Now Starry Night and Adam, Starry Night seems to have 5 Pokémon left, in fact, the physical strength of the Immortal Wood Demon and Mysterious Q has been exhausted and it is impossible to fight again, and the current water field does not allow them to fight.

So the ones who can still fight in Starry Night now are the Shield Sword Monster, Geng Ghost and Doron Baruto.

On the opposite side, Adam also has a mosquito coil swimmer who consumes half of his physical strength and two unknown Pokémon.

Starry Night's side plans to discharge the Shield Sword Monster first, and the Almighty Warrior is not blowing.

"Get on! Shield Sword Monster! The

defensive form of the Shield Sword Monster flew in the air, he looked solemn and sacred, but this could not stop his burning battle soul.

The Shield Sword Monster has long wanted to strike! He was already completely excited!

"Sword Shield Sword Shield!" The Shield Sword Monster let out an excited war roar, and he almost didn't transform into a blade form to cut people.

"What a very enthusiastic child! Mosquito swimmers, please again! The

slightly regained mosquito swimmer reappeared, his fierce eyes chilling.

"Shield Sword Monster! Dance with a sword! Starry Night gave the order to strengthen, and the shadows of several swords swayed around the body of the Shield Sword Monster.

"Huh, hypnosis!" Adam seems to be very disapproving of the starry night sitting on the ground to strengthen the behavior, and the light wave of hypnosis strikes.

However, it is strange that this wave of tempting hypnosis has no effect, neither the shield sword monster blocked nor missed!

"Mr. Adam, my shield sword monster this kid is a super warlike martial artist, hypnotism, this move is useless to him, as long as he can't fight happily, this kid won't calm down." Starry Night also showed a headache expression.

Adam reacted, he had met many players who could dissolve hypnosis before, but this kind of survival by relying on battle intent, he also saw for the first time.

"What a gorgeous Pokémon and trainer! You always surprise me. Adam sincerely appreciated it, and then changed his tone and said, "Then we will attack!" Use a stream of water to crack. Sure

enough, it was an experienced trainer, Adam was keenly aware of the difference in this shield sword monster, they seemed to be waiting for the opponent to attack, this situation he had seen, this is the reaction of Pokémon carrying props such as weakness insurance!

Starry Night Heart Dao Sure enough, Ginger was still old and spicy, and then he made the Shield Sword Monster stop strengthening and start attacking.

"Sure enough! Mosquito coil swimmer with black mist! "I saw that the mosquito swimmer in the water suddenly spat out a mouthful of black mist, and all the enhanced abilities of the strong shield sword monster that had just turned into attack mode returned to the original point, and at the same time, the water flow of the mosquito swimmer cracked and directly slammed up! The attack form of the Shield Sword Monster that abandoned its defense was immediately hit hard, but the attack of the Shield Sword Monster itself was high enough, and this move of the Holy Sword still beat the mosquito swimmer to only one breath, and this battle between crispy skins was lost in the first round, and the situation became more and more urgent.

The strong shield sword monster on this side of the starry night fought like a drug to the limit, and after he finished fighting the holy sword, he actually began to attack the mosquito swimmer with the shadow sneak attack skill, and the mosquito swimmer was also desperate, and the water jet hit straight over.

The physical strength of the Shield Sword Monster is superior, and the shadow sneak attack takes away the mosquito swimmer, but Adam's purpose of consuming the Shield Sword Monster is also achieved.

"Good! Ride the Dragon (now translated as Laplace)! Start your show! "

The level 65 dragon rider has appeared!

To deal with the Pokémon of the strong shield sword monster, of course, it is still necessary to consume with a meat shield, as long as his strong shield sword monster is difficult to defeat the dragon, it will be counter-killed, which is equivalent to a very unfriendly situation!

Starry Night commanded the Shield Sword Monster Holy Sword to attack, and now he had no other way, while Adam commanded the dragon to serve in the freezing light. The Shield Sword Monster approached the dragon quickly, and the super frozen light that the dragon instantly sent had already flown over, and the Shield Sword Monster was tired of resisting, and the Holy Sword was also deflected because it had to resist the attack! Adam also seized this momentary flaw, and the output of the dragon's frozen light increased again.

"Don't throw in the towel! Shield Sword Monster smash all this ice! Starry Night shouted the name of the Shield Sword Monster.

