Pokemon Elf Master

Chapter 340 The Giant Howling Whale Emperor and the Giant Fast Dragon!

If you want the ultimate trick that is more powerful than the stored energy, you can only use Profound Truth, but the Super Dragon Rider can only use the extreme ice light and thunder cannon. It must be powerful enough, but I don’t know if it will work.

The extreme ice light is more powerful, but it is stronger in the powerful freezing ability, it may cause frostbite, weaken the enemy's combat power, and the damage is also high, but if it is used to counteract the ultimate move, it is still such a large range, I am afraid it will not be used. Not much effect.

As for Senior Crocodile Crocodile, Bai Yuling still doesn't know if he knows the secrets, and time is tight, so he can't think about it that much.

"Use the Thunder Cannon!"

Super Chenglong nodded, and the three-star water cannon blasted out!

The water cannon with more concentrated energy blasted out, and then a thunderbolt came from behind and submerged in the water cannon, causing an extra ring of lightning around the water cannon. It looked like a golden water cannon, very special!

But the two unique moves did not merge, they only coexisted for a short time, and then the front-end water cannon exploded with lightning!

The water cannon enhances the power of thunder and lightning, and the thunder and lightning also enhances the offensiveness of the water cannon. They complement each other, and the power of the explosion is much higher than that of pure water cannon plus lightning!

It's a pity that Lei Pao has an advantage in facing the elves than in the ultimate move!

The tsunami hit, but Super Chenglong used a thunder cannon to punch a big hole, and they hid in this hole!

But Super Chenglong is currently unable to perform two tricks at the same time, so the thunder cannon can only last for one second. After one second, the power of the thunder and lightning has erupted, leaving only the water cannon and a little residual lightning, which is not a thunder cannon!

This and distraction are completely different concepts. Even the legendary Hu Di with the highest IQ can calculate nine complicated super problems at the same time, but he can't use two tricks at the same time!

Because Chenglong had mastered the extreme ice light and thunder cannon, Bai Yuling thought it was enough for the time being, so he didn't teach Chenglong the fusion trick anymore. After all, it would take a long time to cultivate these two mysteries to a very high level.

Well, it seems that after this incident, Chenglong should also learn a fusion trick. You don't need to master it too deeply, you just need to learn the skills. The main training is Jibing Ray and Thunder Cannon.

From the thunder cannon to a simple water cannon, the power of the water cannon is greatly reduced, and the speed of the water cannon's counteracting speed is not as fast as the impact of the tsunami, and the scope of the hole is shrinking rapidly!

Fortunately, Super Chenglong is not fighting alone. The rogue crocodile who has already exhausted his gas reserves makes a timely move, and the enhanced version of the shattering shock wave reappears, spreading the hole again!

See here,

Bai Yuling was relieved, and put his mind on the front, where the two ultimate moves were facing each other, the waveguide launched again, hoping to scan the location of the two terrifying elves.

The position to focus on scanning is of course the starting position of the two tricks. The first thing to discover is the huge elf with the head of a giant whale that Bai Yuling discovered when he caught a glimpse.

At this time, Bai Yuling had already scanned the complete posture of the elf.

This is, the evolution of the Roaring Whale King, the Roaring Whale King? It is said that in a group of roaring whale kings, only the king among them can evolve into a powerful elf! One of the legendary ocean overlords in ancient times!

But no, the head is quite different from the Roaring Whale Emperor he has seen, and the size is more than doubled, is it really a mutation?

Let's just think that this elf is the King of Whale. The normal King of Whale is a pure water type elf, and the bonus of this type is even stronger!

There is a limit to the bonus of the elf's own department. When the strength of the elf reaches the level of the king and reaches a new level of life, the bonus of this department will naturally decrease accordingly, but in terms of the strength of the increase, it is still 1.5 times more than the peak of the king ! But treasures and so on will not, but the energy consumed will definitely double, reaching the normal consumption speed!

If the battle is fierce, maybe a high-quality treasure will consume all energy in a month!

No wonder this water system secret is so powerful that it completely crushed the other party's secret.

In Bai Yuling's waveguide induction, Hai Longxiao had already defeated the waterspout, and Yu Wei continued to rush in one direction.

What about the other elf? Look at this waterspout, it should be the mystery of the flying system, this elf has the attribute of the flying system?

The tail is golden again?

Before Bai Yuling guessed, Boguo felt an incomparably powerful fire of life, no less than the fire of life of the Roaring Whale Emperor, even stronger!

Needless to say, this must be another super elf!

Fast dragon! A fast dragon that is ten times bigger in size!

Bai Yuling confirmed the real body of the other party in an instant, because if the normal size of the fast dragon was increased ten times proportionally, it would be exactly the same as this giant elf, and it would definitely be a huge fast dragon!

It's unbelievable that there is such a huge fast dragon hidden at the bottom of their deep sea!

And look at the small horn on his head, it is almost fully formed, if the elf doctors know about this, they will definitely go crazy!

There are many unsolved mysteries in the world, and there are also many unsolved mysteries in the elves, such as the hidden fruit on the back of the Frog Flower, which was only discovered by people later! And such as how the Ditto was born, why the dull hippopotamus will evolve into a hippopotamus king when it comes into contact with the king's certificate... these are all mysteries that the world has not yet solved!

And the small horn on Kuailong's head is also one of the unsolved mysteries so far!

Every millennium, the horns on the fast dragon's head will grow bigger. The elf doctors have been looking forward to what kind of changes will happen to the horns on the fast dragon's head, evolution? Or is awakening the new power? However, Kuailong is the longest-lived elf, but it is only three thousand years. Even if all the life-increasing treasures are doubled, plus the champion-level strength is doubled, it is less than ten thousand years!

At this time, the horns of Kuailong have fully grown, and it is still a little short of the final growth, at least three times. However, according to the records of the longest-lived elves so far, it is also 9999 years old. Unable to break through to ten thousand years! This is probably the limit of the existence of the champion level. Unless you make a breakthrough, let yourself transform again, and reach a new level of life, otherwise, the life span of ten thousand years is the limit!

Therefore, the elf doctors can only give up. The mystery of the fast dragon's head horn may become an eternal mystery of this era.

According to calculations, this huge fast dragon has survived for at least 10,000 years, which has exceeded the legendary lifespan limit!

Unless this huge fast dragon has swallowed some treasure that can accelerate the growth of horns, unfortunately, the elf doctors can only see this from sporadic records in ancient books, and they can't produce evidence, let alone know what kind of treasure it is.

Zizi, it's really amazing, a huge mutated roaring whale king, and a huge fast dragon that goes beyond common sense for thousands of years!

One is unbelievable, let alone two, there was a battle, similar individuals, similar circumstances, is this just a mere coincidence? A coincidence is not ruled out, but it is absolutely negligible. Bai Yuling is sure that there must be a secret in it!

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