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Chapter 304 304 People are not afraid of death, so why should they be afraid of death?

Chapter 304 304. People are not afraid of death, so why should they be afraid of death?

"Sister Jianjia, I have a question."

Qiao Mu asked Jian Jia from a distance.

"You said just now that you had no choice but to eat Tai Sui in order to fight against the alien beasts. Is that true?"

Jianjia nodded.

"After doing this, you couldn't come back to your senses and talk to each other, so you established a village, which continues to this day. In order to survive, you did those taboo behaviors, right?"

Qiao Mu confirmed again.

"We wouldn't do this if we didn't have to. Who wants to be such a monster?"

Jianjia sighed.

"Then why don't you choose to die?"

Qiao Mu suddenly asked.


Jian Jia was stunned by Qiao Mu's words. After all, this question was not something a normal person would ask.

"I mean, wouldn't it be nice for you to live a normal life, age, die, and then pass the village on to the next generation? Why do you have to pursue immortality? If you don't pursue these, then you don't have to bear the risk of becoming a monster. There are no risks, and there is no need to do these taboo things.”

Qiao Mu explained.

Penglai people are not the kind of people who will die if they don't eat Tai Sui for one day. Although theoretically, they are already in the shape of Tai Sui, but they can grow and age normally for the time being.

The biggest problem is that he will not die, he will suffer easily when he gets old, and he will become a demon.

But the people here are all death judges. They have mastered a method that can make Penglai people die safely and painlessly. In this case, everyone can live a normal life. When they are old enough, they can ask their colleagues to do a favor and get relief directly. Wouldn't it be nice?


Jianjia was speechless for a moment.

Indeed they can.

But who would do this?

Would anyone choose to give up when faced with the possibility of immortality?

Why should I die and let future generations live?

She couldn't understand Qiao Mu's way of thinking.

When Qiao Mu saw that Jian Jia couldn't answer, he didn't take advantage of the victory and pursue it aggressively.

This is not the Internet. If you spray the enemy so much that they break their defense and blacklist you, you will be considered a victory.

Qiao Mu had no intention of occupying the moral high ground, he was just out of curiosity.

It's a pity that people can do anything in order to live forever.

Of course, this also has something to do with the world we live in.

If you were to interview people from Qiao Mu's world, maybe four or five out of ten would not accept such immortality.

Just like interviewing passers-by, if you had 1.5 billion in cash, would you donate 1.3 billion to benefit poor children? Many people may have nodded without thinking, and changed the question to what if you You have 100 yuan, and would you like to donate 90 of it to poor children? Most people will refuse immediately.

Because Penglai people can really live forever.

At least the First Emperor lived for more than 40,000 years and still firmly controlled the highest power in Penglai. Who could not be fascinated by it?

"Sister Jianjia, I have another question. Now that you have learned the secret of Tai Sui, have you never thought of telling the world about it, so that everyone could raise a rebellion against the First Emperor, rush to the capital of God, and kill the dog emperor? "

Qiao Mu asked again.

As we all know, the basis of Penglai Emperor's rule was the monopoly of Tai Sui, the elixir of life.

In the past, no one rebelled because they didn’t know how to produce Tai Sui or how to make elixir.

Now if the people of Suiming Village tell all this to the world, it will definitely shake the foundation of the First Emperor's rule, and an uprising may even break out. After all, there are many people like Qianyun in Penglai's violent organization, the Changsheng Palace, who are struggling and working hard in exchange for The existence of the elixir.

Qiao Mu has no idea of ​​seeking benefits for the people of Penglai. He just feels that the more chaotic the world is, the easier Qianyun will be in the future.

If she just went back like this, she would most likely be tortured by the Palace of Eternal Life as Jian Jia said, and even use some means to extract her memories without even needing to confess.

And if the world is in chaos, let alone whether the rule of the First Emperor can really be overthrown, at least the Changsheng Palace will not have the time to arrest Qianyun.

It's worthy of her help along the way.

".what are you saying?"

Jian Jia hesitated for a moment before understanding what Qiao Mu said.

This was an idea that she had never thought about, and had never even been mentioned in the books she had read.

Here, Qiao Mu actually didn't consider the actual local situation.

You know, the First Emperor of Penglai has been in power for more than 40,000 years. Not to mention the ordinary people below, even the death judges of the Palace of Eternal Life or those long-lived ministers have changed several times.

After a long period of time, what needs to be covered up, what needs to be concealed, what needs to be concealed, what needs to be known by the public has been dealt with long ago.

In Qiao Mu's world, if you want to understand the history of 40,000 years ago, it's all archeology of prehistoric civilization.

Therefore, people like Jianjia and Qianyun have no idea that there is such a thing as rebellion in this world.

To them, the First Emperor was like the mountains and flowing water, unchanging, something that existed in the past, exists now, and should exist in the future.

You can't talk about concepts like uprising, revolution, and rebellion with a Penglai person, just like you can't discuss mutants with people from the Three Kingdoms period of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Noticing this, Qiao Mu suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Sister Jianjia, have you ever thought about why you have to work hard for hundreds of years to get the elixir of life, while people rush to feed the children of high officials and nobles the elixir of life as soon as they are born?"

He started to lie.

"Think about it, people with different life spans cannot intermarry. The children of those in high positions are born with longer life spans than you. Why?"

"The First Emperor neither has the power to create Tai Sui, nor can he really rely on himself to live forever. He just drank hundreds of bottles of elixir more than you. Why can he enjoy the blessings, but you can only live in this small mountain village and eke out an ignoble existence?" Are you reduced to cannibalism?"

Listening to Qiao Mu's words, the villagers fell into silence.

They are thinking.

Because what Qiao Mu raised were questions that existed objectively but they had never thought about.

Just like humans would never think about taking off the moon, Penglai people never thought about what would happen if the First Emperor was no longer around.

Similarly, Penglai people live long lives and think quickly.

They don't expect it, they just have never heard of the concept, but once they start to understand it, they can quickly analyze the pros and cons.

Compared with Qiao Mu's world, the biggest difference here in Penglai is that everyone is immortal.

If the people are not afraid of death, why should they be afraid of death?

When the secret of Tai Sui, the elixir of life, was cracked, there was no way to blackmail others in Shendu.

The more he thought about it, the more Jianjia felt that there was a lot to be done in this.

She gradually understood everything.

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