Police Detective

Chapter 773 Active Contact

A real case was mentioned earlier. A suspect pretended to be Sun Yat-sen in a certain place, claiming that he was not dead and was 138 years old. As long as he was given 100,000 yuan to unblock his property, he could obtain tens of billions of funds and be named the "Three Armed Forces" Commander-in-Chief", four people were fooled because of this.

The most important thing is that when I later asked the person who had been fooled why he had been fooled, someone said, "I checked specifically and found that Sun Yat-sen was born in 1866, so it is reasonable to be 138 years old" (the time of the crime was 2004). Among those who were deceived were elderly people in their 80s and men in their 30s.

Because of the above-mentioned cases, everyone’s ability to resist drugs has also greatly increased. Having seen so many high-IQ crimes, it is acceptable to occasionally look at brainless crimes.

Because of this, Bai Song and others went to District G to investigate the case of forged certificates. There was nothing incomprehensible when they saw such a case in a certain case file: At the end of 2013, Shi claimed to be a confidential Agency agents can use their special identities to handle work for the Security Bureau for the younger brother of a boss named Shen in City A.

This was a scam that was easy to expose, but Shi still used fake documents to obtain more than 100,000 yuan from Boss Shen. Then, Shi said that Brother Shen was not qualified enough, so he arranged for Brother Shen to work in a certain company.

In this way, he actually gained Boss Shen's trust.

Later, when Boss Shen wanted to go through a jewelry procedure, Shi said he could handle it himself, so he got a computer to print out a lot of rubbish approval documents, each with a bigger name than the last.

This time, Boss Shen was defrauded of a total of 6.5 million yuan. (Numbers of real cases)

For Shi, Boss Shen was neither the first nor the last. When he was later caught, there were several bosses who were deceived by him.

Criminal Police Brigade of District G Public Security Bureau.

"This case looks like it was made up." Bai Song sighed.

"Novel must pay attention to logic, reality does not need logic." Liu Shuyuan was speechless: "So, is the gang involved in fake documents in this case the same as the one in the car yesterday?"

"This is the only false witness case in their branch in the past few years. We can only start from here." Bai Song looked at the suspect's situation: "But this suspect has been arrested and is still serving his sentence in prison. From that Ya Gran's Judging from the situation, it is definitely not the group we are looking for.”

"So, the clues are lost?" Zhao Han asked: "There are still a lot of non-real-name numbers and WeChat IDs. We can only find the general area through relevant means. There is no hope of identifying who it is."

"It won't be a big deal if it's broken. How about we start investigating from the small advertisement?" Liu Shuyuan said.

"Isn't this considered fishing law enforcement?" Zhao Han whispered.

"Originally, there was no intention to break the law. Those who engage in illegal activities under the inducement of law enforcement officers are called fishing law enforcement. We call these people who post small advertisements for certificates for interrogation, but they are not really called here to apply for certificates. Why? Can it be regarded as fishing law enforcement?" Wang Huadong said: "I think it's okay. If you are looking for a small advertisement, just call."

Sun Jie looked at Bai Song, who nodded: "What are you afraid of? It's not Tianhua City. If there is a mess, it will be messed up. We work in pairs and split up. We go to various Internet cafes and other places to find small advertisements and make phone calls. , make an appointment to meet someone, and arrest them as soon as they meet.”

The detective in District G listened to Bai Song's words and rubbed his temples: "How can you do this? Nine out of ten calls won't get through. If they get through, they won't meet you. They just ask you to transfer money to them. Then I ask you what you want online and send it to you."

"Is that so?" Wang Liang sighed: "Now the bad guys have learned to be smart."

"It's okay, I have a solution." Bai Song said, "Let's go."

When I came out to handle the case, although the police in Area G helped me, they still had a dark look.

Area G is located at the urban-rural fringe. Less than ten minutes after Bai Song and others arrived, the local group participating in the event in Area G had already learned about the situation, but basically no one paid much attention.

The reason is simple. Bai Song and others are not the only ones working on the case tonight. None of the 30 teams are idle.

Originally, the organizers were worried that many participating teams would not pay attention to it or find it too tiring, as this situation often happened in previous years. But this year since the list is updated every 12 hours, the enthusiasm is obviously much higher!

It's like, for students, taking a test every few months and then announcing the results will have little promotion effect on the students. If everyone's learning level and amount of knowledge can be fully automatically quantified, and then updated every half day, and there is a "learning combat effectiveness list" for the whole class and the whole grade, it will definitely greatly improve students' learning enthusiasm, and they will go after class. There will also be more cases of secretly making up classes.

Video games are so exciting because of real-time feedback. The very fact of surpassing others is a very satisfying thing.

Suppose WeChat opens a list, and the list is called the "Recharge List". It only has rankings, regional rankings, city and county rankings, and recharge functions. In addition, you can display your own WeChat ID on the list, and there are no other functions. It can still trigger huge amounts of recharge.

Being able to solve the case is an important matter. The organizers also specifically asked the police in City A to provide some corresponding help even though the event has not officially started.

Bai Song and others left the criminal police team in Area G quietly.

"Have you all read Yabo's chat history? Have you learned some important slang?" Bai Song asked.

"Black talk?" Wang Liang's eyes widened. The teacher didn't teach him.

Bai Song ignored Wang Liang and looked at everyone: "Do you all understand?"

"Understood." The four people except Wang Liang nodded.

"Okay", Bai Song said: "Remember, we must act separately, and tell them that transactions must be in person, and chatting online is afraid of being investigated. Use their slang."

"No, can you tell me what you mean?" Wang Liang interrupted Bai Song.

"Team Wang, the meaning of black words is some words with hidden meanings for special needs," Zhao Han said: "For example, 'white goods', 'black goods', etc."

Wang Liang had a dark look on his face and thought to himself, "I really know. I just want to ask who is the person in those chat records just now."

But he didn't want to ask anymore. Zhao Han, a newbie here, would make him look stupid if he asked again.

Just as he was feeling depressed, Bai Song said: "Wang Liang, let's work together as a team, Shu Yuan and Zhao Han, and Brother Jie and Hua Dong. Let's give it a try. We're not afraid of alerting others or causing chaos."

"Okay!" Wang Liang was very happy when he heard this. With Bai Song here, he didn't have to think about anything!

Um, wait a minute?

When paired with White Pine, it is often ensured that each group has combat effectiveness, and White Pine is obviously the strongest. Being in a group with White Pine means that

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