Pokemon Master

Chapter 146: Bluffing

"It's okay, I have money."

Fang Yuan took out his mobile phone, scanned the code first, and paid a challenge fee of 500 yuan.

Under the smiling eyes of the old man, Fang Yuan said:

"Ibrahimovic, I'll leave it to you."


Ibrahimovic sighed, jumped off Fang Yuan's shoulder, and looked at Pupu Pig.


Ibrahimovic turned back and called Fang Yuan again, meaning...if you lose, you can't blame us.

Fang Yuan smiled and made an "OK" gesture, of course he wouldn't blame Ibrahimovic.

After all, it is he who wants to challenge, Fang Yuan just wants to verify his method.

"Oh, five hundred yuan."

The old stall owner stared at Ibrahimovic with a surprised look.

Due to the energy block, Ibrahimovic's hair color is very beautiful, coupled with all-round body exercise and regular massage, Ibrahimovic's posture is also perfect.

The old stall owner took a few more glances. Ibrahimovic, who is less than half a year old, can be cultivated to be like this. It is already very good.

"It seems that you have some confidence."

The old man greeted Pupu Pig, and Pupu Pig began to stand in front of Ibrahimovic.

The appearance of Pupu Pig is not much different from that of ordinary pigs. It walks upright with two legs, and its body color is black and purple.

After it stared at it, Fang Yuan and Ibrahimovic swallowed.

next moment.

Pupu Pig's hands began to shake, and a black pearl on his body also lit up, marking the beginning of hypnosis.

In the first second, the strong mental power transformed into hypnotic waves and attacked Ibrahimovic. Ibrahimovic only felt like he had been playing with his mobile phone for three days and three nights, and he was sleepy.

In the second second, Ibrahimovic's eyelids began to slide, and his brain began to become hazy. Ibrahimovic tried his best to resist, but the hypnotic intensity continued to increase.

In the third second, the two elves continued to stalemate, and the old stall owner was puzzled. Is this rookie trainer an iron-headed boy? Not even ready to let Ibrahimovic use his moves to resist?

Will the Healing Ringtones work?

Will it be fresh?

Fang Yuan said... Ibrahimovic really can't.

However, they are not iron-headed babies.

Before the third second, Fang Yuan took a deep breath. According to the rules, during the challenge, the trainer was allowed to stimulate the spirit of the elves by "refueling" and "pumping up" to awaken the elves.

Fang Yuan shouted loudly: "Ibrahimovic, your phone was blown up by Magneto again—"

In the next instant, Ibrahimovic, who was about to lose consciousness, seemed to have been pierced by thousands of needles, and his eyes suddenly stared at the boss.

A huge amount of energy emerged from the body, dissipating the mental power that interfered with it.


Pupu Pig's hypnosis was interrupted, it scratched its head innocently and innocently, and looked at the old stall owner.

On the side, passers-by and Wen Siyu who were watching also widened their eyes. This was the first time that a challenger interrupted Pupu Pig's hypnosis.

And...how the hell did that happen?

What's the password for Magneto and the phone?


After breaking the hypnosis, Ibrahimovic looked back angrily, looking for the trace of Magneto.

What did it just hear?

"The phone was blown up by Magneto again—?"

The next moment when it turned around, Fang Yuan coughed dryly and continued: "It's impossible for the phone to be blown up by the little magnet again, don't worry."

Ibrahimovic: "???"

The witty Ibrahimovic immediately understood Fang Yuan's intention and couldn't help but look at Fang Yuan with dissatisfied eyes.

Even without notifying it in advance, using this despicable method to strengthen its consciousness.

But... it seems to work really well, Ibrahimovic looked back at Pupu Pig.

The moment he heard Fang Yuan's cry, a burst of anger energy filled his body, anger rose, and suddenly broke through the hypnotic fluctuations of Pu Pu Pig.

Did it work?

The old stall owner was also stunned.

"This is... the use of anger energy?"

After thinking for a while, he said subconsciously.

"You, Ibrahimovic, can actually use emotional energy?"

"Eh?" Fang Yuan's expression was startled, the old man's eyes were really sharp.

The old stall owner tutted, shook his head, and said, "Okay, you can choose something, you can choose whatever is on the stall."


"How about I give you some advice?"

Fang Yuan looked away from the booth and asked suspiciously, "Sir, what do you mean?"

The old stall owner took out a cloth bag from the side, turned it over for a long time, and found a notebook from it.

"This item may be more suitable for you than the stuff on the booth."

He turned to the first page, and the words "bluff" were written on it.

Bluffing Move: Enrages and confuses opponents. Because of anger, the opponent's attack will be greatly increased.

If an anger move is a technique to actively use anger energy to soberly enter an angry state and improve attack power, then a bluff move is to mobilize the opponent's anger energy through various spiritual cues, so that the opponent can fall into a state of anger. Techniques for uncontrollable anger states.

"Your Ibrahimovic has mastered the use of anger energy, and his mental power is not low. It should be quick to learn this trick, and at the same time, it will be helpful to master anger energy for itself."

Fang Yuan took the notebook and looked at the old stall owner in front of him again.

He had hair like a bird's nest, his clothes were full of dust, his eyes were deep, and he sat cross-legged on the ground. If it weren't for the rare treasures in front of him, he would definitely be considered a homeless person.

at the same time.

The old man also looked up at Fang Yuan and looked at Fang Yuan's eyes. For some reason, it was difficult for Fang Yuan to look directly into the other's eyes, so he immediately lowered his head to look at this rare move.

"Can I choose this?"


At the suggestion of the old stall owner, Fang Yuan was dizzy, and without thinking too much, he chose the trick suggested by the other party.



"That stall owner, what's going on..."

After walking out of the alley, Fang Yuan was still at a loss.

The tricks he held in his hand proved that his previous experience was not fake...

"What are you thinking about?"

Wen Siyu looked at Fang Yuan and Ibrahimovic with admiration, and said, "You really succeeded in your challenge... and this trick cheat book doesn't seem to be collected in the library of NTU, it should be regarded as a very rare trick cheat book. ."

"Really..." Fang Yuan recalled that he did not pay much attention to this move.

Generally speaking, Fang Yuan pays more attention to some more powerful moves, such as Deathwing, Frozen World, Yakong Slash, Time Roar... It's a pity that Ibrahimovic can't learn it.

However, from the words of the old stall owner, it is not difficult to infer that the other party highly respects this move and thinks it is very suitable for Ibrahimovic.

"Forget it, let's go back and study again."

Remember this old man.

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