Poor Family

Chapter 68: Bad start

  Chapter 68 Unfavorable start

As soon as Song Jiang left, Li Yanqing immediately poured cold water on Uncle Zhong who was sleeping soundly. Uncle Zhong was not yet fully awake from alcohol, and he was in a daze. whats the matter?"

   "Don't ask, go to Aunt Gu's house and hide for a while, and come back in the morning!"

  Li Yanqing knew very well that Song Jiang had already become suspicious of him. The so-called looking for his father was just a way to delay the attack and stabilize himself. He would definitely come to him again.

Li Yanqing also sent the magpies to Third Aunt Gu's house for temporary shelter. After making arrangements for his family, Li Yanqing cut more than a dozen bamboo sticks and stuck them outside the back wall. We are patiently waiting for the second visit of the guests. . . . . .

At two o'clock, two black shadows appeared from the woods in the south. It was Dai Zong and Li Kui who came. Of course, Song Jiang would not go to Anyang County to visit Li Yanqing's father, Li Daqi. The young man in front of him knew the whereabouts of Hu Cheng, so why bother? Looking far away?

  The reason why Song Jiang didn't attack Li Yanqing on the spot was mainly because he was concerned about the Ruan brothers. These two brothers are people who value love and righteousness. He was afraid that they would make things difficult for them.

   This is also where Song Jiang considered it carefully. It is impossible for him to hurt the face of the other two good brothers for the sake of one Hu Cheng.

Song Jiang went back to the inn first, and after the Ruan brothers fell asleep, he secretly sent Dai Zong and Li Kui to take Li Yanqing captive, and let him go after asking about Hu Cheng's whereabouts. This not only achieved his goal, but also took care of the Ruan brothers. The face, kill two birds with one stone.

  Two black shadows quickly approached the wall of Li Yanqing's backyard. Li Kui wanted to jump into the wall, but was held back by Dai Zong. Li Kui was dissatisfied immediately, and his eyes widened: "It's just a few old and weak women and children. What are you afraid of?"

   "I'm not afraid, I'm afraid of disturbing that little man and being slipped away by him. Besides, the elder brother has repeatedly told that little man to be good at arrows, so we'd better be careful."

   Li Kui still agreed with the first sentence, but the latter sentence made Li Kui's lips curl up, "The hero of Liangshan is afraid of people shooting arrows, so let me show you that I can tie him out with a rope."

   Dai Zong failed to catch him, Li Kui had already jumped onto the wall, Dai Zong had no choice but to follow up, but at this moment, an accident happened, Li Kui let out a muffled cry, and fell directly from the top of the wall.

Dai Zong turned pale with fright, and hurried up the wall. In the darkness, he felt a gust of wind rushing towards his door, which was incomparably fast. Dai Zong's body was unstable, and it was too late to dodge his head sideways. He could only reach out to dial, just listen Snapped! ’ The object hit the back of his hand crisply, and Dai Zong felt pain to the marrow of his bone, as if the bone in his hand was broken.

   Dai Zong shook his body instinctively, but he felt a gust of wind blowing towards his face again. He couldn't dodge it anymore, but felt a sharp pain on his forehead. He said, "Ah! ’ with a scream, and fell on his back from the top of the wall.

  Li Yanqing used three round stones to beat the two Liangshan heroes into a mess. He hid in the dark, but the opponent was exposed to the moonlight, and he could see clearly.

At this time, he saw Li Kui was dangling, about to get up from the ground. Li Yanqing hit another round stone, which hit Li Kui on the back of the head. Moved.

Li Yanqing waited for a while, and seeing that the person outside did not come in, he drew out his thick ridged dagger and sprang out from the darkness. He ignored Li Kui and ran to the top of the wall to observe for a while, only to see a black shadow in the distance He limped and ran hard into the woods. This person should have stepped on the bamboo stick he had buried under the wall in advance.

Only then did Li Yanqing put his sword into its sheath, and stepped forward to clean up the **** man. He first searched for the dagger and simple knife on the **** man, and there were actually two ingots of fifty taels of silver in his arms. Li Yanqing snorted, and went along with him Take it away, and then take out the prepared tendon rope to tie his feet firmly.

  At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps behind him, and when Li Yanqing turned his head, he saw Magpie standing at the door of the back room, covering his mouth, looking at the **** man on the ground in horror.

   Li Yanqing suddenly said angrily: "Why are you here?"

