Police Detective

Chapter 1068 Mysterious Resurrection (6K, 2K words added from yesterday)

"This fire happened strangely. It seemed like it was planned by someone. It was located in an area that was not covered much by the rain a few days ago, and there was no nearby water source." A fire fighter in charge of the scene The leader of the department said: "The cause of the fire is currently unknown."

The climate in southern Xinjiang has a unique characteristic. The weather varies from ten miles away.

In other words, it often rains in the east and sunny in the west. Sometimes I sit on a train and look at the left and right windows. The climate is completely different. Because of this, even when it rains, it doesn't necessarily rain everywhere.

There is something strange this time, but the cause of the fire can usually be considered after the fire is extinguished. Now we can only put out the fire first.

"Let me see your plan. Should this area be abandoned?" Ren Hao looked at the 3D terrain map.

The development of science and technology can really change the world. This technology was not available last year, but it has quickly entered the practical stage this year. From the large 3D map, you can easily see the size of the fire, forest water vapor concentration, wind direction, etc.

"Yes, this is the back of the mountain, and it is also the wind outlet. It is relatively dry. The fire cannot be extinguished when it reaches here." The person in charge of the fire protection said.

"But if the fire comes out from here, will it spread quickly? There are several farmers here." Ren Hao pointed to the place down the slope.

"They have all been moved. I also asked people to move all the important belongings away for them. Even if the rest is really burned, the local government can give them enough subsidies." This person sighed: "Because of the rescue that year, In this kind of wildfire, three people on my side died.”

Upon hearing this, Ren Hao nodded immediately: "You decide. If you need my cooperation, just ask. The police are also very good at evacuation of people."

"Thank you, Mr. Ren, for your support."

Coming out of the fire-fighting frontline headquarters room, Ren Hao and Bai Song said, "Look, I said I can't direct this."

"The fire looks very fierce to me." Bai Song had a feeling of despair when he just looked at the 3D picture.

Although he did not face the forest fire directly, he could already feel the power of nature. When facing forest fires, he had almost no other effect except running.

"There is a saying in ancient times that four taels can move a thousand catties," Ren Hao said: "Human power is only four taels, but they can still use and change nature. For example, Dujiangyan, a man-made project, directly changed an area. The same is true for this firefighting, directly It is too late to go to the central area to put out the fire, so we can only establish isolation zones and buffer zones. Fortunately, the forest is relatively humid and is not easily ignited by flying sparks, otherwise the isolation zones will be of little use. I have heard people say before, Sparks from large-scale forest fires can fly one to two hundred meters, and even isolation zones cannot completely prevent them.”

"Well," Bai Song felt a little after listening to Ren Hao's words: "It's true that four ounces can lift a thousand pounds, but we humans are also getting stronger, and we are gradually gaining strength of 4 or 40 pounds."

"That's right," Ren Hao said, "I'll go talk to the local leaders first and arrange for some police to help evacuate the people and maintain order. In addition, the traffic police also have to tighten traffic control and come from surrounding cities. The firemen must ensure smooth flow. I will finish the arrangements in a moment and have something important to tell you."

"No problem, you are busy first." After Bai Song finished speaking, he was still a little curious: "But can you tell me what important things it is? This is very exciting."

"Have you heard of supernatural phenomena?" Ren Hao put down his words, turned around and left.

Paranormal activity? Bai Song and others were stunned when they heard this.

Fantasy novel?

If supernatural phenomena really occur in reality, it basically means the collapse of the real world. Any supernatural phenomenon in the true sense has an extremely terrifying influence.

For example, you can use your mind to directly make a pebble in front of you jump one centimeter.

It seems like this is a useless superpower, but this "unique skill" is enough to knock down the entire physics building with one kick, and by the way, nail the coffins of Newton, Einstein, and Maxwell to death.

When I was a child, because I was full of curiosity and unknown about this world, I always felt that there must be many fantasy stories in this world, there must be special institutions similar to the "Dragon Group", and there must be another unknown world with unpredictable ghosts and ghosts. But as I grow up, as I study science, and as I come into contact with people at higher and higher levels, I really know that these are not real and can only exist in my imagination.

Before Bai Song and others came to the ministry, they also had endless longing for this place. They felt that there were countless bizarre stories in the archives here, but...

"It's true!" After Ren Hao left, Wang Liang was the first to be unable to hold it in any longer. He looked at Bai Song and then at Sun Jie: "Are you hiding something from me? Is it true? Is there such a supernatural incident as Ren Hao mentioned?"

"No." Sun Jie shook his head: "If I discover a true supernatural phenomenon, I can win the Nobel Prize in the next few decades."

