Pokemon Master

Chapter 614 Elf Fossil Field, New Miracle

at the same time.

Under the lens of many media, Fang Yuan's figure appeared on TV all over the world.

While it may soon be forgotten, the young researcher is now largely on the radar.

Maureen stepped back after a brief interview, and then entered the official presentation session.

Fang Yuan walked to the booth, and the mobile phone Rotom also floated beside him, enjoying the treatment of Ibrahimovic.

When interviewed as a trainer, Ibrahimovic followed Fang Yuan every time, but when interviewed as a researcher, Rotom successfully replaced Ibrahimovic.

A bunch of bigwigs in academia are waiting for Fang Yuan's next move.

In the crowd, Kong Hai stared at the booth, and I have to say that the lineup at the scene is very strong. Several of the academic leaders have more international status than him, and Kong Hai wants to See what Fang Yuan wants to do.

"Rotom, do the projection." Fang Yuan said.

"Get Lotto!"

Under everyone's attention, Fang Yuan asked Rotom to cast a virtual image.

In the picture, it is an unfamiliar environment, some plants that have never been seen before, full of the wildness of nature, and it is a wilder environment than the dangerous and mysterious realm.

Seeing the projection, many people showed puzzled expressions.

However, the next moment, a deafening roar came from the screen.

Above the sky, the fossilized pterosaur with a gray body, pterosaur appearance, and four sharp claws is tearing apart its prey, using jagged teeth to eat recklessly, showing the true nature of the sky overlord.

In the jungle, with a huge body, red blood pupils, and white spikes growing on the sides of its head and feet, the warmaul dragon with blue war patterns is rudely attacking its prey.

On the grassland, it looks very much like a triceratops. The moat dragons whose faces look like a hard stone shield are lined up. With their hard facial bones to defend against attacks, they protect their children like this. No elves can break through them. defense.

As the king of ancient times, the dark red tyrannosaurus monster jaw dragon is also relying on the power of the big jaw to easily bite the challenger...

In addition to this... there are ice and snow dragons on the cold land... in the deep sea...

The picture projected by Rotom, the virtual environment created, seems to pull everyone into the ancient land.

"This is……"

Seeing one clear ancient elves one after another, many researchers showed incredible expressions.

The thorny ammonites, sickle helmets, and fossilized pterosaurs appearing in the picture are fine, but the elves such as warmaul dragon, strange jaw dragon, ice dragon, etc. currently only have fossils and vague concept restoration pictures.

And now, through Rotom, Fang Yuan not only restored the elves' form more clearly, but even simulated their evolutionary path, their living habits, environment, and fighting methods? ?

"Researcher Fang Yuan, have you mastered the new technology for studying elf fossils?"

An archaeologist asked excitedly.

"But, why do these elves have the properties of rock attributes??"

Some researchers have also raised doubts.

"Yeah, this is different from the ancient situation in the Elf world deduced by Dr. Taino."

"I remember that the restored image of the strange jaw dragon should be full of hair, but in this picture, there is only a circle of white hair at the junction of the neck and the body..."

Some researchers with knowledge of ancient elves questioned.

"Don't worry, everyone, I don't want to overturn the research results of some seniors." Fang Yuan smiled.

The elves in these pictures are of course not their real appearances in ancient times.


At this time, Dr. Lu Qi looked at Fang Yuan silently. From the field of beauty concept to the field of elf fossils, Fang Yuan's transformation is not a big deal.

Now, what does Fang Yuan want to do?

Propose a new concept for studying elf fossils? Showcasing a new device for studying fossils?

If so, if it is a valuable research result, the sensation may be no less than the proposal of the concept of beauty.

"As everyone thinks, the theme of this gorgeous competition company's display is 'exploration'."

"'Explore the essence of the secret realm','Explore the origin of the elves'!"

Fang Yuan's words fell, and the audience was silent for a while, and then boiled.


After carefully pondering the twelve words in the mouth of the lower edge, many researchers showed blank expressions, and then slowly opened their eyes.

Does Fang Yuan know what he is talking about? !

"Researcher Fang Yuan, please be more careful!"

"Yes, what kind of research results do you have? Have you really developed a new research method for elf fossils?"

Fang Yuan ignored the messy questions. At this time, a staff member walked out and held a container. In the container, was a jaw fossil.

He took out the fossil from the container and held it in front of him. Fang Yuan said, "This is a fossil of a strange jawed dragon. If you don't know this kind of elf, you can equate it with Tyrannosaurus Rex."

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "From the elves fossils, we can study the conditions of elves and their living environment at that time, which provides important clues for human beings to understand the history of elves, secret realms and the history of ecological environment changes."

"For example, if we can study the ancestor of the bird elves, Archaeopteryx, then we can have a deeper understanding of all bird elves..."

"But so far, this clue has been too vague for humans to grasp."

As Fang Yuan's words fell, countless people nodded silently. Indeed, although there was research on fossils, there were few research results. Most of the time, fossils are only collected in museums.

"Through the study of fossils, we can have a deeper understanding of the ancient elves' living environment, way of life, evolutionary laws and mechanisms, etc., and allow us to explore the origin, evolution of elves, and the nature of the world. I think, Such important research should not stop."

Not only the scene, but the people who followed the London World Expo after the camera, also thought carefully about Fang Yuan's words.

"Can he solve the problem of research progress in the field of fossils?"

In the United Kingdom, in a fossil research institute, an old man and a young man were watching live TV. The young man smiled and watched Fang Yuan on the TV. He couldn't believe it!

His grandfather's research in the field of fossils has not achieved any results for so many years. In the end, it will be a young man who is less than 20 years old and younger than him to overcome the problems in the academic world? how is this possible……

However, while unbelievable, the young people have some expectations. After all, this is the field they love. If there is a new research path, it will be better.

"Is there anything you can do?"

At the scene, some researchers asked questions in their hearts.

If Fang Yuan nodded...

The elderly Dr. Lu Qi also opened his sunken eyes slightly and looked at Fang Yuan carefully.

Fang Yuan didn't answer immediately. Next, a large silver-white machine... was slowly carried up by several staff members.

Seeing this machine, many people became puzzled again... This... is this a new type of research facility for studying fossils?

Fang Yuan... actually researched this kind of thing?

"Next, please witness a miracle with me again."

Before walking to the installation, under the attention of all eyes, Fang Yuan slowly opened his mouth. The last miracle was the evolution of six ugly fish at the same time, and this time... it will be the resurrection of fossils!

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