Police Detective

Chapter 1018 Visiting Lao Li

I almost forgot about the real thing.

It’s a big competition!

Tianhua City easily entered the first place. This was the result of deliberately giving less points. Otherwise, the teams behind would not be able to see their backs. Oh, it would be difficult to compare.

Tianhua City.

Director Wei looked at the score list and silently lit a cigarette: "Is that Ren Xu responsible for more than half of the scores?"

"That's right, Bureau Wei," Ma Donglai said firmly, "To be precise, it's almost 70% of the score."

"These are also people from your Jiuhe District." Director Wei nodded: "In recent years, your old place has produced many capable people."

"Wei Bureau, what you said is that I have been away from Jiuhe District for a long time." Ma Dong said it casually.

"Has it been a long time?" Bureau Wei nodded: "It has been a long time, and he has adapted well to the new job."

"Thank you Bureau Wei for your cultivation." Ma Donglai was overjoyed, but his expression remained unchanged.

Bureau Wei smiled slightly and said nothing more.

After Bureau Wei was promoted from deputy chief, the position of deputy chief in the Criminal Investigation Corps was vacant. Now, in terms of rank, Bureau Wei was on the same level as Liu Shuyuan's father. Of course, Liu's father also had a job change recently, so that's another story.

The deputy captain is on the same level as the captain of a team, but the meaning is different.

Now, Ma Donglai is at this point.

What he fears most is that some people say that he is inexperienced, that he has only been here for a short time and needs more training.

Nowadays, Bureau Wei commented that "it has been a long time", and the meaning is obvious. After Wei Bureau's adjustment this time, he will not stay in Tianhua City, so he needs some of his own people.

The previous Zhuang detachment and the current Ma detachment are all very good subordinates.

Zhuang detachment is currently serving as the deputy captain (deputy division) of the Criminal Investigation Corps. If Ma detachment can serve as the deputy chief (deputy division) of the Criminal Investigation Corps, one of these two people has seniority and calmness, and the other is young and has outstanding abilities. A subordinate worthy of entrustment.

After Ma Donglai and Bureau Wei reported their work, they returned to their office alone.

He has now reached a critical period. At this time, he has to rely on his own efforts. The best way now is to solve the Q-related case.

Guns are always a big deal and a top priority, especially if there are more than one. This is definitely a huge safety hazard. Nowadays, at every morning meeting of the Criminal Investigation Corps, there will always be leaders asking about the progress, and no one wants to get into trouble.

In the previous meeting, some leaders suggested that the old fraudster selling Q should be caught first, but most of the leaders opposed it.

Ma Donglai is a sensible person.

Why would some leaders propose arresting this person? Is this leader stupid? This leader doesn’t know that there is no evidence of what he has been arrested, and he won’t even say anything about it even if he is beaten to death?

Of course such a big leader knows.

Everyone understands why people say that.

Some people can say that, but Ma Donglai cannot. He must say that this person cannot be arrested. This person needs to be monitored and can only be arrested if there are clues.

In this way, if something happens to this person, Ma Donglai will be responsible, so Ma Donglai arranged for many people to monitor this person 24 hours a day, regardless of cost - this naturally has advantages and disadvantages.

Here in Southern Xinjiang Province, the case has been completely concluded, and the people who were taken away were sent back one by one. After returning, these people felt very friendly when they saw the police.

It is said that Ren Hao's interrogation went very smoothly, and some people confessed a lot of clues that they had not grasped before.

In this case, theoretically speaking, this can give Ren Xu extra points, but the Criminal Investigation Bureau did not do this. Ren Xu is already good enough, so give others a chance.

There is still the last week of the competition. Tianhua City currently ranks first, but it is only a little more than 20 points ahead of the second place. In addition, Tianhua City is located in a county with a high crime rate and a low final score ratio. , so it’s not certain who will win, but everyone’s fighting spirit is still high.

Bai Song and others took a good rest these days, exercised and ate delicious food every day, and recovered well.

After all, people like Bai Song are still criminal police officers.

In the public security team, there are many hard-working positions. For example, some back-office positions are extremely tired. In places like the Political Department, people work overtime almost every day until after nine o'clock in the evening. However, these regions vary greatly, and not everyone is busy.

The busiest people must be the police station, followed by the criminal police.

The police station is busy around the clock and is on duty every few days. The cooling speed is too fast and cannot be slowed down.

Interpols, on the other hand, have cases that they keep working on, and they may work on them for several months at a stretch, and when they are done, they may take a break for a month. Of course, don’t get me wrong, the so-called rest does not mean doing nothing, but going to work on time and working on some legal documents and the like.

In a busy place, the criminal police's cases can be kept running like a police station.

So Bai Song and the others are really happy. They are all taken seriously at the police station, and they can be busy and rest while working in the grassroots criminal police team.

He has not forgotten that not everyone is like him. Most people do not have their own career plans. Many people just work as a screw, working hard and persevering.

These days, he visited many places, and even visited Lao Li, a forest ranger who knows how to fry tea leaves, in the mountains and forests, and gave him condolences from the local public security department and a third-class merit medal.

Lao Li is also quite interesting. When he saw some money and condolences, he didn't feel anything at all. Instead, he had some inexplicable feelings about the third-class merit medal.

For Bai Song, Lao Li has made a great contribution, and giving him a second-class merit is not an exaggeration. However, maybe because the ranger himself has a little obligation, he did not give him such a high honor in the end. He was given a lot of supplies and money.

"Boss, are you busy?" Lao Li asked.

"You're not busy, what's wrong?" Because there were a lot of things, Bai Song and others came here together.

When you come to Lao Li, there is no car to walk, so you have to rely on human power. It takes at least an hour or two to walk, and you have to be very physically fit.

This time, all five people from Bai Song came. In addition, three local policemen also came. It took eight people to carry the stuff, so it should be said that it was quite generous.

"The Qingming Festival has passed, but we are in a mountainous area with a high altitude. Have you ever heard of a poem that says, 'The fragrance of April ends in the world, and the peach blossoms in the mountain temples begin to bloom'? The terrain here is high, and the Grain Rain season is actually the best time for tea. "Lao Li said calmly: "If you are not in a hurry, how about you have lunch and drink some tea at my place?"

"I'm very happy." Bai Song felt that the environment of this place was very good, and he was happy to stay here for a while.

"That's great. I haven't had any guests here for a long time." Lao Li said happily

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