"What did Mr. Ren mean?" Liu Shuyuan was also a little shocked.

"I don't know, anyway, I think dead people are easier to get along with than living people," Sun Jie said casually, "Is someone causing trouble?"

"I also have the same attitude," Bai Song said: "If it is really confirmed to be a supernatural phenomenon, Ren Hao will not tell us so easily, let alone let us participate casually. You also know how many special departments there are."

"This is true," Wang Huadong said, "Does that mean someone is making it up? However, I want to ask, is there really nothing supernatural in this world?"

"Yes," Bai Song said, "but maybe science can't explain it yet."

"So, this is the kind of thing that science can't explain yet?" Wang Liang's eyes lit up.

"Science has developed to this point, and it has reached a state where it is impossible for ordinary people to understand 'what exactly is this point'. It is difficult for countless people to understand how far and astonishing the progress has been in many laboratories. For example, measuring the mass of some black holes, discovering new planets, etc., many people can't do anything except question "how is this possible?" I study chemistry, and every chemical product nowadays is actually very Complex craftsmanship, even a small bolt and nut, is absolutely impossible without precise CNC." Bai Song said: "I think what Ren Hao said is not that it cannot be explained scientifically, but that our level is still too low. .”

"Oh," Wang Liang lost interest for a moment, "Let's listen to it later."

After one hour.

Wang Liang looked at the video and trembled all over.

Really disappeared! ! !

At around 11 o'clock last night, Professor Ye finished his meal in the ancient city, drank tea with his friends, and rode his bicycle home. (Adapted from real events)

Belvedere has universities, such as Belvedere Culture and Tourism College. Professor Ye is an associate professor at this university. Belvedere College of Culture and Tourism is quite strong, with hundreds of senior teachers, so there are quite a lot of associate professors like Professor Ye.

He lives near the ancient city. He is not a local. Later he traveled to Belvedere and fell in love with this city, so he chose to work and settle here. He is also a somewhat romantic person.

Because Belvedere is centered on the ancient city, and the city's terrain is not that flat, and there are not that many large-scale infrastructures, many residential buildings outside the ancient city are still mostly on small streets.

Thanks to the construction over the years, public security and economy are relatively good, so the life happiness index of local residents is also good.

Every time he arrived at this alley, Professor Ye always got out of the car and pushed himself up because of the slope. This is a short road that cannot be traveled by cars, and few people usually pass by.

With good urban construction, this road also has street lights. Professor Ye is a big man, so he is naturally not afraid.

Everyone has probably had the experience of pushing a bicycle. If it is a very flat slope, then just look ahead because the bicycle is easy to control. But if the slope is a little steeper, sometimes in order to use more force and control the bike, you just have to look ahead a few times, and then look at the bike.

Professor Ye pushed the car, looked at the car, and moved forward.

He is very familiar with this road and walks it more than three times a week.

The weather in Belvedere is great, and riding a bicycle is more comfortable than driving. Professor Ye also likes to ride a bicycle. This bicycle cost him two months of salary, which can be said to be a blessing.

After looking at the car, Professor Ye felt very good. After walking a few dozen meters, he looked up and suddenly a child appeared in front of him out of thin air, standing face to face with him, less than one meter away from him.

Professor Ye's first reaction was to stop for fear of bumping into the other person, but then he felt a tremor from his scalp to the back of his head, as if his whole body had been exposed to high-voltage electricity at the same time, and all the hair on his body stood up.

Where did the child come from?

He was very sure that the time when he lowered his head just now was only three to five seconds. How did he appear!

At this time, Professor Ye was riding a tiger and couldn't get off. For some reason, the bicycle he was pushing gave him a certain amount of courage. Humans are very interesting animals. When faced with danger, they feel safe when they have something large in their hands, because they can be used as shields when necessary.

The child's eyes were very big. For a while, Professor Ye focused all his energy on the child's eyes. Until he left, he didn't even notice whether the child was a boy or a girl!

After looking at it for a few times, Professor Ye, whose brain was a little down, was in a dilemma. He didn't dare to continue looking, but he didn't dare not to look at it. He had a strong premonition that if he didn't look at it, the child might disappear in an instant.

If that were the case, he would probably be paralyzed with fear!

Holding the handle of the car tightly, Professor Ye turned to one side, and then tried his best to stick to the other side of the wall and move forward, but never dared to let the child leave his sight.

I don’t know how many steps there are. These steps are extremely long, and the familiar sections become extremely unfamiliar.

"Who are you!" Professor Ye mustered up the courage to say, but the other party did not answer his words. Professor Ye looked at the child who was a little taller than his bicycle, but he still didn't have the courage to say anything more, let alone go up and touch him.

