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Chapter 252 252 Engagement

Chapter 252 252. Engagement

"I will not eat."

Although the little witch swallowed, she still refused the crab legs handed over by Qiao Mu.

She sat at the next table, and there was only a glass of sparkling drink on the table.

"Are you here to have a feast without eating?"

Qiao Mu was curious.

"Are you still in the mood to eat?"

The little witch curled her lips.

"We have an old saying there, if you are not active in eating, you will have a brain problem."

Qiao Mu replied matter-of-factly that since the little witch didn't eat crab legs, he wouldn't be polite.

"But having said that, the food here is contaminated, so it's good for your health if you eat less."

"Is there pollution?"

The little witch looked at Qiao Mu's full plate suspiciously.

She didn't see the problem.


Qiao Mu nodded and thought about it again. Maybe the depth of these pollutions is actually quite deep, so they cannot be seen visually by ordinary people, or even ordinary chosen ones. Naturally, these pollutions cannot affect them. them.

"What kind of people do you think Tokugawa Kai people are?"

Qiao Mu asked the little witch again.

"Well, he's quite powerful. He's got the skills and knows how to bend down. At least no one in Wajima Taisha is willing to go against him."

The little miko took a sip of the sparkling water in the cup and said immediately.

"It's just that I can feel that he has great ambitions and is not the kind to be easily dealt with. The reason why he can remain relatively neutral now is just because the Toyotomi faction is too powerful and needs to be balanced."

To put it simply, the reason why the Tokugawa Kai people did not defect to the Toyotomi faction is because it requires a balance between all parties. If the Tokugawa Kai people defected, then he would always only have the second-ranked position in the Toyotomi faction, and as it is now With checks and balances, he can also have a chance to compete for the boss's seat.

"That's just right."

Qiao Mu thought it was very good.

It would be difficult to say that a Tokugawa Kai was a person with no desires or aspirations, or a person with lofty and noble ideals like Qiao Mu.

Qiao Mu once said in a movie that people have three weaknesses, one is the things they are afraid of, the other is the things they are good at, and the last is what they want.

As long as you can grasp any one of these three weaknesses, you can easily control the opponent.

For the Tokugawa Kai people, he was afraid that his current status would be taken away, and that the Toyotomi faction would grow stronger and completely annex Wajima Taisha Shrine, so he adopted the current attitude.

At the same time, he is good at maneuvering and controlling others, which will allow Tokugawa Kai people to have their own judgment and understanding on related matters.

Finally, he wants to become the supreme leader of Hedao culture, and even more power, this is what he wants.

Now that we have these, we can talk.

But I have to finish eating first.

Qiao Mu didn't want to waste the food on his plate.

Shameful waste!

While Qiao Mu was still devouring the food, Tokugawa Kairen suddenly seemed to have discovered something and walked towards Qiao Mu.

"Am I exposed?"

Qiao Mu frowned and saw the little witch at the next table sigh and stand up.

"Uesugi Miko, good evening."

The Tokugawa Kairen greeted the little miko with a much more respectful attitude than Qiao Mu had imagined. After all, according to perception, he should be the little miko's leader.

"Hello, Tokugawa Miyaji."

The little miko returned the favor, her expression serious and dignified, completely different from the girl eating pork cutlet rice in the internet cafe.

Around Tokugawa Kaito, those politicians and businessmen who had been trying to curry favor with him like dog-skin plaster saw Tokugawa Kaito's attitude and immediately looked at the little miko.

"Is this the daughter of the Uesugi family?"

"I've heard that she's the genius miko, right?"

"I didn't expect that Miss Uesugi is so beautiful that she would grace this banquet hall."

Such flattering words soon poured out to the little miko.

It is said that when a person achieves enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. If these people want to curry favor with the Tokugawa people, they naturally want to curry favor with the people around them.

Qiao Mu watched secretly while nibbling on the big lobster.

The little witch remained calm in the face of these compliments.

"I originally thought you wouldn't come over. After all, it's noisy here and I know you don't like it. I didn't expect to see you anyway. It really surprised me."

Tokugawa Kairen said again.

What he meant was probably to show that he understood the little miko very well, and the little miko came here specially for him.

Even Qiao Mu could tell that this guy probably liked the little witch.

"My father told me not to stay in the shrine all the time to practice, but to come out more and see the world."

The little miko explained calmly.

"Indeed, if you can't see the world, how can you see all sentient beings and finally get a glimpse of your true self."

Tokugawa Kaito chuckled and glanced at a man not far away who was also surrounded by others.

"Shi, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Environment is also here today. I will introduce you to him later. We will have a lot of cooperation with Shima Taisha and the Ministry of Environment in the future."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Palace Secretary."

The little miko silently put aside the relationship with the other party, and did not react when he was called by his first name. Instead, she returned the greeting with a respectful title.

Tokugawa Kairen quickly took the little miko to socialize with the deputy minister of the Ministry of Environment, while Qiao Mu was still eating.

Some of those who tried to curry favor with the Tokugawa Kai people before could not keep up, or saw that they could not get involved in the next level of the conversation, so they wisely stayed, got a few glasses of wine, and sat down at Qiao Mu's table. The next table.

"Who was that just now?"

Through the bright red text above his head, Qiao Mu learned that the person inquiring was a businessman. For secular businessmen like them, the Chosen Ones were very mysterious, let alone the personnel of Wajima Taisha Shrine.

"The youngest daughter of the Uesugi family. Uesugi is also one of the five families of Washima Taisha Shrine. The newly appointed palace minister is from the Uesugi family."

one politician explained.

"It's a pity that the Uesugi family made a mistake later. The current head of the family failed to inherit the position of palace minister, so the Tokugawa family took it. The Uesugi family has no male sons in this generation. It seems that it will gradually decline."

"Speaking of this, I remember that Tokugawa Miyaji was originally engaged to the Uesugi family's daughter. Could it be this miko?"

"That's not true. The betrothed of the Tokugawa Palace was the eldest daughter. Unfortunately, the eldest daughter and the second daughter died in an accident before. Now the Uesugi family only has one daughter, so the marriage may be delayed."

"I see, it is only a matter of time before these two families get married. The Uesugi family needs support, while the Tokugawa Palace Secretary needs the stability of Wajima Taisha Shrine."

"Would the Toyotomi family allow this to happen? I heard that they have accepted sponsorship from another group of Abandoned Capital Groups."

It’s always fun to eat melon, not to mention the delicacies from the mountains and seas that Qiao Mu eats with Bagua.

While listening, he identified their identities through the red letters on their heads, and felt that he got a lot of information.

At this time, Qiao Mu saw Tokugawa Kaito and the little miko leave the deputy minister of the Ministry of Environment and walk towards the private room on the side of the banquet hall.

Qiao Mu touched his mouth with the napkin on the table and stood up.

It's time to take action.

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