Portable Space: The Peasant Princess

Chapter 166 Relying on the old and betraying the old (1)

After explaining everything to Xu Wen, Gu Panxia took Baozi and bought a bunch of things one after another, and then the two of them took a carriage back to Yuehe Village.

The groom was also one of the secret guards left by Lu Yuan. In order to protect the two siblings, Lu Yuan placed no less than ten secret guards at Gourmet Meike. Even the boy guarding the door was replaced by a secret guard by him.

Of course, there are also some who are secretly not discovered by Gu Panxia. In total, there are at least twenty.

"Gu Dashan, you are a murderer, why is my life so miserable!"

As soon as the carriage entered the village, Gu Panxia heard Zhang's wailing voice from a distance. She raised her eyebrows slightly, but she didn't want to watch the excitement.

On the other hand, the little bun beside him said with a troubled expression: "Sister, this sounds like my aunt's voice."

Gu Panxia sighed softly, "It's not my aunt's, it's Zhang's. Pandong, you have to remember that we have left the Gu family. She is no longer our aunt, and we no longer have any relationship with the Gu family."

"Oh!" Little Baozi tilted his head and nodded in understanding.

At this moment, the carriage suddenly stopped, and the driver said: "Miss Gu, the road is blocked and we can't get in."

Gu Panxia frowned when he heard this, "What's going on?"

She lifted the curtain and took a look, only to see people crowding around the entrance to the village. Mrs. Zhang was wailing and rolling on the ground, Gu Hong and Mrs. Feng had gloomy faces, and Gu Dashan was captured by several big men.

This scene was very familiar. It was exactly the same scene when they wanted to use her to pay off their debts when they were at her house. Gu Panxia sneered. It seemed that Gu Dashan was unrepentant and ran to the gambling shop again, owing a huge debt?

Sure enough, dogs can’t change their habit of eating shit.

She was just about to close the curtain and let the groom take a detour when Feng saw her sharply.

Her eyes lit up and she suddenly ran over here. Everyone's eyes followed her, and everyone was a little confused when they saw her blocking the carriage in front of Yiliang's luxuriously decorated carriage.

"What's going on with Feng? Could it be that he wants help from a noble person?" Someone ridiculed his origin.

"I saw that she was at the end of her rope."

"Then who is the person in the carriage? Is he going to Jiang's house again?"

At the moment when everyone was confused, Feng Shi shouted: "Pan Xia, Pan Xia, grandma knows that the person in the carriage is you. Look, your uncle has been deceived. Can you save her?" "

When everyone heard this, they were in an uproar.

"Then the person in the carriage is the eldest girl of the Gu family?" Someone was shocked.

"As expected, it's different to be with a young master from a rich family!" Mr. Hu said sourly.

Yang Xiaocui's face is almost healed now, but the black juice has not completely faded away, and Yang Xiaocui is considered by the people in the village to be an unknown person.

Nowadays, let alone anyone proposing marriage, those people stay away even when they pass by the door of their house, for fear of getting into trouble with something dirty.

Even the only son is unwilling to come back now. Except for coming back to get money, he is indifferent to the affairs of the family.

Now, when she saw that Gu Panxia not only met rich people, but could also afford the best tile-roofed houses, she felt very unhappy.

It is simply unreasonable for a little bitch whose engagement was annulled by the Yang family to live a thousand times better than the people in their family.

"There is a path on the right, take a detour."

Looking back, Xia Li ignored Feng who was shouting outside and gave direct orders to the coachman.

"Gu Panxia, ​​after all, your surname is Gu, how can you ignore death and not save me?"

Seeing that Gu Panxia was really leaving, Gu Hong was also anxious. Now they still had so much money to pay off Gu Dashan's debt. Now, except Gu Panxia, ​​no one could help Gu Dashan.

He only has one son left. If he makes any mistakes, who will take care of them when they grow old?

No matter what he said today, he still wanted Gu Panxia to pay back the money for them!

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