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Chapter 379 379 Degrees of Freedom

Chapter 379 379. Degree of freedom

"It's interesting."

He He has also played many similar games. Some focus on human history, from primitive tribes to the Renaissance, while others look to the future and target the stars and the sea.

But in most games, players control the construction of civilization and the humans inside to build things.

But in this game, the only thing players can't control are these primitive people.

He He played for a while, and she quickly figured out the core gameplay of the game.

That is a battle of wits and courage with these unscrupulous people.

As the god of this world, He He can control everything, but he cannot control the thoughts of the humans. If you want them to develop civilization quickly, you cannot directly instill knowledge. You can only attract the attention and curiosity of these humans through certain actions. Only then can it develop gradually.

Of course, as a god, He He could also directly cause earthquakes and tsunamis to destroy this civilization in a fit of rage.

But if you want civilization to develop, you cannot use brute force.

"I'll see what I can add."

He He paused the game and looked at the elements that could be added.

She didn't know it until she saw it, but when she saw it, she was shocked.

In addition to common natural disasters, she can also cause man-made disasters, such as so-and-so accidentally killing so-and-so, coconuts from the trees being blown down by the wind and killing people.

"Could this kind of accident also contribute to the development of civilization?"

He He couldn't help but be curious.

Beyond that, there's something even more outrageous.

He He could add all kinds of alien monsters to this world, so that instead of elephants and lions wandering around on the grassland, there would be giant eight-legged spiders and moths the size of fighter jets.

She can also guide people in this world to discover extraordinary powers and build a supernatural civilization.

"The degree of freedom is quite high."

He He decided to do something different and not take the usual path.

She first added the event of insect invasion, which increased the oxygen content of the entire environment, and a large number of giant mutated insects appeared on the ground.

Then extraordinary factors were added, and mutated genes were added to the newborns.

Ten minutes later, He He saw that the tribe she created had grown to 100,000 people, and there were many extraordinary people among them. Some were extremely powerful, some could petrify themselves and become hardened, and some could take food from the air. Things, pay attention to a variety of tricks.

Then, these people began to develop independently.

After all, the resources that 100,000 people need to consume are not of the same magnitude as before. As early as the stage when the tribe had hundreds of people, they began to explore the surroundings. Now, with 100,000 people, they have already opened up several colonies.

Because the distance was too long, communication could not rely on shouting. Many colonies had to walk for several days if they wanted to say a word. Gradually, as they continued to expand, gaps appeared.

He He saw that a new prompt appeared on the screen.

[In 959, human languages ​​diverged, regional differences became subtle, and the concept of nation began to emerge. 】

"This is about distinguishing countries."

He He continued to observe in the acceleration mode and saw that the tribes near the sea used palm trees and coconut trees to build houses, while those in the mountains and forests had stilted buildings suspended at a certain distance from the ground. The differences between different tribes were getting bigger and bigger. , the language is also very different.

She can pause and view all of this at any time. Due to the excellent picture quality and detail, she can even freeze the camera on a room and watch the family's daily life.

"Too thin."

He He actually did this, and she discovered that the family's life patterns were different, as if they were real living people instead of NPCs generated by the system.

Others say that "characters have their own lives", and most of the time they are yin and yang or ridicule, but this game seems to be able to really observe the way of life of human beings in such a historical period.

At this time, He He saw that she could enlighten these humans in the form of dreams. She tried it out of curiosity and found that she could input the content herself.

After thinking about it, He He decided to live a whole life.

Since she is the owner of a funeral company, she naturally wants them to treat death well.

"Death is a very important thing and should be treated well."

After inputting, He He observed and found that the family immediately found the tribe leader the next day and told them what they had dreamed about last night.

The clan leader quickly summoned everyone to study, and everyone was talking about it.

He He felt very happy watching them quarreling and quarreling because of his casual words.

After watching the fun, He He returned to acceleration mode.

After a few minutes, she saw that after several generations, the tribe that had received the "enlightenment" had begun to develop a civilization of belief in death.

In this tribe, once a person dies, a ritual that lasts for several days is performed, and their internal organs are taken out and packaged in containers. The concept of reincarnation also arises. When the tribe leader dies, A larger burial ceremony would also be held. In order to determine which day was suitable for burial, a simple calendar was specified based on the height of the sun, climate, tides and other factors.

At the same time, they lived in the cemetery, where their dead family members were buried under the house, and jars containing their entrails were placed in neat rows in the house for regular worship.

"It's a bit scary."

He He couldn't help but touch his cheek. This primitive civilization's worship was still a bit weird and scary, full of barbarism and ignorance.

Just like looking at the cultural relics in Sanxingdui when she was a child, those alien-like masks also gave He He nightmares when she slept at night.

"Look at other civilizations."

He He switched lenses.

Soon, she discovered that the other tribes did not seem to be developing as fast as the tribe she had inspired. They were still in the early stages of agricultural civilization. Everyone lived in houses made of dirt and weeds. There were no rituals or the concept of a calendar.

"Could it be that the pursuit of a way to die led to the development of civilization?"

Time accelerated, and He He saw that the tribe he had inspired had grown and quickly became the strongest on the planet. The family who had received the inspiration later inherited the entire tribe, and the hunting and fighting abilities were transferred from the original throne. The strongest person becomes a bloodline inheritance and is followed by aristocratic families.

Because the offspring may not necessarily have powerful powers, they also developed the custom of adoption, taking in some members who were born with powerful powers as their adopted children.

They also regularly hold tribe-wide ceremonies to publicize the oracles and revelations they received during this period.

Although, He Hezhong never sent any further revelations to them.

"Quite good at it."

He He commented.

She felt that the magic sticks in the tribes in the past had probably never heard any oracles, and they were all made up. It was a blessing that they had been able to deceive them for so many years and establish a new order.

However, from this point, He He saw that faith still played a very important role in the development of early human civilization.

At this time, a line of small words appeared on the screen.

[In 2856, the first human country was born, and the history of disputes began to repeat itself. 】

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