Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1504: Each has its own strengths

The latest website: can parasitize, can spit 'silk', and can recover quickly by eating.

Afraid of fire, especially the resonance formed by sound waves.

At first glance, it seems that all symbionts have similar abilities, but there are differences in strength and weakness.

actually not.

In symbionts, there are actually individual differences.

This is like a well-trained human soldier. In addition to the general-purpose combat techniques learned in basic training, according to each person's characteristics, they will also be more or less involved in other aspects of training. Ability to excel. For example, some people are better at long-range sniping, and some people are particularly good at frontal assault.

The same goes for symbiotes.

There are those who are good at fighting head-on, such as massacre. Compared with the other five symbiotes, Slaughter is rougher and thicker, and its recovery ability is also more than that. In addition, its character is more brutal, so after facing the enemy head-on, its performance is often better than that of the other symbiotes. Howl, Devour, Lash, Riot, and Venom are far superior.

Applying the settings in the game means adding a lot of points to the attribute of strength.

There are also special agile ones.

Like riots.

If it wasn't for the fact that the agility attribute was not high enough to give a bonus to the dodge ability... facing the ghost knight's pursuit, it would be impossible for it to escape so far.

Finally, back to Venom.

Compared with the other symbiotes, this guy's combat power is indeed a bit scumbag. If Carnage is likened to Raditz, Venom is probably equivalent to Piccolo or Monkey King in the same time period. With its fighting power, unless it puts itself out first and attacks the opponent at the cost of its life, it will not be able to threaten the powerful massacre at all.

However, the combat effectiveness is not as good as Carnage, does not mean that the potential of Venom is lower than Carnage.

It's not that the strength of the symbiont is closely related to the parasitic object. If it encounters a sufficiently powerful host, the venom can rely on the host's own foundation to equalize or overtake the slaughter in terms of combat effectiveness.

The focus is on the venom itself. To put it simply, although it has no talent in combat, in other respects, it has some advantages that its companions such as massacre do not have.

The first one that bears the brunt is that Venom has a sharper sixth sense.

Although it is not as exaggerated as the spider sense obtained after Peter mutated into Spiderman, the nature of this ability is of the same type as the spider sense. Whenever a crisis comes, Venom can always sense some signs in advance, and then avoid bad luck and make more life-saving choices.

In fact, it was able to escape from the laboratory intact, and very accurately found Eddie Brock, who was hiding alone in the dark, a large part of which was due to this.

If it wasn't for the magical sixth sense that played a role, affecting its judgment in the dark, and making it make the right choice time after time... it might not have thought of escaping from the headquarters of the Life Foundation after being parasitized on a parrot. It may not fly in the direction of Eddie Brock, and eventually parasitize him.

Secondly, the venom is also particularly able to reproduce, far surpassing other symbionts in terms of reproductive capacity.

In the original comics, in addition to the carnage, several symbiotes such as riot, howl, whip, and devour were actually hatched from the eggs laid by venom. They are not peers who came to the earth together, but the offspring born after the venom came to the earth.

Now, these symbiotes have become Venom's companions because the writers modified their characters when they were adapted into the screenplay.

It is worth mentioning that there are two reasons why the screenwriters would modify the background settings of the riot and other symbionts.

One is because they want to fix bugs. According to the setting in the plot, after the symbiont was discovered by the Life Foundation, it didn't take long for things to go wrong. And to cultivate the second-generation symbiont, it is not that simple to think about it with your toes. Compared with the ability of the Life Foundation or Drake himself in the plot, it is obviously impossible to do this level.

Secondly, it wants to highlight the weakness of Venom.

As the protagonist in the play, Venom is bound to win to the end. For a popcorn movie, it's impossible to create a plot in which the main character is finally killed by the villain boss, just like a literary movie, it's all about embarrassing the audience.

Based on "Venom must win", and then consider its character design, the screenwriters did not hesitate to give it the weakest position. Because only this setting can maximize the excitement of the audience when they see the venom surpassing the massacre, so that they can get more stimulation from the "Jedi Fighting Back" plot.

All in all, when the screenwriters modified the settings, they never considered whether the "venom is more viable" was reasonable, and they never thought about modifying its ability settings in this regard.

In other words, the venom is still the same as in the original comics, far more capable of living than the other symbiotes, but it is not the time yet, and it has not been able to show in this regard.

As for when Venom will give birth to offspring...

At the moment when he was besieged to death by howling, devouring and whipping, his keen sixth sense played its role again, making Venom feel an inexplicable heartache. Similar to human hairs standing on end, Venom, which was integrated with Eddie Brock, also had a small pimple uncontrollably.

"We'd better get out of here quickly." Fear came like a tide, and Venom subconsciously retracted into Eddie Brock's body, and gave him a suggestion very nervously.

"..." There was no response, and Eddie Brock stood there in a daze, looking down at his hands that had returned to normal.

The scene of being parasitized by venom is like a dream to Eddie Brock, without any sense of reality at all. It's no wonder that he froze in place, unable to react for a while.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

About ten seconds later, Eddie Brock finally came back to his senses, and looked at the Life Foundation building with billowing smoke rising again.

As a reporter, he still had an irresistible urge to get closer to see what happened.

"No." Feeling Eddie Brock's thoughts, the venom once again condensed his head and drilled out from his chest: "Trust me, you'd better not do that. Unless, you are not afraid of being treated as a guinea pig by them, Put it on the operating table and dissect it."

The real feeling of "I have become a monster" surged again, and a picture appeared in Eddie Brock's mind.

He shivered uncontrollably, and finally, Eddie Brock gave up the impulse in his heart: "Well, you're right, let's get out of here first."

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