"Surf!" Riding the dragon actually began to use surfing moves while using the freezing light, a huge wave hit, and the strong shield sword monster who had just broken free a little of ice was hit hard again, but he still broke free with his own strength!

"Sword and shield!" The Shield Sword Monster roars in anger!

"That's it! Holy Sword"!

The eyes of the strong shield sword monster were shocked, and the cold light on the blade shone, with the momentum of penetrating the stars, it split the huge wave, and went straight to the dragon, which really hurt the meat shield dragon not lightly.

The holy sword cut through the thorns, cutting off all the objects that resisted on the road, and at this moment, the power of the super soldier shield sword monster finally shone in front of everyone's eyes.

"Sword and shield!"


The two Pokémon fought faster and faster, the rapid light and the sword light shone on the field, and the frozen light cut by the sword turned into ice crystals in the sky, shining in this world.

"Aa Dragon's eyes suddenly lit up! Some loess-colored energy light cones flew up from the water under the feet of the Shield Sword Monster, which was a straight drill of the ground system!

At the same time, the holy sword of the strong shield sword monster was also cut on the back of the dragon.

Both Pokémon fell to the ground.

"Come back!" The two shouted this sentence in unison.

"Then this is my last one, I hope these main players of mine have given you a gorgeous experience!"

Adam said and sent his last Pokémon, the level 70 water arrow turtle into the water, and finally completed the transformation in a burst of colorful brilliance.

Mega water arrow turtle ginseng!

"He has powerful special attack and defense capabilities, how are you going to deal with it?"

Adam smiled widely, and Starry Night showed the same smile.

"I finally have the qualifications to challenge the Alliance! Mr. Adam, if I want, I can now let the Super Geng use the same fate trick to end this dojo challenge. Starry Night solemnly said slowly.

"But I want to further hone my strength in this battle! With Geng Ghost and Doron Baruto!

"What a gorgeous idea, I also recognize you, boy, let the mega water arrow turtle of the super launcher accompany you in a gorgeous big job!"

"Geng Ghost! It's up to you! Mega evolve! Geng

Ghost also completed his transformation in a burst of colorful light, and the domineering white ghost appeared again.

"Geng Ghost! This month of devil training! It's time for it to show its results. "


"Good! Water Arrow Turtle uses Evil Waves! "


The cannon hole of the Water Arrow Turtle condensed in an instant, completing the Evil Fluctuation, and the energy ball on Geng Ghost's side was no less beautiful!

The Evil Fluctuation collided with the energy ball in mid-air, causing a large explosion, and the Water Arrow Turtle and Geng Ghost retreated to the side.

"Boom! gengengengen! "


Then the various special attack moves of the two Pokémon flew back and forth in the sky, and the release speed of such special attacks was extremely fast, flying all over the sky.

After 20 minutes.

Starry Night and Geng Ghost, Doron Baruto finally won the victory of the dojo hall by relying on his own strength, which means that he really has the strength to defeat a heavenly king and be able to bear the title of champion!

The scene of Geng Ghost and Water Arrow Turtle competing for spiritual power and colorful and dazzling attacks is memorable, and this wonderful battle can no longer be described in simple words, it is visually and psychologically shocking!

"Give, this is the raindrop badge, and the last badge you get, the future champion of the Fengyuan region, I still feel that you are lacking something." Adam walked over with a serious look at this time, handed the badge to Starry Night, and said.

"I want to hear about it." Starry Night also wants to hear about his current inadequacies.

"Hahahaha! That's what you really lack in terms of clothing! I think I should give you a few sets......... My clothes? Hahahaha! Anyway, I'm joking, my friend, this is the move learning machine of the tide spin! Collect it! Adam Pavilion Master smiled heartily, handed the study machine to Starry Night, and watched him leave alone.

After a long time, he took out an old Pokeball and threw it out.

"Let's go, old man, let's go for a spin in a gorgeous way."

"Giant Swamp!"

Next is the challenge of the Pokémon League, before challenging the league, you must first pass the test of the road to the championship, the road to the championship is opened every six months, and it is not far from the next road to the championship opening.

The Road to Champions has a treacherous environment, so it is used as a place to test trainers, and it can be said that it is a daily place to protect the safety of the league's headquarters.

In the time before the start of the road to the championship, Starry Night will relax with Pokémon for a while, and then go to the Sending God Volcano to start preparing for the Alliance.

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This is Monday's three-chapter Dojo Challenge!

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