Pokemon Elf Master

Chapter 193 Yun Qingfeng, Huang Kun!

Bai Yuling's eyes froze, this middle-aged man is very strong! This strength is not a false finger, it is really strong, strong enough to fight against first-class elves without being weak!

You know, Bai Yuling and Sirona's current qualities are no more than elves in the third-rate realm!


Legend has it that the ancient times were extremely difficult, and there were only a small number of trainers. Human beings could only train their bodies and try their best to strengthen their combat power. It is said that the strongest can open mountains and seas, and the quality is not weak. Champion elves! However, in terms of combat power, it is still much worse than the champion elf, and the overall combat power is even more incomparable!

Therefore, it has long been in decline, and only a small number of people are still specializing in research. This kind of people are called warriors. As far as Bai Yuling knows, King Xiba is a warrior. He once subdued an elite rock snake with his bare hands! It is also a special body that is twice the size! He should be one of the strongest fighters in Area 87 today!

"Hey, I have the Wings of the Blue Sky, a medium-level treasure. I want to exchange it for a fire-type medium-level treasure. Who wants to change it? I can add another ordinary treasure!"

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, a trainer became a little anxious. The auction is also bartered, because the contribution points cannot be traded, and can only be exchanged with treasures of similar value. If he waits for the auction to start, he may have no hope of exchanging for a medium fire-type treasure!

However, there was silence for a while, and no one came to exchange with him. Occasionally, they took advantage of the fire and planned to exchange for a smaller price. However, this trainer is not a fool, so it is naturally impossible to agree.

Other trainers who hadn't achieved their goals also started looking for people to discuss and fight for, and the voices became more and more noisy!

The trainer asked one by one, and arrived at Bai Yuling not long after.

Before the other party could start, Bai Yuling shook his head and directly refused.

There was a hint of disappointment in the other party's eyes, and he changed his target to the young trainer next door. He called out several times on the spot, but found that the other party had no response, so he walked over and put his hand on the other party's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Little brother, I have the Wings of the Blue Sky, a medium-level treasure, and I want to exchange it for a fire-type medium-level treasure, do you have it?"

The other party opened his eyes with a stern expression. He patted the other party's hand on his shoulder and said coldly: "Go away! And you guys, it's so noisy, calm down, you bunch of bumpkins!"

"Damn, what's the matter with you, you must be sick, why are you swearing all of a sudden?"

"That's right, who are you, you are so awesome, do your parents know?"

"Shut up,

Whoever is talking, I guarantee that he will never have a chance to rise! "

The grim trainer stood up and shot around like a sword, an awe-inspiring aura erupted naturally. Some trainers were shocked on the spot.

"Hehe, I'm so scared, come on, let's see what you can do with me!"

"Who are you, the king or the champion?"

However, this deterrence was only momentary, and it made them even more annoyed.

'Sid, come in here. '

The stern young man suddenly smiled, his eyes were emotionless and indifferent, as if they were not in his eyes, he fiddled with the illustration book in his hand.

Outside the auction, a middle-aged trainer who closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were sharp, and an aura burst out suddenly, and then he was restrained, hiding without a trace, and walking forward step by step .

"Sorry, please stop, there is a private exchange meeting, please show your invitation card.""

"I know what's inside. I have something to go in. If you can't make the decision, let someone who can do it!"

The guards narrowed their eyes, but still shook their heads and refused, "Sorry, the exchange meeting has already started, unless someone invites you in, otherwise I can't let you in to disturb!"

"Just a few minutes, there will be no delay, the young master has something important to tell personally."

The middle-aged trainer said with a smile, and then showed the illustration book when the guard frowned and shook his head again.

The guards' eyes widened in horror, "God...you wait, I'll ask for instructions."

The guard hurriedly sent a message, and half a minute later, the middle-aged martial artist who spoke earlier came out, looked at the middle-aged trainer carefully, nodded and said: "Since you have also signed a confidentiality contract, I will make an exception and let you Come in, but remember, no trouble is allowed, otherwise you should know the consequences!"

The middle-aged trainer smiled and nodded in gratitude: "Thank you." Then he followed in with a steady pace.


In the auction venue, the cynic trainers were shocked and speechless in the voice of the young master. How did he come in? How could the people in the auction venue allow him to come in?

The middle-aged trainer came to the side of the stern young man, bowed slightly and said.

"Remember these people, I want you to send some elite trainers who have exhausted their potential to stare at them for the rest of their lives, and no matter what they do, destroy them all as permitted by the rules. I want them to never become king trainers for the rest of their lives!"

The stern young man pointed at the few trainers who were insinuating and mocking him and said indifferently.


Sid glanced at them, nodded slowly, and then waited quietly.

The faces of those trainers turned pale. They don't think that the cold young man is just talking.

"Your Excellency, this is too much. It's just a little verbal conflict. Let them apologize to you."

Someone spoke persuasively.

The stern young man ignored it and closed his eyes.


One of the trainers came over and bowed his head to apologize, his eyes flashed with strong resentment.


The stern young man didn't open his eyes, but said coldly.


The onlookers whispered to each other, but they didn't dare to force their way out, because anyone with a discerning eye knew that this middle-aged trainer's status was very important, and he was very likely to be the king of heaven!

"Don't let me break through the king? What a big tone, just rely on some elite trainers? I will break through the king, and even the king will show you!"

The trainer who asked to exchange the fire-type medium-level treasure suddenly erupted, and his eyes were burning with unyielding flames!

"Sid, pay extra attention to him. If you can't suppress it, offer a reward to those king trainers!"

The stern young man opened his eyes and glanced at him, said lightly, and closed his eyes again.


There was silence for a while, but the flames in the eyes of the trainer who exploded were still alive!

"Hehe, Yun Qingfeng, one of the heirs of the dignified champion family, how can he be so generous, it makes people laugh!"

A burst of laughter came out, and a young trainer walked out from the inside of the auction venue, followed by a middle-aged trainer.

"Huang Kun, why are you here?"

Yun Qingfeng opened his eyes, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, Bai Yuling's eyes also showed shock, Yun Qingfeng, Huang Kun, he knows these two names very well! The first heir of the champion family, the proud son of heaven like Sirona!

At this time in the last life, both of them participated in the elite competition and entered the top ten finals. Their strength was top notch, not weaker than Sirona. Both of them should be 20 years old this year, three years older than Sirona!

How could the two of them appear here? Came here especially for the auction in Manjin Mall?

"Why are you here, why am I here! I want to order the Dream Diamond!"

Huang Kun's expression was serious, and his tone was firm.

"Hmph, the news is very well-informed! Then let's rely on our ability!"

Yun Qingfeng snorted coldly, he was determined to win the Dream Diamond.

"Dream Diamond?"

There was a burst of exclamation, the legend about the Phantasmal Diamond is widely spread, almost everyone knows it, everyone knows it! Including children, they have all seen and heard it in elf fairy tales!

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