Starry night came to the seaside, which was the battlefield of the ancient gods two weeks ago, not only were all the alliance workers who were busy with construction, Shuijing City is an important city in the Fengyuan area, and they must complete the reconstruction of Shuijing City as soon as possible.

He planned to ride Doron Baruto from here to Green Ridge City, so he released Doron Baruto again.

"Duolong, it's been really hard for you recently, and the journey to Green Ridge City this time depends on you." Starry Night is also no way, who told him that among all Pokémon, only Doron Baruto can complete the work of crossing the sea.

Doron Baruto didn't care, after all, a long-distance flight with a starry night can also be regarded as a kind of weight training, just shook his head to show his attitude, and then looked at the sea with excitement.

I don't know why, Dorombaruto just feels that he has a sense of belonging to the sea.

Starry Night looked at Doron Baruto with a somewhat wonderful look, and then remembered a saying in his past life.

The design prototype of Doron Baruto should be a fighter and an ancient creature salamander, this ancient creature lives in water, and in the previous life people restored the appearance of the salamolotl based on the fossils found, which looks exactly like Doron Baruto, the same skull, the same small claws.

According to the description of Doron Baruto on the guide, they are an ancient Pokémon, and later because of the change in the living environment, they also made changes, and then became the current dragon + ghost attribute.

If Starry Night guessed correctly, then the ancestors of many Baruto should have lived in the sea, and the former attribute should also be dragon + water, and later became dragon + ghost.

At this time, Starry Night suddenly scanned through the system and found that Doron Baruto newly mastered a surfing move, so he came to the beach, Doron Baruto actually mastered surfing, it seems that this should be a technique deep into the DNA of Doron Baruto, and Doron Baruto who learned to surf not only has a new means of attack, but also can operate manned on the water.

The starry night is also happy with Doron Baruto to learn new moves, so that when Doron Baruto is tired of flying, he can also stop directly on the sea to rest.

"Roar!" Doron Baruto also looked proud.

"Then let's go, Doron Baruto." Starry Night looked at Doron with a smile.

Doron Baruto did not choose to fly directly this time, but humped the sea surfing in the starry night. Doron is like a small boat, speeding on the sea. It seems that Doron Baruto wants to practice his newly learned surfing first, and his tail flicks rapidly, like a propeller pushing him forward.

Doron Baruto and Starry Night were advancing on the sea, and it was a long way from Shuijing City to Green Ridge City, and they were traveling on the sea today, and it seemed that they could cover half the distance.

They had been sailing on the sea for a long time, the sun was in the sky, it was noon, and Doron Baruto was a little tired, and the sea was indeed vast, and Doron Baruto was swimming like a joy this morning, and he was indeed tired of playing.

Since Starry Night and Doron left home for travel, Doron Baruto has rarely been able to play so happily this year, after all, Doron Baruto's actual age is actually only five years old, usually even if he looks calm, it can not cover up that Doron Baruto is still a child, although Pokémon are basically mature in all aspects as long as they have evolved completely, but they also have their own hearts. This reminds the starry night of how social animals in humans relax and gather.

This is also the beauty of the Pokémon world, people live in harmony with nature in Pokémon, and there is a thriving scene everywhere.

They were at sea for some time when they suddenly saw a patch of land ahead.

"Huh? This is? Starry Night looked at the map suspiciously, only then did he understand that this was an uninhabited island between Shuijing City and Green Ridge City.

But now this small island is very lively, the starry night saw a field of ships from afar, and some people dug a big hole on the island.

It was just noon, Starry Night planned to go there temporarily to rest, and Doron Baruto also had no strength and agreed to this decision.

They landed on the island and found that the size of the island was about the size of a few basketball courts, not too small, and Starry Night fed Doron Baruto some energy cubes, and Doron Baruto returned to the Poké Ball after eating.

Starry night walked in the direction of the ship he saw before, and saw about 4~5 ships docked on the shore, and there were many workers dressed as crosses on the shore, digging, and there was already a big hole in the ground.

Starry Night scratched his head and asked curiously: "Guys, what are you digging here, I am a passing trainer, and I am temporarily resting on this island."

"Ah, we are fossil lovers, we heard that there are fossils here, so we came here to dig for fossils, hoping to dig up Pokémon fossils." One of them replied.

Starry Night also understood that these people are not so much fossil lovers as fossil Pokémon lovers, they all hope to dig up their own fossils, and then go to Kanaz City to resurrect fossils, so that they can have their own fossil Pokémon.

Starry Night is also interested, he thinks that he can also dig something here, even if he can't dig up fossils, digging some more valuable stones and minerals is excellent, if he really digs fossils, he will definitely be able to sell for a high price, just because his wallet has been empty because of recent shopping.

Starry Night took out a cross pickaxe from his space backpack, because he had spent some time in the stone cave before, so he always had a cross drawing. He also remembered that he had collected those stones in the cave of time and had a great fortune.

Starry Night quickly integrated into the ranks of fossil fans, and also began to wield a cross pickaxe to excavate fossils.

Mining is really a wonderful activity, Starry Night can't help but think so, his super rich human physique used to mine can be said to not feel tired at all. He can also dig up a lot of good things, no, he has already dug up a star fragment, this thing is very valuable.

A certain super rich person still doesn't know, just because of his current thoughts, he will be closer to his brothers than his own brothers in the future with Daigo and other rock and steel trainers.

Starry Night hand cross pickaxe non-stop, arms quickly waved, mining raw by him made a continuous momentum, Euler Euler Euler's, nearby fossil fans looked at the insider, this mining speed, this child must also be a stone maniac or fossil fan, and his eyes immediately became kind.

The speed of starry night mining is getting faster and faster, and it is also full of harvests, star fragments, star sand, and various evolutionary stones emerge one after another, and he even dug up a gold bead.

Just as he continued his excavation work, he suddenly felt that the cross pickaxe had dug something, something strange.

This thing doesn't feel like a rock, more like... Skeleton!


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