Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 191: another way

There are various medicines in the front, and a teleportation scroll in the back. If you compare Shi Xiaolei to a supplier and Stark to a buyer, it can be said that the supply and demand relationship between the two is already very mature and reliable.

However, this does not mean that Stark has opened his mouth, and Shi Xiaolei will take the order without hesitation and meet all his requirements.

Some things can be shared openly, and some things should be restricted a little. Although his personality is simple and honest, and he usually has no heart, it doesn't mean that Shi Xiaolei is a big-hearted Ma Daha.

Take the green potion that Stark is now referring to, that is, the choking gas potion.

With Shi Xiaolei's ability, can he produce 360,000 or even 400,000 bottles? The answer is yes. After all, there is no upper limit on the number of purchases in the system. As long as the money used to exchange gold coins can keep up, Shi Xiaolei can exchange as many bottles as he wants from the system.

The point is not whether it can be done, but whether it can be done.

from this angle……

Shi Xiaolei felt inappropriate in his heart.

"Can't you? Are you sure?"

Facing Stark's suspicious gaze, Shi Xiaolei nodded vigorously: "Sure, Tony, you should think of another way. The number is too large, I really can't come up with it."

"Aren't you afraid that you will be too high-profile and attract the attention of others?"

To be honest, when Shi Xiaolei heard this sentence, Shi Xiaolei's heart really burst.

Fortunately, he was mentally prepared in advance and thought of how to deal with it. He pretended to be distressed and reiterated: "It's not true, Tony."

"Okay~." Smacking his lips, Stark shook his head regretfully: "Then I'll take a step back. Locke, give me some more samples, I'll go back and analyze it to see if I can copy the weakening like last time. version."


"Why, you won't even agree to this request, right?"

After hesitating for a moment, Shi Xiaolei smiled bitterly: "It's not that I can't agree, I'm just a little worried. After all, that thing is too poisonous, it doesn't mean that wearing a gas mask can prevent poisoning..."

"I will prepare a fully sealed isolation room, the medicine is inside, the people are outside, and the experiment will be done by remote control." Stark smiled: "Hehe, I was there at the time, and I knew that there was something wrong with it. How awesome. You can rest assured that I will never go near it and let it get any chance."

Remote operation? It is also a way.

However, after thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei was still a little uneasy: "Otherwise, when you are doing the experiment, remember to notify me. With me at the scene, there should be no accident."

"Is it necessary?" Stark raised his eyebrows: "I still have several bottles of antidote there. By the way, the antidote you gave before should be able to detoxify that green potion, right?"

"Yes, yes, but..."

"But what?"

"I used the most advanced poison potion that day." After pausing for a moment, he sorted out the words and sentences in his mind, and Shi Xiaolei continued: "The effect of that thing is too fast, and in the same time, the damage caused is too great. Outrageous. Emmm, I mean, although the antidote can be used to clear the poisoning effect, but because it works too fast, it is possible that you have been poisoned by it before you can drink the antidote."

If Bruce Banner was to conduct the experiment, no, he didn't need the Hulk's strong physique. As long as he had the same level of physique as Captain America, Shi Xiaolei would not object.

But instead of Stark...

Aside from the steel armor, this guy is a weak chicken whose physical quality is equivalent to that of an ordinary person. It is no exaggeration to say that with the damage value of the suffocating gas potion of dozens of points per second, poisoning him is a blink of an eye, and it will not even exceed one second.

It takes a second or two to unscrew the antidote bottle cap.

Obviously, using an antidote to counteract the effects of the choking gas potion won't work for Stark.

"...Since the effect is so fast, what can you do with me?" Stark was a little confused: "Even if you move fast, where can you go? It will never be worse than pouring it into my mouth. faster."

"You're thinking wrong." Waving his hand, Shi Xiaolei explained, "I didn't say I would give you medicine. I used another method."


"Remember the 'Cross' that day? Uh, no..." After recalling it carefully, Shi Xiaolei asked again: "Do you remember the battle at the Dakar Rally starting ceremony?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"You came back a little late that day. You may not have noticed when you didn't catch up with the busiest time. In fact, in that battle, I used another halo skill." After a pause, Shi Xiaolei continued: "Like the 'Cross' that day, it's also a ranged skill. But the difference is, it's not like a shelter... I mean the 'Cross', which can target and kill a certain type of enemy, Or inflict magic damage of a certain attribute to the enemy. The aura called 'rescue' is a defensive type skill, and its effect is to increase the resistance of allies to various elemental damages."

"With that halo's buff, don't worry about being poisoned by that green potion?"

"That's right." Shi Xiaolei nodded: "That thing can reduce the poison effect to one-twentieth at most. Combined with the antidote, it should be foolproof."

Speaking of which, Shi Xiaolei suddenly remembered something: "Look at me, why did you forget it? Tony, I still have the primary version of the poison potion You can experiment with that."

" it useful?"

"Easy to use! It may not be very powerful against vampires. If it is used against humans or animals, it is definitely enough." After thinking about it, Shi Xiaolei added: "The effect is about four points of the high-level potion I used that day. One, the coverage will also be slightly smaller. After all, the amount is small."

"Okay, let's go to the elementary school first."

It's almost time to talk. Looking at the time, it's almost time for dinner.

Unconsciously, Stark's mind came up with the idea of ​​staying for a while to eat before leaving.

Well, although there is no shortage of food and drink, but in the end, I spent a month on a small island with a slightly difficult environment... It’s okay to forget it, and now I think of the lamb chops that Shi Xiaolei got from the ark, and Stark can’t help it. His mouth was full of saliva, and a lot of saliva was secreted from his mouth.

"Dude, it's almost dinner time, don't you mind if I stay for a meal?"

"You said so, can I still drive you away? Come on, what do you want to eat, I'll see if I have any materials at home."

"Lamb chops, fried or grilled. You know, I'm talking about the sheep raised in the ark. Emmm, if you have fish, fry two pieces for me too."

"Fish and meat are also in the ark?"


"You're pretty good at eating." Shi Xiaolei smiled and stood up: "Okay, since you've been busy for a month. Wait, I'll prepare the materials and start making them later."

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