"Officer Jenny." Ling Huang said.

"What's wrong?" Officer Jenny asked in confusion.

"It's nothing." Ling Huang shook his head. It's better not to say something.

Feeling Ling Huang’s contempt, Officer Jenny's eyes were angry, and said: "I also received serious training before taking the job, okay?"

"So, because of the emergence of system , And start early?" Ling Huang speculated casually.

"...how did you know." Officer Jenny's eyes seemed to be looking at the monster, but he instantly reacted, "You bastard!"

Ling Huang shrugged and stopped talking. . NPCs are visitors to the foreign world in terms of system settings. In order to compensate NPCs, the system gives them high powers. Even many things will be handed over to them.

"The reason for not being a loner is actually very simple." Ling Huang said: "If it is a loner, with that many single evolution stones, it is completely useless. But if it is thrown on the forum, it is likely to be discovered by Alliance. Evolution stones are disposable items, so they are likely to be used up soon."

"And then?" Officer Jenny nodded, it seemed to make sense.

"I guess that a certain Player union or team has conquered a batch of Eevee. I plan to use the evolution stone to evolve Eevee into various forms and form the Eevee team." Ling Huang said: "This is the case. Come, it can not only sell the stolen goods, but also enhance the strength of the team. This kind of thing is impossible for a solo Player."

"That's what the team did." Officer Jenny's eyes flashed rays of light, "Next, just search all the teams in Guilin to see if there are Eevee in their Pokémon. If the Eevee team is formed, it will be most likely for a long time."

Ling Huang glanced at Officer Jenny. , Suddenly lack of interest.

"Otherwise, how do you say you are a layman." Ling Huang eccentric said.


Officer Jenny calmed down his anger, "It wasn't by the team, can it be a loner?"

"It's not wrong to say it's a loner "Ling Huang said: "Hunters, organized hunters, mercenaries and other professionals, if someone commissions them to steal the evolution stone suit, it is not impossible. And behind that, it is probably the team. . But it’s not entirely, it may be an evil organization like Team Rocket."

clear and logical as Ling Huang said.

But it is not without loopholes.

For example, loner may also find Eevee's lair to steal the whole set of evolution stones. But that kind of behavior is too stupid and the probability is too small, Ling Huang will not consider it.

Officer Jenny was told by Ling Huang that he couldn't get around.

"Is it a team or a hunter? If it's a team, it's better to go and search."

"You really are tyrannize." Ling Huang said: "You Think the team will let you search at will? The team’s most important focus is face. If you really dare to search, if I am a member of the team, I must be the first to release Pokémon and play against your Pokémon. You think you can withstand a Growlithe. Siege?"

"Who dares to resist, I will give them Evil Value directly." Officer Jenny said angrily.

"Evil Value?" Speaking of this, Ling Huang was even more furious. "If I were a member of the team, what about you giving me Evil Value? At worst, you went straight to Dark Faction. You I really think there is a distinction between Alliance and darkness in Player’s eyes? This is just a game that's all, this is just a tool for making money. Trifling Evil Value, and I will care about it."

"Game..." Officer Jenny was in a complicated mood, "Then what do you say."

"You are Officer Jenny, you have the final say." Ling Huang said.

Whether it is Officer Jenny or Gym Leader, they all see Earth too simple. This is definitely not a beautiful Pokémon world, but a real world of real forces.

Anything can happen.

If you can’t adapt, you might as well just go back to Pokémon world. Anyway, Ling Huang believes that without Gym Leader and NPC, his game would go more smoothly.

"Say it." Officer Jenny said.

"I don't know either." Ling Huang said, "I can't believe in your ability."

Officer Jenny bit her delicate lip lightly and finally let go.

"The command is yours."

"The one who listens to me is."

Anyway, to complete the task, Ling Huang doesn't care who commands it. However, after seeing the abilities of the somewhat confused half-hearted Officer Jenny, Ling Huang decided that Topsy-Turvy would be better.

Besides, Ling Huang doesn't like being directed by others.


"Officer Jenny, can you find a list of Evil Value Players within Guilin currently?" Ling Huang asked.

Officer Jenny looked for the bracelet and said, "Yes."

Ling Huang moved in slightly.

"There are a lot of people."

There are nearly a hundred people in the list. It is estimated that Ling Huang was notified by the world. Many people felt that there was something tricky and died deliberately. The result of provoking NPC.

It's really stupid.

"The number is too large, it is difficult to check." Officer Jenny said.

Ling Huang looked at the level at the back and said: "Pokémon with the highest level lower than 25 will be excluded."

"Why, if this is the case, then there is only There are nine people." Officer Jenny asked puzzledly.

“There is no need for interrogation at all below Level 25. They have no criminal strength at all.” Ling Huang said.

Officer Jenny is nodded, seemingly.

Ling Huang paused slightly on Li Taiyi's name, and said to Officer Jenny: "Check this person first."

"And his MG team."

"Why?" Officer Jenny asked.

"I have a grudge against him." Ling Huang said solemnly: "Besides, I feel that this person's crime probability is very high. In many ways, it also matches my guess. The most important thing is, He has a Malamar."

Officer Jenny has no doubts.

"Malamar, the probability is very high." Officer Jenny said: "My guess is that Psychic Type Pokémon did it."

Ling Huang took Officer Jenny all the way forward OK, step into the street.

Officer Jenny has attracted a lot of Player's eyes.

"Isn't that Officer Jenny?"

"Officer Jenny is not the point, the point is Ling Huang! That Ling Huang kidnapped Officer Jenny?"

"Ling Huang has Evil Value on him? Last time I had Evil Value on him. I went straight to the police station, but there was nothing. But next to Ling Huang, Officer Jenny is so cute!"

With Ling Huang's current fame, it is very popular in Qin City and Guilin. You may be recognized when you walk on the road.

Officer Jenny and Joy are both mascots of "Pokémon Century: GO", and they are both very popular.

The combination of the two is not surprising.

There was even an extremely young man who rushed forward to sign, and Ling Huang was pleased to sign it. However, most people are still reserved. It is difficult to predict how long Ling Huang, a lone ranger, can maintain his identity as a Top Ranking Player.

At this time, Officer Jenny seemed to think of something.

"You said before that the eight forms of Eevee correspond to the eight evolution stones?"

"Is there any problem?"

"You are so wrong. That's wrong!" Officer Jenny accused: "Although the fire water Jolteon is evolved with evolution stones, the other five types have other ways of evolution! Otherwise, how could Alliance have been chaotic in this aspect for so long!"

"So, is there any problem?" Ling Huang stared at Officer Jenny without repentance.

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