Pokemon Master

Chapter 781 Elf Legion

Fang Yuan quickly saw the figure of the elf in the thunder cloud.

It was a bird elf with yellow feathers.

Shaped like lightning, his eyes are majestic.

At this moment, the elf seemed to be very angry, constantly flying in the thundercloud and chirping downwards.

In the end, it seemed that it finally got out of hand.

In its rage, the thundercloud turned into a huge spherical black cloud resembling a ball of lightning.

Its interior is filled with amazing airflow and electric current, which is extremely terrifying.

Finally, the lightning bird flew quickly, and the black ball thundercloud fell from the sky in an instant. The powerful thunder and lightning that descended instantly destroyed all the targets within the attack range.

The lightning bird's attack range is the entire island.

The island covers an area of ​​nearly 100 square kilometers, which is equivalent to more than 10,000 football fields. As far as Fang Yuan's line of sight can be seen, with the thundercloud as the center, one-third of the island's land is turned into ruins in an instant.

Afterwards, the Lightning Bird launched a more intense offensive, and huge golden lightnings all over the sky landed from the clouds and scattered all over the island.

Under the dark sky, in less than a minute, an island completely sank, and the Lightning Bird just glanced at it and flew away indifferently.

As the island sank, Fang Yuan recovered and looked at Manaphy in front of him.

"Do you know the God of Thunder...?"

This strength... ah, it would be great if the self-destructing Magneto also had this strength.

Destroying the island with lightning...


At this moment, Ibrahimovic patted Fang Yuan's shoulder, what, what, it didn't see.

It's also to be seen! !

"Well!!!" On the side, Manaphy let Ibrahimovic read it again.

After a while, Ibrahimovic finished reading and fell into contemplation.

This big yellow bird is so powerful... I don't know who is more powerful than that pink kitten.

At this point, Manaphy explained that this was a picture of Lightning Bird venting its anger a long time ago.

Like an island of the size just now, it is very easy for Lightning Bird to destroy it. This is the power of the God of Thunder.


Fang Yuan let out a long sigh, this strength, this force, is completely different from the lightning bird in the cartoon.

No wonder Manaphy said the lightning bird was the strongest of their pack.

"Well!!" Manaphy smiled, as if she was proud to have such a friend.

If a battle between patron saints can permanently change the climate of an island.

Then, a legendary elves, wanting to destroy an island, is just a matter of thought.

And this is only a weaker legendary elves.

In Manaphy's impression, Kyogre's strength could almost drown a continent.

"Well, I know that."

Fang Yuan nodded, after all, the original Kyogre, who survived from super ancient times to the present, is like the king of the deep sea who controls all the oceans.

Since it can rain heavy rain to cover the Fangyuan area, it is not difficult to destroy a country like Japan.

It was because he knew this that he was so obsessed with Aster's prophecy.

The ghost knows where the power of the legendary elves will spread.

Legend has it that the strongest elves... should be able to provoke the power of nature to attack, and the power of their own moves is probably not that powerful.

But even so, Fang Yuan is still a big head at this time, at least the power of the lightning bird is real, even Darkrai, in the eyes of the lightning bird, it is not enough to see, right?

Although he himself always ridiculed Ibrahimovic and the Flaming Monkey for their legendary potential, the actual situation was still far behind those elves.

Fang Yuan couldn't figure out how Ibrahimovic and the Flaming Monkey could destroy a continent.

Sure enough, if you want to deal with legendary elves, you can only rely on technology or sealed items containing legendary power.

"Manaphy, you said that ordinary elves can defeat legendary elves?"

Fang Yuan looked at Mana Fei and wanted to consult this prince of the sea.

However, Manaphy patted her chest proudly at this time, and used telepathy on Fang Yuan again.

next second.

Fang Yuan reappeared in the spiritual world and saw the picture Manaphy wanted to show it.

It is still an island. This island is no smaller than the island destroyed by the lightning bird before.

At this time, hundreds of gulls were flying around this island, and under the power of the gull's rainfall characteristics, a terrifying storm swept around.

In the ocean, there are also a huge number of Tyrannosaurus carp dragons, and there may be hundreds of them. Under their tornado and surfing moves, combined with the storm, a tsunami of hundreds of meters was formed in an instant.

Before the Lightning Bird destroyed an island, it took some effort, but at this time, the hordes of elves destroyed the island in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the entire island was submerged by the tsunami and became part of the ocean.

"Well~~!" Manaphy's voice came.

Well, ordinary elves are comparable to legendary elves.

After watching this picture, Fang Yuan fell silent. He wanted to ask Manaphy that it was an ordinary elves. Is it really possible to have the power to compete with the legendary elves by virtue of their individual strength?

However, Manaphy seemed to have misunderstood, and showed Fang Yuan a picture of ordinary elves attacking the island together.

"Mana~~~" As Fang Yuan recovered, Mana Fei said proudly, this is the power of the Marine Corps that can be mastered by Prince Canghai.

As long as these ordinary elves can coordinate and cooperate through spiritual communication, even with the power of ordinary elves, they can have the power comparable to the legendary elves.

"If you want nearly a thousand ordinary elves to coordinately control a force, only you can do it..." Fang Yuan said speechlessly.

Although Manaphy's own strength is not strong, but it can control the power of water elves, which is really terrible.

Binhai City should have been thankful that Manaphy did not mobilize too many elves to attack the city.

Otherwise, if Manaphy formed a Tempest Ocean Legion of a thousand elves to attack, even if a three-star professional trainer came to stop it, they would not be able to stop Binhai City from being submerged by the tsunami.

"Is the elf army..."

Fang Yuan pondered.

It is also an idea.

Anyway, with his current status, it doesn't matter how many elves he subdues. Do you want to learn Manaphy and try to form an elves army? ?

Battles between top trainers focus on team tactics.

And six, seven, eight...a dozen...often is the limit of the number of teamfight elves that a trainer can master.

Even if someone has tried to control dozens of elves to fight at the same time, it seems that no one has tried to control hundreds of elves to combine army tactics and fight.

The power of hundreds of elves twisted into one, which is impossible for any trainer to complete...

But do you want to try it yourself?

Ibrahimovic and them all have great potential, but even if they have great potential, it is not something that can be achieved in a few years if they want to compete with real legendary elves.

But if you can use them as the core to complete legion tactics, you may not be able to have legendary power in advance...

If you want to train a well-trained elf army of hundreds of elves, it may be difficult to do without Manaphy's ability to communicate the minds of all elves. Fate was eager to try it immediately.

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