After walking out of the Orange Forest, Xiaozhi and his party were heading to the Pokémon Center.

Since Xiaogang followed and Xiaozhi's food problem was solved, he decided to slow down and train the mini dragon and proud swallow well, and he could feel that the first elf egg would hatch soon.

But just outside the Chenghua Forest, Xiaoyao stopped Xiaozhi, who was regarded as a senior,"Xiaozhi, look, there is a strange thing stuck on this tree trunk." Not only that, they found that there were strange things stuck on the tree trunks nearby. There is such a thing, and the trunk of the tree is also very damaged.

Xiaozhi frowned,"These are the traces of poachers!"

Hearing this, Xiaoyao and his two siblings were really shocked!

Seeing that these traces were still new, Xiaozhi quickly led a group of people to find the Pokémon Center.

Sure enough, as soon as he handed the two elf eggs to Miss Joey, before Xiaogang could rush up to say hello to Joey, Miss Junsha came over and said,"Miss Joey!"

"Miss Junsha, what's the matter?"

Sure enough, Xiaogang turned to Miss Junsha and said,"Miss Junsha, my name is Xiaogang."

Xiaosheng explained to Xiaoyao the fact that Joey and Miss Junsha all over the world look the same.

Because Xiaoxia was not there, Xiaozhi personally pulled Xiaogang's ears away this time,"Miss Junsha, is there any information about poachers?"

"Who are you?"Miss Junsha looked at Xiaozhi and became confused.

Xiaozhi showed off the search officer badge he carried with him,"I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. I found traces left by poachers on the outskirts of the forest!"

"yes!"Miss Junsha saluted Xiaozhi,"Poachers have been very active around here recently. I came to the Pokémon Center just to ask Miss Joy if any injured Pokémon have been found recently, or have been transported by others.."

Seeing this scene, Xiaoyao asked softly in Xiaogang's ear,"Is Xiaozhi some kind of powerful person?"

"Xiaozhi is the Pokémon investigator specially hired by the alliance. Once he discovers something that harms Pokémon during his journey, the entire alliance will help him!"Xiaogang explained this to Xiaoyao and his two siblings.

"Wow!"Sure enough, the two siblings suddenly became starry-eyed.

As she spoke, Miss Junsha took out a wanted notice, which showed a man with a green algae head."Judging from the technique, the poacher should be Pokémon hunter Aaron. A big bad guy who doesn’t care if he hurts Pokémon! Xiaozhi looked at the person on the wanted poster,"Okay, leave this guy to me!""

At this moment, the trio of Team Rocket were at the foot of the hillside not far from the Pokémon Center, and found a cage wrapped in camouflage canvas.

After Meowth opened the canvas, he discovered that the cage was full of Arbor snakes. , it looks like they are all covered in bruises

"What's going on, meow?"Meow Meow listened to the screams of the Arbor snakes,"What, you were caught by poachers and you were treated badly, Meow Meow?"

"Okay, I'll take care of this!"However, as soon as Meow Meow touched the cage, he was surrounded by strong electric shocks. There was actually high-voltage electricity flowing through the cage!

Musashi's Abo monster was beside her, watching its companions in the cage. Suffered and shed tears!

"Are those poachers just outsiders? They actually hurt a rare Pokémon like this!"Musashi said angrily as he looked at the bruised Arbor Snakes.

In fact, this is the reason why Xiaozhi is willing to let the Rocket trio go. Although they will snatch other people's Pokémon and do bad things, they will never hurt the captured Pokémon like this. Babies.

Although they always cause trouble for Xiaozhi, they have indeed helped Xiaozhi many times. The two parties have a tacit understanding and have feelings for each other.

Seeing the look on Abo's face, Musashi can also understand it. Mood,"Okay, Abo Monster, I will take over all your companions and form a large army of Abo Snakes!" Use solution!"

However, the solution of the Arbo monster was of no use to the cage.

Just when the trio tried to open the cage, a large-billed bird flew over and knocked away the double-bomb gas that was about to attack.

