Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 185: By accident

For S.H.I.E.L.D., the artwork found in the vampire lair is actually of little value.

After all, it is a secret agency, and its job is to 'maintain law and order'. Except to trace the origin and origin of some special items, it rarely investigates history, and in the field of culture and art, it rarely investigates involved.

From the standpoint of S.H.I.E.L.D., what use can these artworks come in? Aside from those that can be traced to the owner and cannot be easily disclosed to the public, the remaining part can only be auctioned off at an opportunity to exchange some funds for the bureau.

It is true that selling a piece of fine antiques can at least be exchanged for hundreds of millions, or even hundreds of millions of dollars. For ordinary people, such a huge amount of income is indeed a lot of money.

But in the eyes of SHIELD?

It would cost hundreds of millions to build a secret base casually. It would cost hundreds or even hundreds of millions to get a flying aircraft carrier. The game is really nothing, at best, that is, to the extent that it can be tasted between the teeth, and it is not full at all.

Having risen to the eighth level, he has a better understanding of the situation in the game, and knows that the pile of things in front of him is of little use value, which is why Coulson actively greeted Stark and Shi Xiaolei to come down and divide the spoils. In addition, the energy detectors have been used to scan all these things, and it is determined that there are no 084 items with abnormal energy indices in them, which is also one of the reasons why Coulson is so generous.

"This is a piece of porcelain produced in the 11th century. According to its characteristics, it can be judged that it came from China in the East." In the showroom, a silver-white steel armor stood on the side of the exhibits like a tour guide. He was explaining to the three of Stark incessantly.

"The 11th century? I'll do the math." Hearing Jarvis say that this piece of porcelain is an antique from China, Shi Xiaolei became interested: "The Three Kingdoms are about 220 years old, then the Wei, Jin and Five Dynasties, Sui and Tang..."

I remember the names of many heroes and emperors and the deeds they left in history, but I really don't have an intuitive enough impression of the specific era. Shi Xiaolei, who lacks historical knowledge, can only use the stupidest method to deduce the progress of the timeline, that is, starting from the Three Kingdoms period, which he is most familiar with, bit by bit, and then calculate backwards.

"Huaxia in the 11th century was in the Northern Song Dynasty." Without Shi Xiaolei's calculation, Jarvis immediately gave an answer: "The third emperor Song Zhenzong Zhao Heng, to the eighth emperor Song Huizong Zhao Ji. During the years, the Song Dynasty experienced a total of five emperor changes."

"Song Porcelain?" Shi Xiaolei didn't care who was in power, he just wanted to know the information about the porcelain itself: "Jarvis, can you determine the specific production time of this porcelain? Also, it is the kiln mouth. Can it be identified?"

"If you want to determine the specific time, you need to do a carbon-14 test. Now there are no conditions, you must go to the laboratory to test." In the silver-white 'Silver Cod' armor, Jarvis' answer came: "The words of the kiln mouth , the probability of being a Ru kiln is 77%, the probability of being a Jun kiln is 13%, and the probability of being a Guan kiln, Ge kiln, and Longquan kiln is 10%.

"77%? 9 out of 10." Shi Xiaolei's eyes lit up: "Okay, this sentence is enough. Coulson, this treasure belongs to me, okay?"

"Of course not." Coulson smiled, raised his hand and made a 'you can' gesture: "I hand it over to you, in a sense, it will be returned to its original owner. If it is conscious, it will be very happy. ."

"It's still nice of you to talk." Shi Xiaolei smiled happily, picked up the porcelain, and stuffed it into his carry-on backpack: "Then I'll be welcome, thank you."

"Are there any other antiques from China?" Stark interjected and instructed Jarvis, "Find them all and give them to him."

"Please wait."

Following Stark's instructions, 'Silver Cod' turned around and began to scan the collections around him.

It didn't take much time, about half a minute, Jarvis responded: "After scanning, there are a total of sixteen antiques from China in this warehouse."

"Only sixteen?" The number was much less than expected, and Stark held back his mouth in disappointment: "Where are all of them? Forget it, there aren't many of them anyway... Jarvis, point it out. Locke. , Coulson, come on, let's do it together and pick them all out."

Nine pieces of porcelain, two scrolls, one seal, and three pieces of bronze...

Not long after, sixteen antiques from China were picked out.

Looking at these things in front of him, no, it should be said that after seeing one of the three bronze utensils, he suddenly became excited.

"Hey, man, what's wrong with you? It's just a bronze statue of a sheep's head, how do you react..." As he spoke, he suddenly remembered some legends, Stark's face condensed, and his tone became serious: "This is It can't be a magical medium, right? If I remember correctly, some demons in legends have a sheep's head and feet."

Excited, when he heard Stark's words, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help rolling his eyes: "What is it, where did you think of it?"

"Then why are you so excited?" Stark was completely puzzled.

"Of course I'm excited, this is a sheep's head~!" Thinking of some news that he had followed before crossing the road, Shi Xiaolei quickly picked up the copper sheep's head and looked into its mouth.

There is indeed a small which looks like a water outlet.

Shi Xiaolei became more and more excited: "Yes, it's the sheep's head. It must be~!"

"Hehehe~, what sheep's head? What are you talking about?" The more Shi Xiaolei responded, the more confused Stark became.

It was Jarvis who found the information and gave an explanation on the side: "The sheep head that Mr. Locke mentioned is one of the bronze animal heads of the Chinese zodiac. These bronze animal heads come from an oriental royal garden called Yuanmingyuan. The garden was built in the park in 1707. It integrates Eastern and Western architectural gardening arts. It is a rare gem-level garden complex..."

"...So, this thing is actually just a faucet installed on a man-made fountain mountain?" Stark still didn't understand: "What's the big deal, is it worth your excitement?"

"You don't understand~!" Too lazy to explain to Stark, Shi Xiaolei happily hugged the sheep's head in his arms: "This is my treasure. By the way, Stark, if you encounter clues about other beast heads, Be sure to let me know."

"OK, OK~. I get it." Stark smiled and nodded: "Although I still can't figure it out, but since you said so...don't worry, as soon as I hear the news, I will tell you. By the way, Jarvis, add this to the memo, and investigate again by the way to see if there is any useful information."

"Yes, Sir."

"Are you satisfied?" Chong Shi Xiaolei winked, and Stark shook his arm: "OK, now it's my turn. Let me see if there is anything good that interests me."

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