  Behind the magpie, a strong young man appeared, holding a whistle stick. It turned out that Zhuzhu also came, and Zhuzi also widened his eyes, "Brother Qing, what happened? Who is this man?"

  Li Yanqing had repeatedly told them not to come, and not to report to the officials, but unexpectedly they came anyway, Li Yanqing was helpless, now was not the time to scold them, so he said: "You came just in time, come and help!"

  Zhu Zhu stepped forward, and together with Li Yanqing tied the arms of the **** man behind his back with a rope, and covered his eyes with a piece of black cloth.

   "You didn't report to the police, did you?" Li Yanqing asked.

   "No!" Zhu Zi shook his head, "I didn't even dare to tell Baozheng."

   "That's right, these people can't be messed with, and if things get serious, people will die."

  Zhuzi didn't dare to ask further questions, he scratched his head and said, "Brother Qing, I have a pair of heavy shackles at home, do you want me to bring them!"

  Li Yanqing was worrying that the rope wouldn't be able to tie the **** man, so he said happily, "Go and get it!"

The pillar flew away. At this time, Li Kui finally woke up. His eyes were covered by a black cloth, and he struggled again, only feeling that his hands and feet were bound. Come on, kill your Bird Village completely!"

  Li Yanqing drew out his dagger, pressed it against his neck, and said coldly: "You should be called Li Kui! Don't **** me off, if you can't do Li Kui, be Li Gui!"

  Li Kui was taken aback, "How do you know my name?"

Li Yanqing was just guessing casually, but he didn't expect that Li Kui in history and Li Kui in novels had the same personality. He snorted, got up, picked up a hammer, and handed it to the magpie, "Look at him, if he dares Struggling, you just hit him with a stick on the back of the head."

Magpie looked at the kneeling big man who was taller than himself, and was trembling with fright. Li Yanqing ignored her, and put the hammer in her hand, "Don't come if you want to come, since you are here, play a little bit." Use it!"

The magpie had no choice but to take the pounding hammer, and stood behind Li Kui tremblingly. Li Yanqing went up to the roof again, and leaned on the roof to look around. The surrounding area was very quiet, except for the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the treetops in the distance. .

At this time, there was a muffled bang from behind, and Li Yanqing turned around to see Li Kui being beaten and lying on the ground, and passed out again, Magpie was trembling all over while holding the pounding hammer, his teeth were chattering, "He wants to stand up! "

  Li Yanqing stepped forward, only to see several big bumps on the back of Li Kui's head, and there were bloodstains. The magpie hit hard enough, and I don't know if there will be any sequelae in the future.

  Li Yanqing smiled and said: "Yes, our magpies have indeed played a big role."

   The magpie was encouraged, and after a moment of shock, he plucked up his courage and said: "If he dares to move again, I will blow his head!"

"remarkably brave!"

  At this time, Li Yanqing saw Zhuzi rushing panting with a pair of heavy wooden shackles in his arms, so he stepped forward to take the heavy wooden shackles and said with a smile: "With this thing, he is our prisoner."

  Li Yanqing and Zhuzi took advantage of Li Kui's unconsciousness, locked his head and hands with wooden shackles, dragged him to the back room and locked him up.

  Li Yanqing didn't know what to do next, but with Li Kui as a hostage, he could at least have a good talk with Song Jiang.

   It was the first time in Dai Zong's life that he was treated so badly. His hand bones were almost cracked, the skin on his forehead was broken, his face was covered with blood, and when he jumped off the wall, he stepped on a bamboo stick and his instep was pierced.

  Dai Zong held back the pain in the woods to clean up the wound, and observed for a while, but he didn't hear Li Kui's roar.

  Dai Zong returned to the inn in Zhangji Town. As soon as he entered the door, Ruan Xiaoer rushed forward and grabbed him by the hem of his clothes, shouting, "What did you do to that young man?"

  Song Jiang also walked out of the room quickly, but seeing Dai Zong's face was covered in blood, he was in a panic, and Li Kui was nowhere to be seen behind him, he was startled, "What's going on?"

  Dai Zong broke away from Ruan Xiaoer's hand, said with a wry smile, "Forget it, that boy beat us to shame, I didn't even see what he looked like, and Li Heitan was also caught by him."

   "Ah!" Song Jiang and the Ruan brothers were dumbfounded.

  【After reading the book, vote for Lao Gao by the way, votes are really important! 】



  (end of this chapter)

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