Police Detective

Chapter 785 Looking for 1

After arriving at this street, it was already four o'clock in the morning, and it would be dawn soon.

The sanitation workers sweeping the streets have begun their busy day.

Bai Song couldn't help but think of a joke.

"Have you ever seen the sun at four o'clock in the morning?"

"See you every day, monthly salary is 1,500, what do you want?"

"That's okay."

Different streets, different cities, same sanitation workers.

When he was at the police station, Bai Song would go out at night, and when he returned in the early morning, he would always see these people.

The sanitation workers in Tianhua City basically come from Dashan Province and other places, while the sanitation workers in D City and E County are all locals.

No one knew this street better than these people, so Bai Song quickly went to inquire.

Of the four stores on this street, only two are open early in the morning.

Of course, you can't eat dog meat for breakfast. Opening the door early in the morning means that there may be regular customers ordering dog meat in the morning.

"What should I do? Gambling?" Liu Shuyuan asked.

No one was sleepy or tired that night.

Although the process was not detailed, staying up all night would be uncomfortable for everyone.

Now, these two stores are the two with the highest probability, but it will take at least two hours until the stores open.

I went to check other places, but couldn't find them because none of them were open.

According to the sanitation workers, many dog ​​meat restaurants here start slaughtering dogs at seven or eight o'clock in the morning, and some start as early as six o'clock.

And in order to show the freshness of dog meat, many restaurants slaughter it on the street.

If you are here, everything will be fine.

What if it's not here? That's trouble.

You can't force someone's door open now.

The two police dogs, which had been busy all night, were already exhausted, but they had no idea of ​​resting on this street. They looked around in horror, always trying to stand behind people.

"There was a police station on the side of the road just now. Zhao Han, you bring two police dogs, borrow a mediation room, and spread out a mat for them to rest." Bai Song arranged: "The results will be around six o'clock."

"Understood." Zhao Han led the two dogs and left.

Although they are well-trained police dogs, they still find it difficult to control themselves on this street. It is a hard work for the two little guys.

For them, the smell of the same kind of blood can be smelled everywhere here.

The morning in June dawned very early, before five o'clock.

Everyone was very sleepy. Bai Song didn't want to wait any longer, so he called the owners of the two stores directly. There were phone numbers left on the doors.

At half past five, the two bosses rushed over early. The five of them visited both stores separately, but no trace of rhubarb was found.

"Boss Li, what you said is inconsistent with our clues." Bai Song said in the largest store: "Yesterday, a car with the license plate # came to your place and sold you a few dogs. Why? You don’t have any here.”

Everyone checked this car and found that it was a fake car, but no information about the relevant person was found.

"Officer, are you kidding? The dogs we have here are all meat dogs bought from dog factories. As you have seen, they are all the same breed of Billy dogs. Life is hard now. Those who collect dogs randomly The market is messed up.”

This store is the largest and a time-honored one. You can tell from the kitchen, kennels and other places that they use specially bred meat dogs. Bai Song tried to trick him but didn't succeed, so he chatted more with the boss. This person should be doing serious business.

"Who collects wild dogs on this street?" Bai Song asked, "I think that family over there also has meat dogs."

"Officer, I can't say this." The boss looked in the direction of the other store: "How about you go and have a look?"

It is said that people in the same industry are enemies, and this is true at all. Bai Song understood what the boss of this restaurant meant and took everyone to another restaurant.

Wang Liang and others happened to come out from here. When they saw Bai Song coming, they said: "This family is also full of meat dogs, and no rhubarb was found."

"Did you look carefully?" Bai Song asked.

"The kennel was looked at."

"I'll look at it again." Bai Song led everyone into the restaurant.

The decoration style of this restaurant is old-fashioned, and it looks like it is an old restaurant.

In this industry, it is actually quite strange. Some larger dog meat restaurants are afraid that others will think they use wild dogs, but some unscrupulous businesses always secretly tell old customers that "we have game at home."

What a "game"!

Breeding meat dogs are fatter, have a light meat taste, and have a mild taste, while wild dogs are thin, have a strong meat taste, and have a heavy taste.

Bai Song looked at the kennel, then explored it carefully, then took out a large tray from the refrigerator and asked the boss: "How are you going to explain? Do you want to tell me that any of your meat dogs are so thin?" ?”

The boss opened his mouth, almost wanting to explain, but feeling the evil aura on Bai Song's body, he still didn't dare to tell a lie, and sweat started to fall on his head. He quickly made up several lies in his mind, but in the end he didn't dare to tell any of them.

In County E, buying dogs other than meat dogs is not a big deal. As long as no one is held accountable, everyone can enjoy the food.

The boss was a little confused when he saw so many people, but these people were not from the Food and Drug Administration after all, so he took the initiative to pick up a piece of meat and ate it in front of everyone: "The dog meat here is not poisonous. I am a big shop. The health bureau comes every three days.”

"I didn't ask you this." Bai Song shook his head, "Tell me again, do you know the car I'm talking about?"

"Leader." The boss knew that he was not the one looking for him, so there was no need to carry it. He was just a restaurant owner. If something like this happened so early in the morning, "Follow me."

The five people followed the boss into a private room. The boss made sure that no one on the street could see him and said quietly: "Boss, I told you, and you promise not to tell anyone that I said it."

"That's for sure." Bai Song nodded: "I guarantee it with my personality."

"Okay." The boss said, "This is the street. You saw four dog meat restaurants, right? Actually, no, besides us, there are three more. Although they cook other cuisines, they also sell dog meat. Sometimes there are The dog sellers drove by, and the owner of their restaurant took a fancy to a few of the dogs, so they killed them immediately and took the meat back."

"Then why don't they buy ready-made meat?" Sun Jie asked.

"Ready-made meat may kill people, and the health bureau will fail the random inspection. The owners of these stores only want live dogs." The boss said: "These three stores are"

After this period of investigation, Bai Song found that E County was quite strict.

But the boss also said that things around County E are not so strict.

"Don't change the subject. Let me ask you, do you know this car? Show me your phone." Bai Song sensed something was wrong and looked directly into the boss's eyes.

"." The boss reluctantly gave Bai Song some information.

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