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Chapter 276 276 The Second Fusion

Chapter 276 276. The second fusion

When a scene reaches 90% completion, Qiao Mu can choose to merge it with another scene to create a new scene.

During this process, mutations of varying degrees may occur.

For example, his current [Funeral Parlor Happy Event] is a fusion of [Funeral Parlor Rules] and [Old Fang Youxi], which allows him to manifest a ghost bride similar to his clone, Ah Hui.

Because the ability of [Amusement Park] is to create those dolls, and it is related to [Mechanical Heart], so although it was obtained later, the completion level of [New Year's Eve] increased faster.

Qiao Mu first placed [New Year's Eve] as the second fusion material.

【Dawn of Omnics】

[On this barren land, the end of one civilization is the dawn of another. 】

[The eternal grand parade sows the seeds of hope, and the cry of the newborn brings new rules. This time, human beings will be redefined. 】

[No matter what, life will always find a direction. 】

[Under the influence of [Brilliance], this scene may produce a mutation of intelligence and self-awareness. 】

[Under the influence of [Feng Rang], this scene may produce fertilization mutations, and unexpected additional mutations may occur. 】

"Sure enough, the scene [New Year's Eve] is [Feng Rang]'s hometown. No matter how you add it, there will be unexpected changes."

Qiao Mu muttered, moved it away, and placed [Sudden Rain] where the materials were fused.


[What is immortality? Things that last forever can be called immortal. Things that are passed down through the ages can also be called immortal. Those who innovate with the old and bring forth the new without changing their original intentions are also immortal. 】

[In the precarious amusement park, the answer is being sought, and no one knows the cause and effect. 】

[Only the first clearing after the rain and the first cry from life reveal the answer. 】

[Under the influence of [Brilliance], this scene may produce a mutation of intelligence and self-awareness. 】

[Under the influence of [Quiet], this scene may undergo an essential mutation and become a completely new scene. 】

"It's better not to touch Ah Xin for the time being. It would be embarrassing if it disappears."

Qiao Mu thought to herself that the sudden change of [Quietness] was really disturbing, especially when there was consciousness that could be relied upon in these scenes. No one knew whether A Xin would still exist after the fusion.

The chosen ones who are connected to [Quietness] all have strange abilities. Qiao Mu thinks that this god is probably a fun-loving person at heart.

He moved [Sudden Rain] and put [Hell's Gate] up.

【Hell Amusement Park】

[Here are the most thrilling and indulgent entertainment projects that use life as a bet, and there are also projects that transcend all mundane things, just to reach the ultimate impact. 】

[Who said hell is only pain? In the paradise of immortality, mourning is also the most delicious condiment. 】

【No matter when and where you are, the amusement park always welcomes you. 】

[Under the influence of [Brilliance], this scene may produce a mutation of intelligence and self-awareness. 】

[Under the influence of [The End], this scene may undergo evolutionary mutations, increase in depth, and increase the degree of mutation. 】

"The mutation of [the end]?"

This was the first time that Qiao Mu saw an abnormal mutation related to [Endgame], which meant that [Hell Gate] should belong to the domain governed by the gods of [Endgame].

If [Quietness] is a strange and unpredictable flower life, then [The End] is a mysterious and unpredictable secret. Until now, the Chosen One has not been able to glimpse the true identity of the belief in [The End], nor do they know it. How on earth can it be called [the end]?

But now it seems that [Hell's Gate] represents a form of [The End].

Because Qiao Mu had used it to burn the gods of Hedao culture before, his completion level improved quickly.

If you think about it carefully, this kind of flame that can never be extinguished is indeed very consistent with the characteristics of the end of the world.

The mutation of [End Page] is also the simplest and easiest to understand, which is to strengthen this anomaly and allow it to undergo glorious evolution.

After thinking for a long time, Qiao Mu felt that, first of all, Ah Xin would not give priority to fusion. Secondly, the ability of [Hell Gate] is very suitable for his current stage. He may not be able to retain it after fusion, although there is a certain chance of passing [End Page]. 】The mutation is directly strengthened, but there is still a 50% probability of it being wrong, right?

There is no big guarantee for this fusion.

Well, there is only one answer.

Qiao Mu put [Amusement Park] and [New Year's Eve] together.

Click [Merge].

Suddenly, in Qiao Mu's field of vision, the words representing the names of the two scenes began to intertwine and tangle like reptiles, and soon a new word was outlined.

【Dawn of Omnics】

Qiao Mu closed her eyes.

He saw a grand procession of robots on the devastated land. Wherever they passed, the abandoned machines started to move as if they had been given a new life. From small screws to large scavenger robots, they all joined in. Team.

In a world where carbon-based life has become extinct, a new civilization begins.

The timer level triggers once, the transistor rectifies, fills the capacitor, and inputs the potential.

The timer level triggers twice, the switch is activated, the motherboard lights up, and the processor surges, breathing life into it.

The timer level triggers three times and the speaker buzzes in praise of love and death.

Qiao Mu saw a civilization born from the occasional unstable turbulence in the circuit. It was based on a small piece of error code, copied, spread, and grew, eventually spreading across the earth and looking up at the stars.

He felt a burning sensation in his pocket, reached out and touched it, and found that it was the [Mechanical Heart] from before.

The USB flash drive-like object floated into the air, automatically deformed, reorganized, and finally became virtual and flowed into Qiao Mu's mind.


Qiao Mu knew that a new scene had been formed.

[Dawn of Omnic Completion Level: 87%]

The power of [Mechanical Heart] has been completely integrated with him. Qiao Mu no longer needs to carry this item to use its ability to give life to metal.

Moreover, Qiao Mu can create any mechanical product he has ever seen out of thin air. The higher the scale and level of intelligence, the shorter the duration. However, he can also create metal products without intelligence and then make them alive by giving them life. Become a robot for your own use.

This is the effect brought about by the mutation of [Feng Rang]. Giving life itself is taboo, and this scene now has such taboo power.

As for [New Year's Eve]'s original music-related power, it has also been integrated into the machine. He can take out a speaker anytime and anywhere and repeatedly play those soul-stirring songs, no longer needing to use his waist to sing.

"Is this the biggest change?"

Qiao Mu raised his hand, and a head materialized in his palm.

This head looks like that of a woman, good-looking, but somewhat inorganic.

Suddenly, the head opened its eyes.

"Hello, are you my master?"

She spoke.

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