Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 352: coincidentally


Before crossing, I used to follow the uncle in the village to build houses for the wealthy households in the town.

Because making a rockery requires pulling stones from the mountains, and it is difficult for trucks to enter the mountains, Shi Xiaolei, who is tall and strong, has to act as a transporter, responsible for driving the carriage to the mountains to transport the stones.

The carrying capacity of the carriage is not large, and with the rugged mountain road, it can't be pulled much in one trip... In order to complete the task, Shi Xiaolei worked for a whole month.

It can be said that spending every day with those draught horses pulling stones is almost impossible to eat and live in the stables.

Although those few horses are just draught horses, they are far less expensive than the famous horses kept in the stables of Hela, but in the final analysis, draught horses and famous horses are all horses. Some points that need to be paid attention to when getting close to each other are actually not too big. difference.

What's more, the Shire horse now riding under the crotch is also a docile draught horse, not as violent and difficult to serve as the Arabian horse, the Akhal Jetkin horse and other thoroughbred horses.

"Oh, oh~."

Riding on the back of the horse, he raised his heels and gently touched the belly of the horse.

When the horse took a step forward and took a few steps forward slowly, Shi Xiaolei retracted his arm slightly and tightened the reins in his hand.

After a few orders, it was confirmed that the horse named Hercules was well-behaved and obedient. Shi Xiaolei was relieved, and a smile of confidence appeared on his face.

"Kona, hold the handle in front of you."

He bowed his head and told the little girl sitting in front of him, and told her to hold on to the small horizontal bar in front of the saddle. Shi Xiaolei shook the reins lightly and controlled the horse to start trotting.

The speed is not fast, and the rhythm of the footsteps is not as patchy as that of the Lipizama, who is good at dressage. However, because of the size and weight, Sharma has a unique power when running... ...If the Akhal Jetkin is a lightning-fast supercar, and the Lipizzan is a beach four-wheel drive that is flexible enough to play all kinds of tricks, then the Sharma is the equivalent of a heavy truck—if it runs No matter how slow the speed is, no one dares to stop in front of it.

"Oh~~~!" Kang Na didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but instead shouted happily.

The more she played, the more fun she became. A few minutes later, the excited little girl suddenly raised her hand and pointed to a tree-lined path outside the racecourse.

"Xiao Lei, can we go over there to play?"

Running in the racecourse is not enough, want to go out and play? Not the owner of the horse, Shi Xiaolei did not dare to directly agree to the little girl's proposal.

"Okay." Through observation, it has been determined that Shi Xiaolei is not a novice. He feels that he should be able to control the horse well and not cause any trouble. Susan nodded: "Don't run too far, just come back within an hour."

"No problem, we'll play for a while, maybe half an hour."

"Ok, I see."

With Susan's permission, Shi Xiaolei shook the reins, controlled the horse to leave the racecourse, and went to the tree-lined trail that Kang Na had just pointed to.

After entering the woods, it was another feeling.

Unlike when I came on foot, because I was sitting on horseback, there were often low branches that passed in front of my eyes. For Shi Xiaolei, it was a bit annoying to often need to reach out and pull the branches and leaves, but for Kang Na, who was protected by him in his arms, it was a very novel feeling to be able to reach the high leaves just by reaching out.

"Xiao Lei Xiao Lei, look, I caught another one." It was an ordinary leaf that was so ordinary that I usually wouldn't care about it at all, but at this moment, Kang Na was very happy to take it on In his hand, he showed off to Shi Xiaolei like a treasure.

"It's very beautiful. I'll take it back later and let Sylvia help you make it a bookmark."

"Hmm~." Feeling that Shi Xiaolei's idea was good, Kang Na nodded vigorously.

Not only were the leaves on the branches closer, but the tree holes where the squirrels lived and the nests where the birds perched were also much closer than usual.

Xinma strolled freely in the woods, watching all the way, every now and then, Kang Na always made a happy and curious cry to the unexpected.

The little girl was having a good time, and Shi Xiaolei was in a good mood when she saw it.

Unconsciously, he came to a small pool formed by nature, thinking that the horse might be a little thirsty after walking all the way, Shi Xiaolei loosened the reins and let it stop by the pool and bow its head to drink water.

"Hey, Xiaolei Xiaolei, look over there~!" At this moment, Kang Na shouted again.

"I saw something new again..." Looking in the direction of the little girl's finger, Shi Xiaolei suddenly found that on the other side of the pool, there were several horses walking leisurely through the not-so-dense bushes. .

Although he had never seen these horses, Shi Xiaolei recognized their origins at a glance - just like the horse Hercules under the seat, they also had the same abstract pattern on their saddles. Just half an hour ago, Shi Xiaolei chatted with Susan, and that thing was a sign designed by Hela herself.

I looked left and right, and confirmed the current position through the terrain and the sun...

This place is about a hundred or two hundred meters away from the wooden house in the woods that I passed by when I came here.

Shi Xiaolei made a judgment in his heart... Obviously, the horses that appeared in front of him were probably the ones that the group of four from Asgard rode out of the stable, and that he and Kang Na didn't see when they came over.

"Really." Shaking his head, Shi Xiaolei supported the saddle and jumped off the horse.

"Kang Na, just be obedient and don't move." Holding the reins in his hands, Shi Xiaolei turned to instruct Kang Na while tying it to a small tree by the pool.

"Oh." With a promise, Kang Na's eyes showed a bit of confusion.

"I'm going to help them tie up those horses." Pointing to the horses across from the small pool, Shi Xiaolei explained with a smile, "It's nothing right now, it will be dark in a while, it will be very troublesome to find."

Hela bought the horse back with money, and if she lost it, it was her loss. As a Shi Xiaolei would not sit idly by since she met him.

As for why he didn't just do it all in one step and help Hela lead these horses back to the stable... After all, they were ridden by the Asgard quartet. Those people were fellow villagers with Hela, and they were also Thor's friends. . In this relationship, I am just an irrelevant outsider.

If it is strong, it will only fall on both sides and be unpleasant. Shi Xiaolei still knew about this little bit of sophistication.

He took out a few carrots from the shackles hanging by the saddle, and Shi Xiaolei cautiously walked over to the horses... After all, he was a stranger they had never seen before, and he looked quite fierce, to be honest. , Shi Xiaolei was indeed a little worried that these horses would be frightened by him.

Fortunately they are not that sensitive.

About two or three minutes later, Shi Xiaolei approached the horses without any risk and came to one of them.

However, just when Shi Xiaolei finished feeding a carrot, he just pulled the reins and was about to lead the horse to the small tree and tie it up...

"Hey~! Hey~! Who are you?"

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