Players please close your eyes

Chapter 413 413 Atmosphere

Chapter 413 413. Atmosphere

Qiao Mu looked at the few people arguing, feeling a little helpless.

Because everyone wanted to be the first to shoot and did not have a good strategy, their group was unable to start.

"It's better to draw lots. This is the fairest!" "What if you do something?" "Isn't there an absolutely fair method? This is a life-threatening game!"

Several people were talking about it, and they all wanted to be the first to shoot, but they couldn't convince the others.

Qiao Mu glanced at the side and saw that the reporter's grouping had already begun. Whether it was due to luck or some tricks, the reporter did not spend much effort to get to the first shooting position and fired. The empty gun is already stable.

Seeing the scene in his group, Qiao Mu thought for a while and said.

"Actually, there is no advantage in being the first one."

The people in the dispute stopped arguing after hearing Qiao Mu's words.

"You think, although the first person to shoot has the lowest chance of being shot, it is still one in six. If the first person to shoot is directly hit, wouldn't everyone be relieved?"

After hearing Qiao Mu's words, the people in their group looked at each other.


One of them murmured.

"This game is not about selecting the winner, it is about selecting the eliminated person, so as long as you are shot, you will be immediately disqualified. Isn't it best to avoid shooting?"

Qiao Mu spoke again.

"We use all the chips to skip shooting and it will take ten rounds. The probability of being shot is one-sixth, multiplied by two. In other words, the first person to shoot in ten rounds will definitely have one or two people who will be shot. You guys Aren’t you worried about getting shot?”

Qiao Mu's words caused the expressions on everyone's faces to change.

At this time, gunshots were heard from the other side.

"How, how could it be possible? I am obviously the first."

The first person in that group to shoot was so unlucky that he was shot directly.

Others in the same group were gloating because this meant they were promoted.

"No way, no way you are cheating, you are cheating!"

The man was hysterical and did not dare to admit reality.

"See, it's a gamble."

Qiao Mu said calmly and then continued to speak.

"Furthermore, you said before that you could cheat in the lottery, so if I were a foreigner, why would I cheat in the lottery? I just need to cheat when you shoot. Everyone will know who is the first to shoot. People have the advantage, so wouldn’t it be more convenient to directly manipulate the revolver, tricking you into shooting first, and then getting shot? "

His words not only made the entire group feel sad, but also made the people next to him feel sad.

The game that seemed to have a sure way to win suddenly became confusing again.

Several groups of people became aware of this and became afraid to shoot, so they could only pay chips to skip themselves.

After all, this is not a normal gambling game.

In an ordinary gambling game, if you lose, you just give money.

But in this bet, if you lose, you will lose your life.

In ordinary gambling, if you are told that there is a one-sixth chance of losing everything, you will only think that the probability of making money is quite high.

The current gambling game tells you that there is a one-sixth chance of dying, so no one can take such a risk.

What's more, those present are all able to collect one million tickets. They are all outstanding people in the old city. They have great careers outside and are not the kind of desperadoes who have nothing. They are even more afraid of death.

Su Hong looked at them from the side and felt that Qiao Mu was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

After all, with Qiao Mu's weird abilities, there would be no problem in getting through.

Now Qiao Mu said so much in a serious manner, just to make the situation more chaotic and obtain more information.

For example, whether some strangers will do something secretly because of this, who have personal connections with each other, and even how much the organizer is worth.

"In this case, I propose that I can be the first to shoot, but let others use the revolver. I will not touch the pistol at all. Similarly, the person who fired the gun must also let the next person shoot. ”

Seeing everyone's hesitation, Qiao Mu said.

Several people looked at each other and agreed to the plan.

The judge of their group put the bullet in and rotated the magazine. In the blink of an eye, they no longer knew which magazine the bullet was in.

The Black Ax Gang member beside Qiao Mu picked up the revolver, raised the muzzle and pointed it at Qiao Mu.

[He changed the bullet secretly. This despicable and shameless villain, you are going to suffer! 】

Words as red as blood emerged from the black hole of the gun.

It was obvious that the Black Ax Gang member took advantage of the opportunity to twist the magazine while receiving the gun, and moved the slot containing the bullet to the muzzle of the gun.

As long as he shoots, Qiao Mu will give out five chips, thus falling into a desperate situation.

"Wait a moment."

Qiao Mu suddenly raised his hand.

The Black Ax Gang member was stunned and did not react.

"I decided to skip shooting this time."

Qiao Mu took out a chip.

"What did you say?"

The man frowned. He didn't know why Qiao Mu suddenly said that. He thought maybe Qiao Mu had discovered that he had cheated.

"I only said I was the first one, but I didn't say I would definitely shoot."

Qiao Mu said innocently.


The member of the Black Ax Gang put away the gun in silence and handed it to the next person.

"I'll skip it too."

He handed a chip to the hooded adjudicator.

Seeing that the two people in front just paid their chips to skip, the people behind didn't dare to shoot at all, so they paid their chips to skip.

At the end of the round, everyone's chips are reduced by one.

And Qiao Mu became the last person.

In the second round, the referee spins the magazine again and prepares to hand it to the participant.

At this time, Qiao Mu suddenly raised his hand again.

"I feel that the measures we took just now are not safe enough. It is better to just let the adjudicator take the shot without any of us touching it. This is more fair, isn't it?"

The others looked at each other and agreed with Qiao Mu's opinion.

The man from the Black Ax Gang wanted to say something, but he was also worried that Qiao Mu might do something sexy. Thinking about it, this was indeed the easiest way.

Moreover, now that he occupies the first position, everyone's chips are the same, so theoretically he still has an advantage.

Just choose to shoot.

He came to the judge and was about to let him shoot, but suddenly, the man saw the expression on Qiao Mu's face.

Qiao Mu was looking here with a gloating smile.

".Is it a scam?"

The people in the Black Ax Gang suddenly became nervous.

He thought about what had just happened.

Qiao Mu suggested that the next person should take the shot, and then he seemed to realize that he was doing something wrong and chose to pay the chips to skip. It looked like he had some plan.

Now, although everything is handled by the adjudicator, there is no guarantee that Qiao Mu will have any means.

The Black Ax Gang member frowned slightly. He thought for a moment and decided not to take this risk.

"I'll skip it."

He took out a chip and handed it to the referee.

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