From the direction it flew from, a truck came carrying another cage. The person who stepped out of the truck was none other than the green algae-head poacher Xiaozhi was searching for, Aaron!

"What do you guys want to do to my prey?"

Hearing the question, the Rockets trio immediately started a roll call, and then replied,"Is there any need to say it? Organize the world's strongest Arbor snake army!"

However, they discovered that the cage on top of the truck was full of the posture before the evolution of Double Bomb Gas, Gas Bomb!

This Aaron's prey turned out to be the companion of Double Bomb Gas and Abo Monster!

"I'm a Pokémon hunter, Aaron! Requested by a client, I am capturing poison-type Pokémon! If you are willing to keep the double bomb gas and the Arbor monster, I will let you go!"Aaron didn't look at the Rockets trio at all.

"Want to take away the double bomb gas and the Arbor monster?"Musashi and Kojiro felt like they were struck by lightning!

"My client said that if he could catch the evolved version, the reward would be greatly increased!"This Aaron actually set his target on Team Rocket's Pokémon.

The trio of Team Rocket, who had been planning to steal other people's Pokémon all day long, didn't expect that their own Pokémon would be targeted!

"Come on, what a joke! Monster Abo is an important partner who shares the joys and sorrows with me!"

"I also love my double bomb gas!"

Yes, in terms of bonding value, the ones with the highest compatibility and bonding value that Xiaozhi has ever seen are Musashi and Kojiro's Abo Monster and Double Bomb Gas!

"Then there is nothing you can do, don’t blame me for grabbing it!"Aaron's appearance became ferocious, and even the big-billed bird showed its fierce look!

The Rocket trio accepted the challenge, and Double Bomb Gas and Abo stood in front of the trio, fighting for their master and companions!

"Abo monster, attack with poisonous needle!"

"Double bomb gas and attack with mud!"

However, all their attacks were avoided by the Big Beak, and then Aaron ordered the Big Beak to use crazy attacks, sending them flying backwards and hitting the Team Rocket trio!

"So strong, meow!"

"It’s not over yet, double bomb the gas and use the smoke screen!"Ojiro gritted his teeth, looked at Musashi, and gave the order.

The smoke screen of the double-gas bomb obscured his sight, and sure enough, Aron ordered the big-billed bird to blow away the smoke screen.

"Arbo monster, use bite attack!"

Under the influence of Musashi, the Arbo monster also became violent. It actually pounced on the big-mouthed bird and bit it, then dragged it towards the cage where the Arbo snake was trapped! Suddenly, an electric current Swallowing them together has an outstanding effect on the big-billed sparrows!

"Big-billed bird!"Alon exclaimed, and at the same time, anger rushed into his mind. He decisively raised the shotgun at Musashi and Kojiro, but was suddenly attacked by Meow Meow's crazy grabbing, and the shotgun fell off his hand and fell to the ground!

"It looks like we have won a big victory!"Musashi and Kojiro struggled to stand up from the ground.

Aron was angry,"You really pissed me off!"

He threw the second elf ball,"Go, Shakira!"

The Shakira that came out suddenly started to glow, and then evolved into the quasi-god Bangira!

Seeing this scene, Aaron's face became even more ferocious,"I expected that it was about to evolve, this time I'm going to Tear you to pieces!"

"Bangira, use the destruction death ray!"

This Bangira has no scruples in attacking Musashi and Kojiro!

The Rockets trio have already tried their best just to face a big-mouthed bird. How can they be the opponent of this Bangira? He was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

The double-bomb gas and Abo monsters that were attacked from the front should have lost their fighting ability long ago, but they refused to fall.

Seeing Aron's power, Musashi and Kojiro became ruthless He gritted his teeth and said,"Meow Meow, go to the Pokémon Center and find Mr. Ash!"


"There's nothing wrong with it, go quickly, we'll delay the time for you!"Musashi and Kojiro said and rushed towards Banjira, actually facing the quasi-god of Johto in a human body!

"It's just one or two destructions and there's nothing to be afraid of!"

"That’s right, Meow Meow, go quickly!"


These two elf eggs are easy to guess!

Please give me a reward! Please give me flowers!

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