Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1662: Odin's attitude

Latest website: How Shi Xiaolei will deal with Ares is his own business.

Putting himself on the sidelines, Odin never thought of interfering with Shi Xiaolei's choice.

Someone may ask, as the king of Asgard, did Mr. Odin think of the consequences of Ares' death on Earth? Even Thor's guts can think that Zeus will definitely launch revenge. How could the more shrewd old man ignore this risk and sit back and watch Shi Xiaolei execute Ares, and then cause trouble for the earth and Asgard, which is one with the earth? ?

There are two reasons for this.

One is that I feel that I don't have that reputation, so I shouldn't talk too much.

After all, Ares came here for Shi Xiaolei's family, and everything he did was aimed at Shi Xiaolei's family, and Asgard was never involved from the beginning to the end.

Coupled with the increasing development of the earth's civilization, there are more and more powerful people. They are no longer the "brother" who needs Asgard's careful care. From a factual point of view, they already have sufficient independence...

From Odin's point of view, the way of thinking about this incident is very clear-unless the earth side asks for help, Asgard will not take the initiative to participate in it. Including the follow-up ending, it should also be left to the people on earth...or the Shi Xiaolei family as the parties to decide.

When the child is grown up, it's time to let go. To sum up the thoughts in Odin's heart, this is probably what it means.

Second, it is because the old man has full confidence in his heart.

In Thor's view, the revenge launched by Zeus under the rage will most likely be too strong for people to deal with.

What about Odin? Did he share Thor's views on this matter?

the answer is negative.

They are of the same age, and they are both God Kings... As early as thousands of years ago, Odin and Zeus had known each other and had dealt with each other many times. For this 'old friend', Odin has a clearer and more intuitive understanding, unlike Thor, who can only use written records as a reference and infer out of thin air.

Ruthless, cunning, cruel, and selfish, there are indeed many negative factors in Zeus's character, which will prompt him to choose revenge after he gets the news.

But conversely, there are also some factors that will have the opposite effect, making Zeus dare not act rashly.

To put it more bluntly, Zeus can only bully the weak, and he is a coward who bullies the weak and fears the hard. His tyranny will only vent to opponents who are not as good as him. On the contrary, if the strength of the opponent is similar to him or stronger than him, he will become timid and fearful, shrinking in the pantheon deep in the universe and not daring to stand out .

In order to avoid the counterattack from humans, he left the earth with the gods of Olympus, which has proved this point.

Including the rejection of Thor's request in "Thor 4: Love and Thunder", and his unwillingness to take the lead in confronting the God Slayer is also an obvious example.

Based on this premise, let's speculate on Zeus' reaction after receiving the news.

Odin was 100% sure in his heart, and decided that Zeus would not dare to take revenge lightly.

After all, the inheritance of Kama Taj is still going on, and the name of the supreme mage Gu Yi has already spread to the ears of many gods. Even if he has not seen it with his own eyes, Zeus must have heard of the power of Gu Yi from other gods.

And well...

According to the settings in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the divine power of Odin and his descendants will continue to increase with age, instead of starting to decline after reaching a certain age like ordinary people, and then getting older and weaker. Including the original plot, it has already been made very clear - the reason why Odin needs to sleep is not because he is old and weak and needs to rest, but because there is too much divine power in his body, which is so much that it is about to lose control, so He had to sleep for a long time to suppress the activity of divine power.

In fact, even Odin's death was due to too much divine power.

Why can Odin clearly judge when he will die? It was because he could clearly feel the growth rate of divine power, and then calculated when he would be exploded with reference to the upper limit that his body could hold.

Yes, on the surface it looks like he is dying, but in fact Odin was exploded by the ever-increasing divine power in his body. In a sense, he was quite painful at the moment of his death, not as peaceful and natural as shown in the original picture, and should not be described with words such as gorgeous and dreamy.

That's a bit of a stretch.

In short, with Odin's strength, he would not worry about Zeus' revenge at all.

The big deal is to let go of the restrictions on yourself and take the opponent away with a wave of anger. Anyway, I don't have many days left to live. If I can get a god-king powerhouse like Zeus to be my back when I die...From Odin's point of view, this is no longer a matter of earning more or less , but an extremely brilliant honor that nothing can compare to.

So, will Zeus give himself a chance to reap such an honor before he dies?

After much deliberation, Odin felt that it was impossible.

After all, that guy Zeus is too cunning, and he is so desperate for his life. With his personality, he would definitely not make such a low-level mistake and lose his life.

All in all, on the one hand, he felt that there should be no meddling, and on the other hand, he felt that Zeus's revenge was just that, so Odin did not take the initiative to intervene. From the time Ares came to the earth with the group of aliens he coerced from the road, to the outcome of the battle, Odin remained calm and just quietly acted as a spectator.

It is precisely because he never thought of intervening in the, when Thor brought Shi Xiaolei, Beunita and others together, they escorted Ares to Asgard. At that time, Odin was really surprised.

"Hmm...let me think about it." After listening to Thor's speech, and then looking at Shi Xiaolei with an expectant face, Odin subconsciously raised his hand and stroked his beard, thinking quietly.

After a while, Odin thought of an idea.

First raised Kunganir in his hand and tapped twice on Ares' shoulders. After the seal was formed, it was confirmed that Ares' divine power was sealed, and Odin turned his head to greet Beunita. With a cry, she took back the magic belt tied to Ares.

"Come here, put him in prison." Calling two guards, Odin pointed to Ares, who was already weak like a mortal.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After the two guards dragged Ares away, Odin looked away and looked at Shi Xiaolei and the others again: "Are you free in the next few days? If there is nothing else, go out with me, an old man How about a trip?"

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