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Chapter 337 337 I’m so sad that you didn’t reply right away

Chapter 337 337. I’m so sad that you didn’t reply right away

Su Hong was probably busy and did not reply to the message immediately.

Qiao Mu looked at the unlucky guy hanging on the street lamp and decided to eat first.

He and the little witch came to a pickled fish shop in a nearby commercial plaza. It was half an Internet celebrity shop. If it was any slower, they would have to queue up to get a number.

It would be better to say that you have to queue up everywhere in Jiangcheng, queue up to eat, queue up to see a doctor, even if you have to wait in line to go through the procedures on the computer after being expelled, you still have to queue up.

On the way, Qiao Mu also looked at the street lights.

Because there were usually some people hanging on the street lights occasionally, so Qiao Mu was used to seeing them and didn't pay attention. Now that there was something wrong, Qiao Mu would naturally pay more attention to it.

He noted down what these people looked like.

While waiting in line, Qiao Mu checked it on his mobile phone.

Because Su Hong previously investigated disappearance cases, there was no news from many wealthy people, including Song Hengtai of Hengtai Group.

Some people speculated that they were absconding out of fear of crime, but since the beginning of the year, at least 30 people have disappeared, and none of them have been found so far. It cannot be such a coincidence.

According to Su Hong's investigation, this must be an abnormality.

If you want to ask why Qiao Mu knew that the man hanging the street lamp was related to the case Su Hong was responsible for, it was because Qiao Mu had met this unlucky guy before.

This man is the owner of a leather factory. He was in the news once when he seemed to have a dispute with workers.

Qiao Mu checked the news.

It turned out that the worker died suddenly on the way to get off work due to fatigue caused by working overtime. The boss did not want to compensate, so he found a lawyer to defend him. Because we are now in the Internet age, the workers went online to ask for help at home, which caused trouble for a while.

Of course, this was a small case, and it wasn't even on the hot searches. Qiao Mu only found it because he was a veteran of surfing the Internet.

And now, regardless of compensation or not, the boss has been hung from the street light.

The boss's disappearance case investigated by Su Hong also came to a conclusion.

"It turns out that the missing people were all hung up on the street lamps. This is very unique."

Qiao Mu finished ordering and while waiting for the food to be served, he used his mobile phone to check the information of several missing persons.

Because Qiao Mu had seen a few people hanging on street lamps before, but he didn't recognize them. Now when he saw the faces of the missing people, they all agreed.

"No wonder Xiaohong never found out the result. It turned out that he couldn't see it."

Qiao Mu remembered that when she and Su Hong met for the first time, there was a guy hanging on the street lamp. Su Hong obviously couldn't see it at that time, which could explain a lot of things.

"But why does Anomaly want to cause trouble for these rich people? Does Anomaly also hate the rich?"

While Qiao Mu was thinking to herself, the little witch puffed up her cheeks.

"I say, don't look at your phone when you're dating a cute girl."

She was slightly dissatisfied with Qiao Mu's behavior of studying her mobile phone. If the boys kept playing with their mobile phones while dating girls, the other party would definitely be unhappy as well.

"Look over there, is there anything on the streetlight?"

Qiao Mu pointed to the Western-style street lamp outside the window and asked.

"There are street lights."

The little witch didn't know why.

"That's okay."

Qiao Mu estimated that the depth of this abnormality was quite high, and even Su Hong and the little witch couldn't see it.

He sent another WeChat message to Zhou Mingke.

[Qiao Mu]: Boss, I found that there are some rich people hanging on the street lamps, which may be related to Su Hong’s case.

Zhou Mingke did not reply immediately.

It seems that these two people are not the kind of people to play with their mobile phones during meetings.

In this case, Qiao Mu could only put down the phone.

The pickled fish was also served just in time.

In addition to fish, Qiao Mu also ordered short crispy pork, grilled chicken wings, roasted pepper preserved eggs, and two bowls of rice.

"What is this? It smells weird."

The little witch's nose twitched slightly as she sniffed the roasted pepper and preserved egg.

"It's a preserved egg."

Qiao Mu explained it, but the little witch probably couldn't understand it just by talking.

"You'll know after you taste it."

He pushed the preserved egg with roasted pepper towards the little witch.

Unlike Bai Lian, this girl from a foreign country seems to be quite resistant to things that exude a wonderful smell.

"I won't eat something that smells like a toilet, and you're not allowed to eat it either. Don't let the smell get into my mouth later!"

The little witch spoke righteously, as if she was a parent who was doing her best for her children.

"Why does the taste pass into your mouth when I eat it?"

Qiao Mu was puzzled. He picked up the chopsticks and took a taste. It was indeed a normal taste. Of course, Qiao Mu was not sure whether the spiciness was too exciting for the little witch.

"Why did you still eat it?"

The little witch paused when she saw Qiao Mu taking it into her mouth, as if there was nothing wrong with it.

"I'm just going to have a taste. Anyway, you've eaten it too. Then all these dishes will have the taste of this thing. It's true."

Immediately, he stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a translucent preserved egg, and put it into his mouth as if he had made a huge determination.

Chew, chew, chew—

The little witch swallowed the preserved egg.

"It seems like the surprise tastes pretty good."

She said somewhat reluctantly.

"I believe in the wisdom of our ancestors. If something handed down from ancient times is unpalatable, it must be because the people at that time had their own serious illness."

Qiao Mu said, he did not mean to name Douzhi.

Remembering that the last time she ate at this restaurant was with Du Ruo and the others, Qiao Mu couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

After having enough wine and food, Qiao Mu's cell phone vibrated at the right time.

He glanced at it and saw that it was Su Hong's reply.

[Su Hong]: Where are you now? I’ll look for you.

[Qiao Mu]: [Positioning]

[Qiao Mu]: Xiaohong, you didn’t reply to me right away, I’m so sad.

[Su Hong]: I'll be there in half an hour.

It would take half an hour before Qiao Mu saw Su Hong arrive, so he wanted to find a place to kill time.

Obviously, it is not a good choice for them to stay in the restaurant and occupy seats after they have finished eating.

"There's a claw machine downstairs, do you want to play?"

So, Qiao Mu asked casually.

"Do you think I'm a little girl? How could I be tempted by a claw machine?"

The little miko folded her hands and turned away.

"Then I won't play anymore."

Qiao Mu looked at her phone, looking for other ways to pass the time.

"wanna play."

The little witch said immediately.

"Do you know there is a saying that pride ruins a life?"

Qiao Mu put down her phone.

"What, you said I'm a tsundere? How could I be a tsundere? Don't let the animation get into your head, brother!"

The little miko hummed like a female imp.

The two came to the video game store on the first floor. The little witch was still looking for game currency, and Qiao Mu pointed at the QR code.

“Now it’s all about scanning the QR code to pay.”

Praise technology.

The little witch scanned the code and immediately started grabbing the doll.

Obviously, she was not an expert at catching dolls, and she tried several times in a row but failed.

Qiao Mu stood aside and watched.

A good way for girls to kill time without having to walk is to catch dolls. Qiao Mu learned this from the Internet.

Just when the little witch may have triggered the guarantee mechanism, grabbed a seal doll, and cheered, Su Hong arrived.

"Where are you talking about?"

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