Pokemon Elf Master

Chapter 550 Chase, Lyle is the ghost!


There was a dull sound, and then there was a sound like a heavy object falling.

"No, the other party wants to escape, all come out, absolutely cannot let the other party escape!"

Dr. Yunshan said angrily, released all seven elf partners, and attacked the research room with all their strength.

In an instant, seven tyrannical tricks erupted, and the hard super alloy couldn't bear the terrifying destructive power, so it was blasted away and exploded!

The doorway, which was originally only three meters wide, was doubled in size, revealing the desolation inside.

Above, a hole about a few meters away revealed the white sky.

"Impossible, what about those two big living fossils? Why did they disappear!"

Dr. Yunshan roared in disbelief.

How could those two huge living fossils weighing several tons disappear out of thin air, within a few seconds!

"The other party must have awakened the ability of space, it should be space storage."

An Ge recalled the special ability that grandma once said in his mind, and guessed.

"Lizard King, take me to catch up!"

Dr. Yunshan quickly retracted the other elves and jumped on the back of the Lizard King, and the Lizard King jumped out of the hole.

An Ge and Bai Yuling also followed, because the entrance of the cave was not big enough, the giant golden monster used meteor flash to rush out.

However, looking around, there was no figure, and the other party had disappeared without a trace.

"In such a short period of time, it is impossible for them to escape. They must be hiding in some corner! Find them all, and you must find out the other party. I don't care if the other party is the ancient society. It is impossible to take away my living fossil!"

Dr. Yunshan said angrily.

The seven elves protected the two super-power elves, and a comprehensive search was launched.

"Let's help too."

An Ge said to Bai Yuling, although Dr. Yunshan didn't speak, it was just to save face, and it was impossible for them to stand idly by.

"Well, Metagross, you are in charge of the east.


Bai Yuling nodded and said.

"Then I'm heading north, just forming a circle."

An Ge stroked a strand of hair covering her eyes with her fingertips, and smiled slightly.

The four super elves cooperate to form a perfect scanning circle, the enemy has nowhere to hide, and it only takes a few seconds to gain.

"it's here!"

Two voices sounded at the same time, Dr. Yunshan and An Ge looked at each other in astonishment, and then looked at the target they found.

"Alone, riding on a fossilized pterosaur."

"Two people, riding on the sickle helmet and the ancient armor!"

The two found something different.

"Sure enough, there are accomplices! An Ge, Uncle understands your strength, I beg you to stop that fossil pterosaur first, who the hell, Lyle should be here soon, tell him the situation and let him come to support immediately!"

Dr. Yun Shan pleaded kindly to An Ge, but he was very rude to Bai Yuling.

An Ge frowned, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mr. Bai Yuling, Dr. Yun Shan was just too anxious, please don't mind."

Bai Yuling nodded slightly to An Ge, her eyes were slightly cold, and said calmly: "Okay, then I will wait here and see if that Lyle will come."

What's the meaning? Won't Lyle come to his aid?

An Ge and Dr. Yunshan were taken aback for a moment, and then they realized that they were not stupid.

The other party suddenly appeared from behind, saying that it was impossible to come in after them, because there was no place to hide, the only possibility was that the other party had already hidden inside, before the last security door.

And how the other party hid there, the answer is ready to come out without even thinking about it, only Lyle has this ability!

"Bastard, white-eyed wolf!"

Dr. Yunshan cursed angrily.

"You should also have the strength of a king. Can you and An Ge hold the other two together? I will defeat the enemies on the fossil pterosaur as soon as possible. Even if it doesn't work, the alliance and Junsha should come to support soon Just hang on for a few minutes, please."

Bai Yuling's reminder made Dr. Yunshan angry, but he also calmed down a little bit, and said politely to Bai Yuling, his attitude obviously improved a lot.

Bai Yuling nodded coldly, but did not speak.

"Then please, you two, An Ge, you only have Xanadu, and my gem starfish will help you catch up."

Dr. Yunshan asked again.

"Please don't worry, I also have a king-level elf. It should be no problem to delay the other party for a few minutes."

An Ge nodded and said.

"Xanaiduo, teleport, send Mr. Bai Yuling and me to the front to intercept."

Bai Yuling retracted the giant metal monster, and in the next second, the scene changed, and he appeared dozens of miles away, and Gem Starfish and Xanadu also appeared here at the same time.

An Ge retracted Xanadu, and then Gem Starfish's eyes lit up. A second later, Bai Yuling and An Ge teleported for dozens of miles again, directly intercepting the sickle helmet and the ancient armor, and there were buildings blocking them. Can't see them appearing.

"Blood Wing Flying Dragon, store energy, kamikaze! Giant metal monster, store energy for a super impact, ride a dragon, store energy for a tsunami!"

"Wonderful frog flower, store energy, the scorching sun bursts! Flame horse, store energy and burn out, spiny ammonite beast, store energy and tsunami!"

The two tacitly launched a joint attack, directly launched a surprise attack, coming and going without indecent assault!

The ultimate trick of the six energy-storing versions, under the joint attack, even the king of heaven and the elves have to retreat and run away, the power is absolutely terrifying!

However, what surprised the two of them was that the opponent did not dodge or avoid this unique move, and was directly overwhelmed and swallowed by the six unique moves.

Protected? Even the Heavenly King Elf would have to lose more than half of his physical strength to withstand this wave of attacks head-on!

But the trick was to rush past the opponent, and the sickle helmet, the ancient armor and the people on them didn't shine at all. It can be said that the protection of the two elves was canceled early, but how could it be possible for the two trainers?

"No, this is a projection."

Bai Yuling unfolded the waveguide, and immediately observed details that could not be detected before. This is simply a projection!

An Ge's face immediately changed: "The doctor, hurry up, we have to go back immediately!"

"Blood Wing Wyvern, move at high speed!"

Bai Yuling silently took back the two spirits.

An Ge also retracted the elves, and directly followed Bai Yuling onto the Blood Winged Dragon.

Bai Yuling's expression remained unchanged. It seemed that none of An Ge's elves was faster than the Blood Wing Wyvern.

The Blood Winged Wyvern turned into a red phantom and shot towards the distance like lightning.

"Ding ding ding..."

A hurried voice sounded, and Sergeant Jun Sha, who was on a routine inspection hundreds of miles away from the Ancient Museum, suddenly received an urgent notice from his superior, Superintendent Jun Sha.

"Xiaoshan, the Ancient Museum has been attacked and can't be contacted. It's either in battle or blocked. I've already contacted the alliance to send three executive officers to the Ancient Museum for support. You should go there first to see the situation. If the enemy has Heavenly King Exist immediately quit and contact me!"

Note: Energy conflicts can cause signal disturbance


Jun Shan, the police chief of Junsha, replied seriously: "Feng Speed ​​Dog, let's go, move at high speed!"

In an instant, the wind speed dog turned into a phantom and jumped up, carrying Jun Shan to leap over the building and rush towards the ancient museum. Its speed was only 10% slower than that of the blood wing dragon!

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