Players please close your eyes

Chapter 149 149 Just say it, right?

Chapter 149 149. Just say it, right?

The candle in Qiao Mu's hand attracted everyone's attention.

Noah saw that it was a yellowed candle that seemed to have been used for a period of time, and the wick could be seen.

He had seen real candles when he was very young.

You must know that most of the civilization products of Hongdao are extremely precious, not to mention items such as candles that they cannot produce and have little practical use.

Even so, at the first sight of this thing, Noah knew that it was not simple.

"This little thing?"

Captain Isaac just thought it was an ordinary candle and couldn't see anything strange about it.

"It does look different from the candles outside."

Enya stared at the candle in Qiao Mu's hand. The thing exuded a strange feeling. Just one look at it would make people indulge in it, as if their souls would be sucked out of it.

"Where did you get it?"

Noah asked again.

"It's not okay to steal things. You'll be thrown into the sea of ​​clouds to feed the fish."

Captain Isaac crossed his arms and seemed to understand.

"How can it be considered stealing when it comes to scholars? Just tell me if it's [Wind Candle]."

Qiao Mu didn't explain.

Noah took the candle and observed it carefully to confirm that it was correct.

"Yes, this is [Wind Candle]."

He returned it to Qiao Mu and then said.

"This candle can last for about three hours, and it shouldn't be of much use in crossing the World Veil."

"How can you tell this?"

Qiao Mu was curious. He didn't know how to use [Wind Candle] before, but now he was learning.

Being sensitive and eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask questions, this is one of Qiao Mu's seven virtues.

"The [Wind Candle] is made from the branches of the sacred tree. Under normal circumstances, lighting it requires burning the soul of the holder. Even the village chief will only light one when the most violent storm is coming to resist. For a short period of time, ordinary people like us, even if we burn out the rest of our lives, can only keep the [Wind Candle] burning for a whole day. "

Noah explained, in an understatement, seemingly unaware of what he had just said.

"Burn the soul. This is evil!"

Enya reacted fiercely, she said immediately.

"I heard on Iron Island that someone once came into contact with a taboo and learned the spell to control the soul. This candle is too evil."

As an orthodox daughter, she has no tolerance for such cruel and taboo things.

"Wait a minute, if this thing requires burning life to use it, then what do we need it for?"

Qiao Mu didn't understand.

If you wait until you use [Wind Candle] to cross the storm, you'll be dead too, that's completely meaningless.

"So I said that under normal circumstances, if it is blessed by the sacred tree, then the [Wind Candle] can rely on the power of the sacred tree to burn on its own for a period of time without us risking our lives."

Noah immediately explained.

"The length of this candle can only last for three hours even if we receive the blessing. Unless we are very lucky and choose to pass through the weakest part of the storm along the way, otherwise three hours will not be enough."

"How long does it take to cross the, uh, curtain of the world?"

Enya asked hurriedly.

"I don't know. Excluding those exploration teams that failed to come back, the team that left the furthest traveled through the World Veil for three days and still couldn't get out. I think even if the storm weakens, we can only rely on the navigation of the aerospace boat. , it will take more than ten days to get out of the World Curtain."

Noah spread his hands.

"It is precisely because of this that leaving the Storm Curtain was considered impossible. Since then, no one has ever mentioned leaving Rainbow Island."


The young man changed the topic.

"Compared with previous observations, the World Veil is currently in the contraction period, and the storm range is the smallest. This is also the reason why Enya and Xida can enter here after encountering the storm. It's just that such a situation is rare. It was similar last time The situation is still the same as when I picked up the captain. The last time may be traced back to the year I was born. If we want to survive the storm, we have to set off in these days. "

Qiao Mu thought for a while, and his assumption was reasonable.

After all, according to the typhoon he knew, the eye of the typhoon is actually a very small circle, and the outer storm may stretch for hundreds of miles. In the Valley of the Wind, the eye of the typhoon alone has such a large area that it can even accommodate a building. For such a huge island, the wind circle around it is probably even bigger.

Of course, Qiao Mu didn't understand why there was a small storm in the eye of the wind. He wasn't a student of exotic weather.

"Why don't we just go steal it?"

Captain Isaac whispered.


Noah was speechless.

"I have an idea. Since the blessing of the sacred tree can calm the storm, then if we burn the tree directly and then find a way to push the island outward, wouldn't we be able to safely pass through the storm?"

Qiao Mu had a sudden inspiration.

Since the ordinary [Wind Candle] cannot last that long and requires longer candles and more blessings, then just use this tree as a large [Wind Candle].

What supports the airship's flight is the Sky Stone, and the island is obviously able to float in mid-air because of the existence of the Sky Stone.

In this case, just start the Wandering Rainbow Island project, get some device that can push the island, and push the entire island and the sacred tree out of the curtain of the world.

".Are you serious?"

Noah felt that Qiao Mu might have broken his head in his dream just now.

"Putting aside whether this can be done or not, other people on the island don't want to leave here."

He said something. After the dream ended, more people came out of the house. You could see some passers-by in simple clothes. They would occasionally glance here, mainly to look at Enya and Axin, their eyes full of wariness. .

This place has been isolated from the world for hundreds of years. Everyone lives on the island. There are no heavy taxes, no wars and disputes, and no class or wealth. It is a real paradise. There is no need for them to leave the protection of the storm and go to a strange world. .


Qiao Mu was helpless.

"You can also coerce them."

Ah Xin said from the side at this time.

From the perspective of the Chosen One, in order to complete the mission, it is indeed possible to ignore the thoughts of the people on the island, and in the worst case, tie up or kill these people. Anyway, Qiao Mu’s mission is just to rush out of the thunderstorm, not to let the people on the island Everyone survived.

"Do I look like that?"

Qiao Mu immediately asked back, looking at Noah and Captain Isaac.

"I never coerced you, right?"

Captain Isaac and Noah looked at each other, just thinking that Qiao Mu was joking.

After leaving the village chief's house, they returned to Noah's house. After lunch, Ah Xin did not follow Captain Isaac to continue learning about aerostats, but instead met up with Qiao Mu.

The two of them came to the outer circle far away from the village. There were some low shrubs growing here, with round fruits on them. Qiao Mu was curious as to whether they could eat them.

"I already have a general understanding of the working mechanism of aerostats and aerial rocks. If you give me a boat, I should be able to pilot it."

Ah Xin said that it seemed that the method of controlling the ship was not difficult.

Of course, being able to sail a boat is not the same as being able to navigate a storm. They may still have an accident and fall into the sea of ​​clouds.

"As for the storm, don't worry, don't you have the [Wind Candle]?"

As if he had read through Qiao Mu's thoughts, Ah Xin continued to speak.

"But didn't Noah say it can only burn for a few hours?"

Qiao Mu didn't understand.

"You think, [Wind Candle] needs to burn the soul and use life as fuel, and I am immortal and have an endless lifespan, wouldn't it be just right?"

Ah Xin blinked, not even the slightest bit joking.

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