Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 120: Some people are happy, some are worried

He has killed angels, killed demons, and even the so-called gods were kicked into the sun by himself and burned to ashes.

Since she had eaten and seen them, Sister Bei had some doubts in her heart about the strong men Shi Xiaolei described in her words, and did not fully accept and believe his evaluation.

And under the influence of Sister Bei, 2B and Kang Na were also a little suspicious.

"Don't believe it? Haha." Shaking his head, Shi Xiaolei simply stopped talking.

First of all, unless you have drawn out the Saiyan bloodline from the blind box, or directly summoned a character with this bloodline, it is impossible for Sister Bei and the others to witness the power of this race with their own eyes. Second, now, now It is to introduce the change capsule for 2B. The matter has nothing to do with Saiyans. No matter how much you say, it is meaningless.

Retracting the topic and turning his attention to the changing capsules again, Shi Xiaolei introduced with a smile: "There are sixteen capsules in total, and half of them are empty. Well, the instructions are here. After you study it, you will know what to do. Used. I want to focus on the other eight."

As a world-class enterprise, the Bulma family's company is very large. Of course, its business scope is not limited to changing capsules - from machinery manufacturing, to daily chemicals, to construction, catering, Retail, and even tourism, transportation, banking, etc., are involved. Whether it is the breadth of industry coverage or the thickness of capital, Bulma's company is even above Stark Industries in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

All departments must cooperate with each other. The larger the group, the more so.

The Bulma family's company is no exception.

"In this capsule, there is an aircraft." Picking up one of the capsules, Shi Xiaolei introduced to 2B with a smile: "According to the description in the manual, it can accommodate sixteen passengers. Because of the use of magnetic levitation technology to Reduce consumption, with full fuel, its range can reach 40,000 kilometers, which is a circle around the earth. Hehe, unless Stark replaces his private jet with the Ark reactor as an energy source, there is no one on earth. Aircraft can surpass it."

2B showed a very happy smile after taking the capsule.

Although I don't usually show it, it is undeniable that, as an intelligent robot, in the bones of 2B, there is a love for high-tech products.

"And this one, it has a boat in it. Emmm, it's a little too small, but its performance is pretty good. For example, I think it's very good for diving."

"This one contains a maglev car."

"This one..."

Aircraft with a passenger capacity of up to 16 people, boats with diving function, maglev cars with the shape of ordinary private cars, motorcycles that also use maglev technology, multi-functional high-horsepower agricultural tractors, comfortable and luxurious large RV, one-man mech for engineering, plus a three-bedroom house.

In these eight capsules with built-in contents, they all contain very practical 'big pieces'. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you have this set of capsules, even if you live in the remote mountains and forests, you can still live. very comfortable.

"... There are eight left, which you can use to store your favorite things. How about this gift, right?" Putting the capsules back in the box, Shi Xiaolei looked at 2B with a smile.

"Mmmm~!" The excitement was evident, 2B held the box in both hands and nodded vigorously.

"Are you looking for a place to try it?"


"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and pack up and go to the manor. The place is big and there are no outsiders, so it's just for you to try these capsules."

"it is good."

Accompanying 2B to the kitchen, they cleaned up the mess left after breakfast. When the two came out to dry their hands, Bayonetta and Kona had already changed their clothes and made the final preparations before going out.

She put on her coat, brought the cardboard box with the ingredients, and then asked Sister Bei for help, and brought the box with the fireworks.

It took some time to load the car, and by the way, I chatted with the two neighbors who happened to pass by. About ten minutes later, Shi Xiaolei started the engine and drove the three family members out of the parking lot under the small building, heading for Manor on Long Island.

It's a weekend, and the weather is good... Maybe there are more people going to the suburbs to relax, the traffic flow on the road is a little heavy, and the driving speed is a little slower.

"Do you listen to music?"

He asked a question. Before the three women could answer, Shi Xiaolei had turned on the car stereo on his own, took out a CD from the small compartment on the side of the driver's door, and put it into the player.

Press the play button.

The next second, cheerful gongs and drums rang out in the car, and festive and auspicious folk music, with a strong New Year flavor, entered the big guy's ears.

Maybe it's a bit tacky, but I'll tell you, this song is really good.

No, after less than half a minute of listening, the little girl Kang Na couldn't help but bluffed.

"...Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, a new look for the new year, everything goes well~"

The already festive is paired with Kang Na's milky and milky voice, which not only becomes more joyful, but also a little more cute and lively than before.

I didn't notice the passage of time at all, and the dawdling on the road for nearly an hour did not bring any irritability to the big guy... Although I haven't reached the manor yet, from now on, the family has begun to enjoy the New Year's Eve. Pleasure.

Some people are happy, and naturally some people are not happy.

Let's turn our eyes to the other side of the earth.

Russia, in a small remote town, is a backstreet that is so dilapidated it looks like a garbage dump.

The grim-looking man with tattoos all over his body, carrying a dim kerosene lamp in his hand, walked step by step against the whistling wind and snow.

The thick snow made a rustling sound. A string of crooked footprints, like a poisonous snake struggling to death before freezing to death, adorned the back of the big man.

Indistinctly, I heard the sound of firecrackers mixed in the snow. Ivan Vanke, who was half-drunk and half-awake, raised his right hand again and poured a big mouthful of vodka into his mouth.

The hot and stinging wine did not calm his mood, but made him even more angry.

At this time, a more violent north wind hit, and the ice ridges hanging under the eaves were broken, and when they fell, they hit Ivan Vanke's head.

Although it wasn't very painful, and it didn't cause any substantial damage to him, Ivan Vanke still cursed involuntarily, "Damn it."

Why do people who are laughing and laughing come to me, but need to endure such torment?

Recalling what his bedridden father once said, the anger in Ivan Vanke's eyes gradually turned into hatred, and a name came out of his mouth: "Tony...Stark..."

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