Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 567: Simpler than expected

More than a thousand years ago, to be more specific, before Thor was born, Odin and his daughter Hela once achieved a great reputation in the universe.

Although Hela was sealed, Asgard revised its foreign policy, changed its aggressive style before, and became indifferent to the world. But this does not mean that Asgard has completely abandoned the foundation laid before and entered a state of isolation.

You must know that no matter how powerful and influential a country or force is, as long as it chooses the national policy of seclusion, then it will inevitably fall behind in a short period of time. Then, because the strength of various aspects developed too slowly, it could not keep up with other forces, and eventually lost its original influence.

Compare some of the details in the original plot - whether it was when Loki was stirring the wind outside, or when Thor accidentally went to the trash star, many of the people they came into contact with heard it. Said the name of Asgard.

That is to say, even after Hela was sealed for more than a thousand years, Asgard is still famous in the universe.

This fully illustrates one point: Asgard has absolutely not shut down the country now, nor has it cut off contact and exchanges with the outside world.

If other aliens can go, why can't Stark go?

"He's your friend? Well then, I'll say hello to Heimdall." Glancing at Stark, Vorstage quickly turned his gaze back to Shi Xiaolei: "Come, have another drink. I don't believe it anymore, I must bring you down today~!"

"So casual..."

I didn't expect the process to be much simpler than I imagined, and Shi Xiaolei was somewhat surprised. The expression on Vostager's expression when he picked up his glass of wine also seemed a little absent-minded.

"I'm going too~~!" Conna, who had a big stick in her hand and her face full of oil, also raised her small hand and joined in the fun.

While shouting, Conna looked at Sif: "Sister Sif, is Asgard fun? Is there anything delicious? Are there any cute little animals?"

"Animals? Of course there are." Without waiting for Sif to answer, Thor took over the words first: "Have you heard of Tianma? It's the kind of horse with a pair of wings on its back that can fly in the sky."

"I know I know~." In a popular cartoon that Kang Na has seen, the cute little Pegasus is a supporting role with a heavy role. For her, this animal is not only no stranger, it is even more familiar than most animals.

"When you go to Asgard, you'll see Pegasus. You'll love it, I promise."

"You know? Because he thinks it is very handsome to ride on the back of a Pegasus. When he was young, he fantasized about becoming a Valkyrie when he grew up." Pointing to Thor who was drinking, Fandral smiled at Connor Exploded.

"Valkyrie? What is that?"

"The spear of Asgard is invincible and invincible, and the most powerful Royal Guard." He commented with a little emotion, and then Fandral returned to his previous indignity, winking at Connor and smiling. Laugh: "The point is, all the members of this unit are women, and every time they recruit new recruits, they only select women."

Looking at Fandral, and then at Thor with a beard dipped in wine, Conna tilted her head and said crisply, "But, he's a man."

"That's why it's funny, hahahaha~."

"That's all from my childhood, don't mention it." A little embarrassed, it happened to see his sister Hela coming from a distance, Thor quickly changed the subject: "Cough, Hela is here... You know, SO, let's talk about something else."

"Pfft~~!" Because of Thor's words, both Hogan and Vorstagg choked.

Fandral and Sif also had expressions of taboo on their faces.

Just like that, the conversation about Valkyrie and Tianma came to an abrupt end.

At the banquet, the two of them couldn't understand the situation. One is Kang Na, and the other is Stark who came over by Shi Xiaolei's light.

As a child, Kang Na's attention shifted much faster, and after a few words, she had already forgotten what was wrong just now. As an adult, the curiosity in Stark's heart is not so easy to dispel.

So, taking advantage of a gap, he quietly approached Shi Xiaolei: "Man, what happened just now?"

It is very clear about the entanglement between Valkyrie and Hela, but in such an occasion, it is obviously not easy to tell Stark in detail. After all, Hela was at the scene, and with her ears and eyesight, it was impossible not to hear the whispers between herself and Stark.

"Let's go back and explain to you." Giving his friend a look, Shi Xiaolei shook his head gently: "Now be careful, don't talk nonsense."

"...Okay." Shrugging his shoulders, Stark could only temporarily suppress his curiosity.

As a result, the wait was a whole day.

It's not that Shi Xiaolei forgot his promise, but he really couldn't open his mouth - although his physical fitness has been greatly improved after opening the plug-in, he has gone beyond the realm of human beings and entered another level. But in the end, his improvement is not in the same way as the US team, and he does not have the kind of liver that the US team can quickly decompose alcohol, plus Vorstager is not alone, there are Fandral, Hogan and Thor. Help him out...

I don't know how many rounds later, Shi Xiaolei was completely drunk.

Not to mention answering the questions in Stark's mind, if it wasn't for Conna calling Beyoneta, Shi Xiaolei, who was drunk into a muddy pool, and Stark, who was also drunk for helping the battle, the two even had an affair. Might have to sleep in the woods overnight.

As for this wine fight, who wins and who loses...

Vorstager, Fandral, and Thor were not much better. Like Shi Xiaolei and Stark, the three of them were as drunk as dead pigs, no matter how much they struggled, there was no response.

Because of his rather dull personality, Hogan drank a little less than the three, and UU could barely open his eyes.

To be able to stay awake, it is probably only Hela and Sif. (Connor didn't drink alcohol, so it doesn't count)

And at the banquet, neither of these two picked sides, and they could not be regarded as Vorstag's side.

To sum up, the final result was a draw between the two sides—Shi Xiaolei, who had done his best, perished with Vorstager, Fandral, and Thor on the other side. As for Stark, at the cost of being drunk to death, he half-drunk Hogan, who had not given his full strength, and it was considered to have accomplished the goal.

If it's more serious, just look at the one-to-one results...

Volstag, who took the initiative to provoke the wine fight, probably only lost 40% of Shi Xiaolei's 'blood volume'.

From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to say that Shi Xiaolei won this game.

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