Plug-in Players In Marvel

Chapter 1113: treasure girl

The line is marked, but as a display, it is a photo corresponding to each character.

There is no such thing as "the wrong product", but such a display method is still somewhat deceptive, and it is more likely to cause misunderstandings.

No, after looking at it for a while, Shi Xiaolei suddenly reacted and noticed a detail that he had inadvertently overlooked—from the beginning to the end, there were only a few characters that could be exchanged, and it was not even enough to add up. The number of hands.

'No. 18, No. 19, Bidili, Kiki, Bulma, Lanqi... Well, it's still the old way. ’

After flipping through it again, Shi Xiaolei confirmed the guess in his heart, with a helpless and wry smile on his face that he didn't know how to evaluate.

Counting Bulma's mother, Guixianren's sister, the fortune-telling mother-in-law, and the Lanfang contestant who Sun Wukong met in the eight-athlete competition when he first participated in the martial arts meeting... Not to mention how much the sign-in value needs to be spent, Anyway, the characters that can be exchanged from the list are all women without exception.

'The Saiyans don't say anything. Bloodlines are so expensive that real people can't be replaced. ' Shaking his head, Shi Xiaolei subconsciously flipped the page, while he groaned involuntarily: 'But the Namekians and the like, you give me a chance. The Namekians just look sturdy, but they're not really men, so why can't they be replaced. It's just aliens, why are they so clear~. ’

That is, the system has no autonomous consciousness and is not an intelligent life form.

Otherwise, after hearing Shi Xiaolei's protest, he would definitely stop him with one sentence - it's not a man, but he's not a woman either.

In any case, Shi Xiaolei felt quite depressed after realizing the fact that he could only exchange bloodlines, not characters.

No, it should be said to be quite depressing.

Because according to such rules, he can't exchange for a Namekian who knows how to make Dragon Balls - it doesn't mean that he doesn't have enough sign-in value now, there is no chance this time, and he can try again next time when he has enough net worth. Instead, the possibility was interrupted at the root, making this operation an impossible bubble.

Combined with the reality that the exchange price of finished Dragon Balls is ridiculously high, this means that if Shi Xiaolei wants to obtain Dragon Balls, a causal item that can fulfill his wishes, there is only one operational way left.

That's right, there's no other way but to gamble with luck to open the blind box.

There is no precise number of what can be opened in the hemianopia box. It does not mean that only people and things in the world of "Dragon Ball" will appear.

There are dozens or hundreds of background worlds, or even more. If you want to draw something in the world of "Dragon Ball", it is a small probability event, and if you want to draw Dragon Ball among so many things, it is still one make a set of...

"Hey~~, I may not have any hope in this life." The more he thought about it, the more uncertain he felt, Shi Xiaolei couldn't help but sighed deeply and let out a sigh of regret and disappointment.

I was thinking about it in my head before, except for the moment when I confirmed that "Dragon Ball" was included in the eight pictures, because I couldn't control my excitement and shouted twice in surprise, Shi Xiaolei never made a sound.


Very sensitively caught Shi Xiaolei's sigh, and noticed the change in his expression. Cang Lanxing, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked aloud.


"I hear you sighing, what troubles you? Is there anything I can do?"

Whether it comes from the heart or not, that is another matter. Cang Lanxing's words are quite heart-warming for Shi Xiaolei at this moment.

However, thinking that the matter in front of him has not been completed and cannot stop halfway, Shi Xiaolei had to restrain his mind and waved his hand: "I'm fine, you are busy with yours, and I will call you if you need it."

"Okay, Master."

After responding to Blue Star's inquiry, Shi Xiaolei once again sank his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Although Blue Star's interruption was a bit abrupt and the timing was not right, Shi Xiaolei got a short rest between this entry and exit, and passively changed his mind. Originally, he was very depressed. It also calmed down a little.

It was this time of relaxation that made him suddenly think of a plan.

‘Yeah, why didn’t I think of that~. ’

'Although she has no combat power and can't be used on the battlefield, if she is allowed to engage in scientific research...'

'It's definitely not much worse than Tony, after all, that girl is also a super hero who can invent a time machine by herself. ’

‘Speaking of which, when Bulma made the time machine, the conditions seemed to be more difficult than Tony’s. That is a world that has been ravaged by two androids for more than ten years, and human beings are about to become extinct. When Tony invented the time machine, half the population of the earth was left, and the industrial manufacturing base was not affected too much. ’

'Not just time machines, but change capsules. Bulma, the heir to the Capsules Capsule, knows the technology. If she had her, there would be no need to exchange the technical data for making the Capsules. ’

'When it comes to the absorption and application of alien technology, the spaceship that Sun Wuhan and the others took when they rushed to Namek was transformed by Bulma. Compared with her old father, she seems to be a little more powerful. After all, the Saiyan's small spaceship has a sense of technology, and the earth's technology continues to develop, probably like that. As for the Namek spaceship that sent Piccolo to Earth, the style is obviously different. At first glance, it is known that it is not the same as Earth's and artificial humans. Although they have never come into contact with that field, they are still characters in the same world, and they have met each other before. With Bulma's ability, if she were to study for a while, she might be able to come up with the related manufacturing technology of androids. ’

'It's okay to use real people as materials for transformation, it's a big deal to give her a little more time, let her directly develop the kind of No. 16...'

‘It doesn’t need to be really as strong as 16, there is one tenth, no, one percent is enough. After all, No. 16 can suppress the existence of the first-stage Sharu, and the strength of the first-stage Sharu will not be inferior to No. 17 and No. 18. If it is a standard Saiyan, it is almost the same as a regular Super Saiyan. . ’

'The strength of Thanos is still far from the point where the physical body destroys the stars, let alone compared with the Super Saiyan, even Frieza is far inferior. At best, it was probably the level Piccolo had when absorbing that battle-type Namekian. Well, judging from the damage caused by the battle, it may even be only the level of the Ginuit team...'

‘Don’t think about it anymore, Bulma, Bulma~. ’

'I found it~! ’

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