He didn't know how he left this alley, and when he saw the cars and pedestrians passing by outside, Professor Ye felt like he was surviving the disaster.

Most people would run home when encountering something like this, but after Professor Ye recovered, he called the police.

Last night, it was not just Professor Ye who encountered this situation. The local public security bureau received three alarms and two almost identical incidents. One of them was a couple from out of town.

A child suddenly appears on the roadside

These are not the most shocking, but what Professor Ye encountered this time was that there was a camera on the outside of the alley that could see here!

The camera in the distance does not have such high accuracy at night, but it can be seen that after Professor Ye walked past, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Professor Ye, and after Professor Ye ran away, he disappeared!

The camera is not clear enough, but you can still see it

What is this? ghost? Didn’t you say that ghosts can’t be caught on camera?

In the other two incidents, the confessions of the three parties were similar, and two of them were already frightened.

At present, this case has not been disclosed to the public, otherwise Belvedere’s GDP this year will be affected! Although there will definitely be many curious people who will deliberately come here, the decrease in tourists is inevitable.

In many occult novels, try not to join in this kind of excitement. There is absolutely no benefit in joining in too much.

Three mysterious incidents were also the fundamental reasons for Ren Hao's coming. Logically speaking, it was not Ren Hao's turn to come over for the previous case or this morning's fire, but he could for this matter.

Of all the occult cases spread by word of mouth, this is one of the very few cases where video footage exists!

In addition to this time, these four people have all been psychologically tested by psychologists and specialized personnel. None of them have delusions, and the young people do not seem to be lying.

If these three cases are occult cases, their connection with another incident is the most important thing about this case - in early May, a child drowned here.

Belvedere is very similar to many southwestern cities in that there are rivers running through the city. Even in the ancient city of Belvedere, rivers can be seen everywhere. Of course, the rivers here are neither wide nor deep, some are only one meter wide, but the water is clear and fluid, adding luster to the ancient city.

But one day in early May, a five-year-old girl was playing by the river when she slipped and fell because the moss was too slippery. Her head hit a stone and she fainted on the spot. Although the water was not deep, it was enough to cover the child's mouth and nose after he fell down, and the child drowned.

At that time, the police also checked the video and other circumstances, and determined that it was caused by the parents' poor companionship, so they closed the case directly.

But what happened last night, the police showed these four people the photo of the little girl, and all four people said it was her.

The doctors, forensic doctors, and criminal police who were responsible for handling the case and determining the death of the girl have all come. The girl has been cremated, and the death of the girl is absolutely certain.

"Team King", Mr. Ren looked at Wang Liang: "You are an expert in video recording. Can you find any clues from it?"

"The camera has not been touched," Wang Liang said, "and there are no signs of tampering in the video."

"Well," Ren Hao said, "we also consulted several experts on this matter. Since this video is confidential, there is no way to send it out through the Internet. I invited several university professors, and they came here in the afternoon. Let’s study together what it is.”

"What's the secret level now?" Bai Song asked.

"Confidential." Ren Hao said, "I have the right to authorize you."

Bai Song nodded. Ren Hao's level was indeed high enough. Others wouldn't be able to talk to them about confidential cases so easily.

Secret, secret, top secret. The confidentiality is already very high, and confidential content is not allowed to be disseminated using the Internet.

"I thought you were joking with me at first." Bai Song shook his head helplessly: "When will this matter be reported to the police?"

"I'm always worried that this is a mistake," Ren Hao said. "If someone is causing trouble and we don't know about it, it would be inappropriate to report it."

In fact, when the case is reported to Ren Hao, it is already "reported". You must know that this is also a provincial agency!

"When you find a cockroach, there may be a nest in the house." Bai Song said, "Are there some people who didn't call the police? I think except for Professor Ye's time, the other two were... I was shocked when I suddenly saw such a child while walking. But there are also some people who are more worried and run away after being frightened.”

"Yes," Wang Liang said, "Maybe there are other surveillance videos that are clearer."

"I have considered this matter, but this case cannot be investigated on a large scale. After all, it is confidential. I have arranged hundreds of plainclothes policemen nearby today. I hope there will be some good results." Ren Hao said: "If there is no progress within 48 hours, And if there is no explanation, we will report it.”

Ren Hao is actually right. Reporting this matter late is not a bad thing, because this is not a "major liability accident" or a "major criminal case". There is no situation where you will be punished if you don't report it.

Bai Song and others read the transcript several times and watched the video many times, but still found no problems.

But from the transcript, it still looks scary.

