Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1483: long time

Latest website: For Lilima herself, this sudden change is undoubtedly a great thing, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a pie in the sky.

But from Shi Xiaolei's standpoint, he can't be as heartless as Lilima, who only cares about being happy.

As a friend, congratulations to Lilima, happy for her, that's all it should be. But looking back at his own position, Shi Xiaolei had to think more about it.

After all, Lilima is not a native of Earth. Although she has a good relationship, she is still an 'outsider' to Earth.


Taking advantage of Lilima's going out, Shi Xiaolei took time to visit Karma Taj and found Gu Yi who was guiding Strange in training.

"It's you, someone else..." Looking at Shi Xiaolei speechlessly, Gu Yi shook his head lightly: "Just for such a trivial matter, come here and ask me to use the power of the time gem to explore the future. Locke, I I don't even know what to say about you."

"Isn't this afraid of something going wrong?" Scratching his head, Shi Xiaolei smiled embarrassedly: "It would be a little inappropriate to wait until the situation comes out to make up for it. Master, just do me a favor and take a look for me. I promise, there will never be a next time."

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

With no outsiders around, Gu Yi didn't bother to hold it, and directly gave Shi Xiaolei a big white eye.


"I really convinced you." Putting down the teacup, Gu Yi stood up, walked to Shi Xiaolei, raised his right hand: "Relax, don't resist."

"Huh?" First stunned, then quickly reacting, Shi Xiaolei nodded quickly: "Oh."

As Shi Xiaolei guessed, as he relaxed his body and opened his heart, Gu Yi's palm lightly touched his chest.

In the next second, the condensed soul floated out of the body, and the body that had become an empty shell also collapsed, lying on the soft carpet.

"Ready?" Withdrawing his palm, Gu Yi looked up at Shi Xiaolei who had become a soul, and confirmed to him again.

"Come on, I can't wait."

It is the first time to become this state, plus the upcoming journey...

Looking at Gu Yi, Shi Xiaolei's face was full of excitement, like a soul study student who just got the old man's ring and was waiting to unpack it and try it out.

"Then let's go." Nodding his head, Gu Yi pinched his hands and unfolded a complicated and mysterious magic circle.

The picture in front of me melted like a phantom, and then reshaped. In a blink of an eye, Shi Xiaolei was led by Gu Yi into the long river of time, and appeared in a vast void that cannot be described in words.

"How do you feel, is there anything uncomfortable?"

"It's okay." Nodding, Shi Xiaolei turned his head back and forth with a fascinated expression, observing the surrounding gorgeous: "It's more dreamy than I imagined, it really feels like a dream."

"Not everyone can get used to this feeling, which is one of the reasons why I chose Strange."

"I see." Recalling Strange's performance in the original plot, Shi Xiaolei nodded slightly with emotion: "Indeed, compared with others, his talent here is higher."

"The important thing is that he can keep his original intentions and never forget his responsibilities." While responding, Gu Yi waved his hand, led Shi Xiaolei into a branch, and unfolded a picture to him: "If you compare talent To become a small boat, one’s own will is the oars. Without a firm enough will, sooner or later one will get lost in this power and become a wandering soul who has lost himself.”

Hearing Gu Yi's words, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but think of another person: "That's why you gave up on Wanda and didn't choose her as your heir?"

"Yes." Gu nodded: "She is too sensitive. In addition, she has already been selected by others, which is one of the reasons why I have to give up on her."

While talking, Shi Xiaolei has already unfolded a picture in front of him.

Each picture corresponds to a future, and without exception, the protagonists in these pictures are Lilima.

After watching it for a while, Shi Xiaolei was both surprised and relieved.

"I really didn't expect that she would grow to this level." While heaving a sigh of relief, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but sigh: "This strength should not be much worse than that of Little Peter, right?"

"Not only her strength, but her kindness is also very commendable." While responding, Gu Yi switched the screen and picked out a scene to display in front of Shi Xiaolei's eyes: "Here, look."

Lilima in the picture is protecting a group of unarmed civilians.

Although it is not clear who her opponent is, judging from the intensity of the bullets and the fact that she did not hesitate to stand up and block the attack for civilians, she really has a bit of a superhero temperament.

"Don't worry." Sensing that Shi Xiaolei seemed a little worried, Gu Yi put away the screen, smiled and said in relief: "In the battle you saw just now, she only suffered a little skin trauma, and it was not life-threatening. And, that's just a possibility, not a certainty."

"Anyway, this girl won't become a time bomb, right?" Nodding, Shi Xiaolei retracted his gaze, turned to look at Gu Yi, and confirmed to her again.

"As long as you pay attention and treat her with the attitude you treat your family, the result will definitely not be what you worry about." Nodding, Gu Yi replied with a smile.

"Huh~, with your words, I am completely relieved now."

"Then let's go back? Or, do you want to watch it for a while?" With a noncommittal smile, Gu Yi asked casually.

"Forget it." Waving his hand, Shi Xiaolei replied without hesitation: "It's boring if there are too many spoilers. Besides, this place is a bit weird, and I don't like it very much."


The voice fell There was another change in front of my eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had returned to the quiet tea room before.

Pointing to the body lying on the ground, Gu Yi pointed out with a smile: "Just lie back, don't be nervous, it's almost like waking up from sleep."

"Let me try."

Following Gu Yi's instructions, Shi Xiaolei quickly integrated his soul into his body. There was no stagnation in the whole process, it was as natural as a fish slipping into the water.

When I opened my eyes again, I really felt like I had just woken up from a big dream.

Sitting up, looking at Gu Yi who had already returned to the coffee table and sat down, Shi Xiaolei smiled with reminiscence: "It feels quite fun, I have never had a similar experience."

"That's just this time." Gu Yi responded with a smile: "Let me do it again, I may not be able to do it."


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