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Chapter 377 Boss 377, I want a bowl of beef noodles

Chapter 377 377. Boss, I want a bowl of beef noodles

Qiao Mu has always felt that a person's power has its limits.

No matter how you study, no matter how you expand, personal power has its end.

Unless you stop being a human being.

If you become a god, or in other words, become a high-computing robot like a camera head, which can control more than a dozen galaxies at the same time, maybe you can find the answer.

Even so, the camera head said that A Guang's civilization could not escape from the planet in the end. It was a conclusion reached after countless calculations. Qiao Mu did not know whether there were errors in such calculations.

When he was surfing the Internet before, he saw other people's popular science videos mentioning that predictions of the future itself will also change the future. This is called the observer effect. He doesn't know if it is true, but the calculations of the camera head may also do it. influence the future.

For example, if it calculates that it will be overthrown by its own creation in the future, it may not agree to Qiao Mu's proposal and directly silence the current human beings. Then the calculation will lose its accuracy.

But conversely, if Aguang's civilization really overthrows the camera head in the future, then they can also interfere with the past calculations so that the calculations of the camera head cannot obtain correct results.

So, no matter what, the camera head doesn't calculate that it will fail.

That's too far.

Qiao Mu doesn't think he is a smart person, he can even be said to be a dull guy. In terms of smartness, there must be many brains in this world.

Instead of thinking hard here alone, it is better to use everyone's strength.

As it happens, this can also improve the completion of the scene.

Thinking of this, Qiao Mu immediately called out the artificial intelligence.

"Little Love."

"Master, I'm here."

As always, the AI ​​responded immediately.

"You make this scene into a game and show it to me first."

Qiao Mu casually said that if such words came from the product manager's mouth, the development level would have to fight with the product.


But the artificial intelligence had no complaints and quickly started research and production.

Qiao Mu put the phone aside and did not pay attention to the production process.

He decided to go out and get something to eat.

Because he had said hello to the old woman next door before, saying that he was going on a trip and asking her not to worry, Qiao Mu was not reported missing.

He went downstairs. It was already dark outside, and it was just the time when everyone went out to look for food.

It was past the Lantern Festival at this time, the migrant workers had returned to work long ago, and even the university had started. Jiangcheng became lively and lively again, with fireworks in the world.

Qiao Mu was walking on the road and found that a small shop where he often ate was actually full. Many migrant workers ordered the same pork ribs rice cake to eat. This is a special food in Jiangcheng. Before, it was tepid. Only locals and early adopters could eat it. Many outsiders know how to order it, but I didn’t expect it to be so popular now.

He can only eat next door.

Next door is Shaxian Snacks, which is quite popular on weekdays, but not many people are there now.

"Hey, the business next door is now good. Is this TV series so effective?"

As soon as he walked in, Qiao Mu heard the boss complaining.

On the TV in the store, a TV series set in Jiangcheng is still playing. It seems to be a popular TV series recently, and many people are following it.

"Boss, I want a bowl of beef noodles."

Qiao Mu blurted out.

The boss looked at him.

"How about you stop thinking about what kind of store we are?"

"Oh, sorry, I'd like a chicken leg rice with a poached egg."

Qiao Mu has stayed in the school for so long that he almost thought this was Lanzhou Ramen and his boss was about to sing a hymn of loyalty to him.

After sitting and waiting for a while, Qiao Mu also watched a TV series for a while, which was indeed pretty good.

After dinner, he took another walk.

When he got home, Xiao Ai reminded him that the production of the game had been completed.

Qiao Mu immediately asked her to transfer these things to the computer.

Sitting in front of the computer, Qiao Mu opened the game.

This is a game that can be played on mobile phones, computers, and game consoles. After clicking in, because Qiao Mu didn't name it, the name on the title screen was garbled.

Clicking on the game, Qiao Mu saw that this was a civilization development game. Players could choose the initial conditions of the planet, start from a small civilization, and continue to develop.

At first glance it looks like the Civilization game.

Qiao Mu played first.

Soon, he discovered that this game was much more hardcore.

To put it simply, ordinary farming development games actually simplify the history and add some elements that add to the gameplay, such as other tribes competing with players, wild monsters and random events.

But in this game, most elements can be controlled by the player.

The player is like a god, and can freely control everything from the weather of the entire planet, geological changes, even meteors and comets, the movement of stars, to the behavior of beasts, and even personal revelations.

However, there is only one thing that cannot be controlled.

That is the behavior of people here.

To put it simply, humans in this game cannot be controlled by players. Players can only subtly influence humans through various means, including but not limited to dropping revelations in human minds like gods, or using great power to reshape the terrain. , add some extraordinary monsters to this world, etc.

From this perspective, this game is a game of wits and courage between humans and computers.

Qiao Mu quickly tried it.

A few hours later, Qiao Mu felt quite satisfied as he looked at the civilizations that had developed technology but competed with each other for resources.

At this time, he adjusted the parameters of the sun, advancing the aging process of the sun by billions of years, and then continued to accelerate.

After a while, Qiao Mu discovered that people in this world quickly discovered the problem with the sun. By the time he saw it, the humans here had developed strong aerospace technology and were preparing to escape from the sun.

Qiao Mu watched their struggle with interest.

It's a pity that these humans didn't build a planetary engine to push the entire planet away.

After a while, the sun aged and expanded, swallowing up the surrounding planets, and the planet where the civilization was located was also destroyed because it failed to develop the corresponding technology in time.

"If there is a crisis, the speed of development will indeed accelerate."

Qiao Mu concluded.

He joked again, this time he inspired the humans here from the beginning and left behind all kinds of extraordinary beasts. Soon, the humans here developed some kind of supernatural civilization. Unfortunately, later on, the civilization Civil war broke out and it was destroyed.

"It seems that all endings are destruction. Isn't there something that continues forever?"

Qiao Mu thought for a while and found that no matter what he did, these civilizations would be destroyed. The difference may only be that some civilizations can last tens of thousands of years, and some can last hundreds of thousands or millions of years.

"Will mankind eventually be destroyed?"

He felt like he had discovered a blind spot.

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