"Actually, it's not bad." Wang Liang is still a little afraid of things like this: "In many occult novels, the things you are most afraid of encountering are basically children, mirrors and the like. Children are relatively good. , mirrors are scary."

While chatting, Ren Hao's cell phone suddenly rang.

After answering the phone, Ren Hao's face turned ugly.

"Someone called the police just now. A tourist checked in at the hotel at noon. He saw a figure in the hotel mirror and called the police." Ren Hao looked at Wang Liang and wondered if Wang Liang did it.

"Let's go, there is a scene here, go and have a look." Bai Song made a quick decision.

"Okay", Ren Hao nodded.

"You go ahead, my stomach feels a little uncomfortable." Wang Liang suddenly covered his stomach.

"Okay, you can stay here by yourself and go to the bathroom to look in the mirror alone." Bai Song said.

"Damn!" Wang Liang said immediately: "Am I the kind of person who abandons my teammates? Let's go together!"

Being alone is the scariest thing. Wang Liang felt that many of the knowledge points he saw were automatically supplemented by his brain, and he followed Bai Song closely.

The hotel is a very ordinary hotel, a three-story hotel.

Hotels in Belvedere are basically like this. This season costs 120 yuan per room. They are slightly humid and the accommodation environment can only be called average.

"There's nothing wrong with the mirror." Bai Song and Wang Huadong took down the mirror together. "It's just an ordinary mirror."

The room was a little dark, and if there weren't so many people, I would still be a little scared looking at the mirror.

"Take it for appraisal," Ren Hao said to the detective beside him, "Put it in the evidence bag."

"Look around the mirror to see if there are any problems," Bai Song said to Wang Huadong.

"Okay." Hua Dong carefully checked around the mirror. "There are no signs of changes."

"Go and ask the parties concerned whether someone deliberately bribed these people to report false police reports." Bai Song said.

"I'll send someone to do this," Ren Hao said, "We have a dedicated psychologist in charge of this, but I don't think so. The identities of the previous three were checked very carefully, and there is no problem."

"What is going on?" Bai Song fell into deep thought: "Mr. Ren, when will the professor you mentioned arrive?"

"It's almost time," Mr. Ren said, "I'm looking for physics professors."

"Okay", Bai Song nodded: "We really need some help from professionals. Mr. Ren, you are quick enough."

"Only give me 48 hours. The problem is, I still don't understand how this was done. If someone did it deliberately, what is the purpose?" Ren Hao said: "When encountering something, the first step is to consider the motive. That’s right.”

"I'm thinking about this too." Bai Song looked at the smooth wall in a daze.

"Could it be caused by a magnetic field or something?" Wang Liang asked.

Many "experts" mention this word when explaining some supernatural things.

"Don't use this word. This is the hardest-hit area for civil society," Bai Song said. "I'm most afraid of hearing the words 'magnetic field' and 'radiation' now. They are basically words exclusive to scammers."

Speaking of this, Bai Song said: "I definitely don't believe this anyway. We are all atheists. This must be someone's mischief. Mr. Ren, find someone to record all the videos that can be found by that camera. For example, for a week, Find out everything within two weeks and leave it to Wang Liang."

"It's been so long." Ren Hao seemed to understand what Bai Song meant: "When it's done, I'll have the King team come over and take a look."

"Okay," Bai Song said, "I have learned about similar cases before, and this one is not the most difficult to handle. Some cases involve mentally ill patients, and the witnesses have obvious symptoms of psychosis, and the world they describe is very fantasy. At present, this case has given me It feels like someone is causing trouble, and it may be the same group as what I encountered before.”

"Did you meet him before?" Ren Hao felt a little ashamed after hearing this, because after Bai Song told him, he didn't pay too much attention and just asked the criminal police here in Belvedere to check the tour guide.

"Um, by the way, what new clues are there in those cases?" Bai Song asked.

"This matter and the forest fire in the morning are a bit too much for my energy." Ren Hao coughed twice: "Let's discuss the motivation."

"How do I know?" Bai Song said: "The existing clues are obviously insufficient. I hope Mr. Ren will pay more attention to it."

Ren Hao looked at Bai Song: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

"Have you considered a situation?" Wang Liang said: "I think this place is a bit confusing."

Wang Liang still feels a little creepy in the room, and the atmosphere is very uncomfortable.

After Bai Song heard this, he was also a little confused. He called the hotel owner over and looked at other rooms, but unexpectedly got a common feeling. This room was indeed darker and uncomfortable!

(Yesterday’s has been completed, please vote for me! Minors are not allowed to tip, thank you all. There will be two chapters tonight)

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