this is Cheng Haotian's usual style. It's just that because there seems to be an extra woman, the house is more warm.

Muzixi went to the kitchen politely, made Qiu Wanqing a cup of coffee, and sat on another sofa, as quiet as if she wasn't there.

Since she lived in Cheng Haotian's house, she has never received Cheng Haotian's guests...

Qiu Wanqing looked at Muzixi in front of him. She was very thin, but she looked healthy, and she was a woman who was more suitable for pregnancy.

"Miss Mu, although you are young and beautiful, you have too little fat on your body. You should eat more, so that you can conceive better."

Muzixi nodded, she knew all these things, needless to say.

Qiu Wanqing was still smiling, but suddenly got up and approached Muzixi.

Muzixi was a little nervous at once, but Qiu Wanqing smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm just feeling your pulse. Don't look at me like this. I'm a doctor with a double degree in Chinese and Western medicine."

She didn't quite understand the medical degree, and this man, whom she had never heard of, came to see her suddenly.

After Qiu Wanqing made the diagnosis, he stopped, but suddenly changed the subject: "Miss Mu, you are really too weak. I will prescribe some medicine for you later."

As he spoke, he took out his phone and called a certain home delivery pharmacy.

After closing the line, he faced Muzixi again, "I have finished the diagnosis, and someone will deliver the medicine later, so I will go back first."

Qiu Wanqing nodded and smiled, before getting up and leaving, Muzixi also heaved a sigh of relief.

But Qiu Wanqing suddenly remembered something and turned his head to look at Muzixi, "By the way, Miss Mu doesn't need to hide from Haotian's cold. Cheng Haotian just had a fever today, not some contagious cold, and nothing will happen. , it seems that you don't really care about him..."

After hearing this, Muzixi was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but smile a little. Sure enough, he is really Cheng Haotian's good friend, and he cares more about him than himself...

It's just her own reason, does she need to tell others?

Muzixi didn't speak or refute, so Qiu Wanqing didn't know what to say for a while, maybe what he said was too redundant.

Qiu Wanqing left the villa in embarrassment.

Under Muzixi's watchful eye, he got into the car, and the moment the car started, Qiu Wanqing couldn't help but cast a curious look at Muzixi.

These two people, it seems that they both care about each other and have a deep bond, but they avoid talking about it, which is a bit interesting. At this moment, Qiu Wanqing couldn't help being a little interested...

It seems that in the future, Cheng Haotian's road to love will be very interesting...

The night was brightly lit by stars, but the whole mansion was empty, except for Muzixi.

As expected, Cheng Haotian did what Muzixi said, and he didn't go home until his cold got better. Muzixi was the only one left in the empty room.

It was as quiet as a heartbeat, so Muzixi could only turn on the TV and use the liveliness on the TV to dilute the emptiness of the entire room.

Time flies, and a few days have passed in a flash.

It was not until the eve of going to Europe that Muzixi received a call from Cheng Haotian, asking him to make preparations quickly to pick her up and go to Paris together.

Muzixi still hung up the phone quietly, began to check the weather in Paris, and prepared her and Cheng Haotian's clothes. Very conscientious.

Cheng Haotian didn't come to pick up Muzixi, but the secretary came to pick up Muzixi, and sent Muzixi to the airport.

It said it was an airport, but it didn't go to the check-in hall for passengers to board at all, but drove straight to the lobby of the private airport in Building C.

The secretary opened the way for Muzixi all the way, and led her to the private plane with the Zhetian Group written on it.

At this moment, Cheng Haotian is sitting on his private plane, wearing a mask, which makes Muzixi look a little dazzling when he just got on the plane.

The entire private jet is designed like a mansion, with sofas, tables and chairs, and TV. Very luxurious and comfortable.

And Cheng Haotian was leaning on the big red high-end sofa, wearing a mask.

The moment he saw Muzixi, his eyes lit up.

After not seeing her for a few days, his heart yearns for her so much.

Muzixi looked at Cheng Haotian, her heart tightened inexplicably...

I haven't seen you for a few days. I don't know what happened to his cold. Although she has been forcing herself not to worry about him, her heart always thinks of him unconsciously...

"Hello, beauty, we met again." Muzixi followed the voice and saw the man who went to the villa to see her that day, and she nodded politely.

"You know each other?" Cheng Haotian felt jealous when he heard Qiu Wanqing and Muzixi greet each other so familiarly. His tone of voice was much colder than before.

"I don't know." Muzixi seemed to be the same as Cheng Haotian, and answered Cheng Haotian's question expressionlessly.

Qiu Wanqing heard Cheng Haotian's jealousy, and immediately smiled wryly, "Did you suffer from amnesia? When you caught a cold the first day, before you fell into a coma, I asked me to go to your house to check her up..." He was a little unwilling He stuck out his tongue at Cheng Haotian, and after finishing speaking, he calmed down a little helplessly, and sat down in his seat obediently, and was also a little angry that this woman picked herself so cleanly, and directly said that she didn't know him.

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