Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 357: Tax Return


Open the email you received earlier and glance at the sender first.

It was a little surprising that it was sent by Professor Chang Hongyu, who had just returned to China for two days.

Thinking about it again, maybe Teacher Chang saw the gifts from him and Yixian after returning to China, and felt that the gifts were too expensive to deserve, so he wrote such an email to express his feelings?

Thinking that he had guessed the answer, Shi Xiaolei smiled and continued to scroll down.

"Huh?" After watching it for two or three minutes, before turning to the bottom page, he glanced at the page number marked at the bottom right, and Shi Xiaolei unconsciously revealed an unexpected look.

A letter with as many as thirteen pages? What is this scenario? Could it be anything but thanks for those gifts?

After calming down and reading the entire email carefully, Shi Xiaolei finally understood what the situation was.

First of all, as expected, Professor Chang Hongyu did express his gratitude in this electronic letter. Generally speaking, thanks are mainly concentrated in two aspects. One is the excellent treatment that Shi Xiaolei and her family provided her during her temporary stay in New York, and the second is that Shi Xiaolei and Yixian sent her to her after returning to China. the pile of gifts.

Even with memories and thanks, the content of this part occupies almost three pages.

As for the extra ten pages...

In a sense, it can also be regarded as expressing gratitude - thinking that the hot spring in Shi Xiaolei's manor may break ground in a few days, Professor Chang Hongyu put forward a suggestion, saying that two students who are close to graduation can be sent Students come to help. Although there is a part of the idea of ​​'connecting students with internship opportunities', but from the perspective of Shi Xiaolei's family, if two veterans who are familiar with this kind of engineering can help... Worth mentioning, in the process of construction, it will definitely reduce a lot of trouble.


"Are you okay?" While Shi Xiaolei was thinking, 2b beside him showed a slightly worried look.

"It shouldn't be a big problem." After thinking for a moment, Shi Xiaolei scratched his head: "The place where the Xiao Huang people live is hundreds of meters away from the hot spring. The big deal is to limit the activities of the Xiao Huang people during the construction days. I think, as long as you are careful, you shouldn't be... Forget it, let them go back to the city first."

Apart from the two graduate students recommended by Chang Hongyu, some workers will inevitably come to work in the manor after the project starts.

Even if those people are very measured, they will not walk around at will after entering the manor, and have been staying near the construction site, but no one can guarantee that the unreliable Xiao Huang people will make any moth... Considering Xiao Huang People are very likely to short-circuit their brains, and go under the noses of outsiders to expose their bodies. Shi Xiaolei thinks, it is better to take them back to the six-story building to live for two or three months, and then release them after the construction of the hot spring is over. It's safer to go back.

Or, just send them to the ark?

‘Well, forget it, although the ark is quite big, it still feels a little like a confinement. Those little guys didn't make any mistakes...' Thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei shook his head involuntarily.


"Uh, oh, it's nothing." After returning to his senses, looking at 2b and smiling, Shi Xiaolei turned off the mailbox interface: "When the work is over at night, go back and discuss it with Yixian. After all, this matter is left to her. She's in charge, and she should take the idea."

"Yeah." Nodding, without asking any further, 2b took out a paper clip and pinned the documents he had just sorted together.


"Well, do you want to take a look?"

"No, you can put it away." Looking at the receipts in 2b's hand, Shi Xiaolei suddenly remembered something: "By the way, it's time to file and pay taxes at the end of the month. Are our store's accounts sorted out?"

In addition to this small restaurant, Shi Xiaolei also has some other industries under his name, such as the weakened version of the pharmaceutical manufacturing company established in cooperation with Stark, and the manor he bought from his account, as well as under his name. These properties were bought by Bayonetta while she was on a 'business trip'.

Even with the property tax, all the items that need to be reported and paid are counted. This tax return belonging to Shi Xiaolei is actually quite complicated.

Even native Americans may not be able to figure out how to file their taxes, let alone Shi Xiaolei who has only been here for two years.

His family knows his own affairs, and he is very clear that it is impossible to figure out the twists and turns here with his own brain, so from the time he cooperated with Stark to establish a pharmacy company, he entrusted the VIP customer service at the bank. The commissioner helped him contact enough professional lawyers and accountants, and entrusted most of the items that need to be reported.

The only thing left is the tax bill from the small restaurant, which I plan to handle by myself.

To say why I did this... It's not because the small restaurant has a special meaning in Shi Xiaolei's heart, it's just to leave a sense of ceremony.

After all, this is America. Think about the sentence, "In this world, only death and paying taxes are eternal." If you don't have the experience of going to the tax agency to declare and pay taxes, it is obviously incomplete in terms of daily life experience.

"It's all sorted out." 2b nodded, opened the drawer on the counter, and took out a kraft paper bag.

"It's your fault." Shi Xiaolei smiled and gave 2b a thumbs up: "If you let me do the calculations myself, and give me ten days and a half months, I may not be able to calculate the account clearly."

I opened the bag, took out the tax return that 2b took two days to sort out, and glanced at the total amount of taxes payable at the end...

"Huh, is that so much?" Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but widened his eyes and exclaimed slightly.

"How much?" 2b tilted his head in confusion, and pointed to the form on the receipt to explain to him: "Here is the figure we offset after donating to the and here..."

"Hi~." After listening patiently, Shi Xiaolei took another breath: "In other words, if we didn't have these, we would have to pay more?"

Compared with those projects entrusted to professionals, the taxes and fees that small restaurants need to pay are not even a fraction.

But in Shi Xiaolei's heart, he was obsessed with the small numbers on this side, and didn't care about the big numbers with a string of zeros on the other side.

Is it a little strange, a little awkward?

In fact, this is all because Shi Xiaolei subconsciously divided his life into two parts.

The huge manor, the mountains of gold, and the messy industries are all benefits brought by plug-ins. Food is eaten, use is used, but in Shi Xiaolei's heart, there is not much real feeling.

I never feel that I am special, I hope to live a stable and stable life... Whether it is hypocritical or pretentious, in short, in Shi Xiaolei's heart, only this humble small restaurant opened by his own craftsmanship is the real deal. of.

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